7 research outputs found


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    Pole vault jumping is one of the most complex athletic events. The level of each athlete on physical qualities are considered a condition sine qua non in achieving high-level results in pole vaulting. Determinate the specific speed parameters on the last part of the approach and grip characteristics of hardness and height used by the finalists in 2014 Senior National Championship. The speed parameters on last part of the approach were measured with Microgate Time Racer2, a device consisting of three pairs of placed photocells. Features of the poles used by the first three finishers in the National Championship Final were monitored during the competition. The first three finalists in 2014 Seniors National Championship Final, obtained specific speed parameters with values between 7.9 m/s and 8.8 m/s on the last 5 m of approach right before the take of phases and detachment. From the point of view of the used poles, they used poles with stiffness index, values between 75 kg and 82 kg. Grip heights were 4.50 m and 4.64 m. All these parameters led to crossing height between 4.85 m and 5.11 m by the first three finishers in the monitored contest. A higher value of speed parameters, hardness -elasticity and the grip of used pole have as repercussions the achievement of good results in the pole vaulting event. Analiza vitezei pe elan și a caracteristicilor prăjinilor folosite de finaliștii probei de săritura cu prăjina la finala campionatului național 2014. Proba de săritură cu prăjina este una dintre cele mai complexe probe atletice. Nivelul fiecărui atlet privind calitățile fizice reprezintă o condiție absolut necesară în vederea atingerii unor rezultate cât mai bune în probă. Parametrii de viteză pe ultima parte a elanului au fost determinați cu ajutorul dispozitivului Microgate Time Racer 2, Caracteristicile prăjinilor folosite de primii trei clasați în finala Campionatului Național au fost monitorizate în timpul desfășurării concursului. Primii trei clasați în Finala Campionatului Național de seniori ediția 2014 au obținut parametrii de viteză specifică cu valori cuprinse între 7,9 m/s și 8,8 m/s pe ultimii 5 m de alergare pe elan, chiar înaintea fazei de prezentare și desprindere. Din punct de vedere al caracteristicilor prăjinilor folosite, aceștia au folosit prăjini cu indice de duritate cu valori între 75 kg și 82 kg. Înălțimea prizelor a fost de 4,50 m și 4,64 m. Toți acești parametrii au dus la trecerea peste înălțimi între 4,85 m și 5,11 m de către primii 3 clasați în concursul monitorizat. O valoare cât mai mare a parametrilor de viteză, duritate-elasticitate și priză a prăjinii folosite au repercusiuni în obținerea de rezultate bune la proba de săritură cu prăjina.  Cuvinte-cheie: săritura cu prăjina, viteză pe elan, Microgat

    The effects of 6-weeks program of physical therapeutic exergames on cognitive flexibility focused by reaction times in relation to manual and podal motor abilities

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    The main purpose of the study was to identify the level of improvement in cognitive flexi-bility manifested by choice and cognition reaction times in relation to manual and podal skills as a result of the implementation of a program of therapeutic exergame exercises, for a time interval of 6 weeks at the level of students. 511 students participated in the cross-sectional study, of which 279 male (54.6%) and 232 female (45.4%), divided into two groups: the experimental group 266 (521%) subjects and the control group 245 (48%) sub-jects. The implementation of the experimental program comprising of 8 physical thera-peutic exergames took place for 6 weeks, in one session per week, within the physical edu-cation lessons, only for the male and female experimental groups. In the initial and final testing session, 2 standardized tests were applied: TMT part A, B and 2 tests adapted for this study: Square Test and 25 Squares Test. The progress registered by the male and fe-male experimental groups was statistically significant. In all tests, the experimental groups showed higher progress compared to the control groups. Depending on the gender differences, it was found that the male experimental and control groups made better pro-gress compared to the female groups in the following tests: TMT part A, Square Test, 25 Squares Tests. The implementation of a physical therapeutic exergame program deter-mined the improvement of cognitive flexibility man-ifested by choice and cognitive reac-tion times in conditions of manual and podal motor skills, demonstrating the effective-ness of exergame technologies adapted and implemented for prophy-lactic purpose

