24 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Road Risk on the National Road 7 Sector of the Olt River Gorge, between Talmaciu and Calimanesti, for the Years 2011-2018

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    The study and analysis of the phenomenon of road accidents, that generates risks for the life, physical or psychic integrity and health of humans, but also for material goods, cannot be considered complete without analyzing its dynamics over time and its potential evolution. In this regard, the current paper aims to analyze the general and specific traits of the road risk on the National Road 7, in the Olt River gorge, over a significant time frame, namely 8 years, from 2011 to 2018. This analysis will also be put into context with the most important road factors – the human factor, the road factor, the vehicle factor and not least with the main causes of the road accidents

    Analysis of the Evolution of the Number of Fatal Road Accidents in Romania

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    Fatal car accidents are a major issue of concern for both the police, the local and regional administrations and all those involved in providing road safety. The current paper presents an analysis of the number of fatal car accidents on Romanian roads, in the context of the Road Safety Programme of the European Commission, emphasising the efforts being made in this regard, the areas where road safety is still lacking and recommending some measures for improving the situation

    Analysis of the road traffic-induced pollution in two areas of Sibiu, Romania

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    The current paper details a computer-aided research of the emission levels in two areas of the city of Sibiu, Romania. The research started from the numbers of motor vehicles passing through key segments of those two areas, located at entry points into the city of Sibiu. Using the software package Synchro Studio 7 and SimTraffic 7, the targeted crossroad areas were modelled and key indicators for the road traffic efficiency and for the emission levels were determined. These emission levels were then compared to real measured pollution values, which allowed both to assess the accuracy of the modelling and the influence of other pollution sources on the emission levels in those areas

    Considerations on the Right of Way as Cause of Road Accidents in Romania

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    While cars and road traffic are an essential component of modern human society, the accidents that may occur in traffic are one of the largest sources of deaths and injuries. A first important step towards reducing these road accidents is the identification of their main causes. In the the current paper, the authors analyse the main causes of road accidents in Romania and then discuss the conditions surrounding the accidents that had as cause the failure to properly grant right of way, taking into account both the national, regional (county-level) and local statistics

    Considerations Regarding the Analysis and Interpretation of Traumatic Lesional Mechanisms in Road Accidents

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    According to statistics, road transportation is the most dangerous means of transportation and also the costliest in terms of human lives and material damage. The increase of road safety is a priority goal of the European Commission and an area of high interest for Romania, which is unfortunately placed very high in the hierarchy of countries with a high number of deaths resulting from road accidents. This study presents the mechanisms of the generation of traumatic injuries and also analyses the manner of interpreting these mechanisms in the case of road accidents, both from the perspective of law enforcement and from the perspective of specialists in road transportation, who analyse and investigate road accidents from a technical point of view. Determining the lesional mechanisms helps to better understand the real image of the conditions of an accident’s occurrence, in order to clearly illustrate the elements mentioned in the forensic accident site report and to complement all other means to gather information at that site

    Considerations on the role of modernizing the road infrastructure in the prevention of road accidents

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    The realizing and improvement of road infrastructure, of modern road networks provides normal, safe and pleasant road traffic conditions and also help prevent road accidents. The road network, with its constructive characteristics, has to offer optimal conditions for the movement of vehicles, pedestrians and other categories of participants in the road traffic. Starting from the case study of a road sector with heavy road traffic, the current paper analyzes the increase in road safety in Romanian localities along European and national roads through the implementation of specific measures such as setting up sidewalks, installing New Jersey median barriers, expanding the road sectors with 2+1 lanes, replacing normal pedestrian crossings with elevated crossings or with pedestrian crossing with mid-road waiting areas etc

    Considerations on determining the castability of dental casting alloys

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    Castability is, along with biocompatibility, one of the most important characteristics of metallic materials used for dental prosthetic applications. In addition, the characteristics and performance of the employed casting machine are also decisive for the end result of the casting, especially when dealing with titanium or a titanium alloy. Starting from a critical analysis of the existing methods for determining the castability of dental alloys, the current paper presents a new method (and associated pattern) for determining the castability. Also, given the castability’s dependence on the type of casting machine, the paper includes an analysis of suitable casting machines and suggests some possible improvements