    Specific heat of nano-ferrites modified composites

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    The specific heat of nano-ferrites modified composites was studied using differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) method in the temperature range of 30 to 150°C. Initially, nano-ferrites were introduced in epoxy systems in order to improve the electromagnetic properties of formed materials. Together with the changes in electromagnetic properties some modifications occur regarding thermal and mechanical properties. The materials were formed by placing 5g or 10g of ferrite into 250g polymer matrix leading to a very low weight ratio of modifying agent. At so low ratios the effect of ferrite presence should be insignificant according to mixing rule. Anyway there is possible to appear some chelation reaction with effects on thermal properties of materials. Three types of epoxy resins had been used as matrix and barium ferrite and strontium ferrite as modifying agents. The thermal analysis was developed on two heatingcooling cycles and the specific heat was evaluated for each segment of the cycle analysis

    Specific heat of nano-ferrites modified composites

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    The specific heat of nano-ferrites modified composites was studied using differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) method in the temperature range of 30 to 150°C. Initially, nano-ferrites were introduced in epoxy systems in order to improve the electromagnetic properties of formed materials. Together with the changes in electromagnetic properties some modifications occur regarding thermal and mechanical properties. The materials were formed by placing 5g or 10g of ferrite into 250g polymer matrix leading to a very low weight ratio of modifying agent. At so low ratios the effect of ferrite presence should be insignificant according to mixing rule. Anyway there is possible to appear some chelation reaction with effects on thermal properties of materials. Three types of epoxy resins had been used as matrix and barium ferrite and strontium ferrite as modifying agents. The thermal analysis was developed on two heatingcooling cycles and the specific heat was evaluated for each segment of the cycle analysis

    Detection of chromosomal imbalances using combined MLPA kits in patients with syndromic intellectual disability

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    Dizabilitatea intelectuală (DI) este o afecțiune frecventă, cu consecințe majore pentru individ, familie și societate. Datorită heterogenității sale clinice și genetice, în aproximativ 50% din cazuri etiologia bolii nu poate fi stabilită. Scopul acestui studiu a fost evaluarea capacității de stabilire a diagnosticului etiologic la 369 pacienți cu DI sindromic și rezultat normal sau incert la cariotip folosind o combinație de kituri MLPA. Toţi pacienţii au fost investigaţi prin metoda MLPA, folosind fie kiturile SALSA MLPA P064 sau P096, dacă fenotipul a fost sugestiv pentru un sindrom cu microdeleţie (subgrupul A - 186 pacienți), fie kiturile subtelomerice P036 și P070, dacă fenotipul nu a fost sugestiv pentru un sindrom cu microdeleţie sau rezultatul la cariotipul standard a fost incert (subgrupul B - 183 pacienți). Rezultatele anormale detectate de aceste kituri au fost caracterizate folosind kiturile MLPA corespunzătoare de urmărire (Telomere Follow-up set, P029-A1, P250-B2, ME028-B1). În subgrupul A am identificat 25 de pacienți cu microdeleții (13,4%). Folosind kiturile de screening subtelomeric și de urmărire la subgrupul B am detectat rearanjări criptice în 7,5% din cazuri și am identificat originea materialului suplimentar observat la cariotipul standard la 10 din 11 pacienți. Sumarizând datele obţinute din cele două loturi, folosirea combinată a seturilor MLPA a dus la stabilirea diagnosticului la 10,6% (38/358) dintre pacienții cu cariotip normal. Folosirea seturilor MLPA de urmărire a permis atât confirmarea prezenţei anomaliei, cât şi determinarea dimensiunii ei, ceea ce a facilitat interpretarea semnificaţiei clinice a rearanjărilor. Pentru laboratoarele care nu au acces la tehnologiile bazate pe microarray, folosirea mai multor kituri MLPA reprezintă o strategie eficientă pentru stabilirea diagnosticului etiologic la pacienţii cu DI