12 research outputs found

    Evaluation of breathing interplay effects during VMAT by using 3D gel measurements

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    Respiratory motion during dynamic radiotherapy may affect the absorbed dose distribution both by dose-reducing smoothing and by more complicated interplay effects. In this study we present a novel method to determine the relative importance of these two effects. For the two dynamic deliveries studied in this work, the expected target dose reduction due to the smoothing effect was estimated by measurements convolved by the motion function. Remaining absorbed dose differences were attributed to interplay effects between the motion of the gel phantom and the movement of the modulating MLC leaves during modulated arc radiotherapy. The total dosimetric effect due to breathing motion and dynamic MLC motion during VMAT delivery resulted in an average of about 4% target dose reduction. Comparing with only the smoothing effect, the average difference was decreased to around 1%, and the remaining distribution was attributed to interplay effects. Although the interplay effects were small compared to the smoothing effect, the standard deviations of 1.4-2.3% (1SD) were larger than the narrow distribution for repeated stationary measurement with a standard deviation between 0.5-0.9% (1SD)

    Independent checking of the delivered dose for high-energy X-rays using a hand-held PC

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    Background and purpose: The requirements on the delivered dose in radical radiation therapy are extremely high. The dose should be within a few percent and also delivered with high accuracy in space. Vendors and users have successfully managed to implement radiation therapy systems, which are able to achieve these demands with high accuracy and reproducibility. These systems include computerized tomography scanners, treatment planning systems, simulators, treatment machines, and record and verify systems. More and more common are also computer networks to assure data integrity when transferring information between the systems. Even if these systems are commis-sioned and kept under quality assurance programs to maintain their accuracy, errors may be introduced. Especially, the human factor is an uncontrolled parameter that may introduce errors. Thus, unintentional changes or incorrect handling of data may occur during clinical use of the equipment. Having an independent dose calculation system implemented in the daily quality assurance process may assure a high quality of treatments and avoidance of severe errors. Materials and methods: To accomplish this, a system of equations for calculating the absorbed dose to the prescription point from the set-up information, has been compiled into a dose-calculation engine. The model is based on data completely independent of the treatment planning system (TPS). The fundamental parameter in the dose engine is the linear attenuation coef®cient for the primary photons. This parameter can readily be determined experimentally. The dose calculation engine has been programmed into a hand-held PC allowing direct calculation of the dose to the prescription point when the ®rst treatment is delivered to the patient

    Quality control of measured x-ray beam data

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    The purpose of this study was to examine whether the quality of measured x-ray beam data can be judged from how well the data agree with a semiempirical formula. Tissue-phantom ratios (TPR) and output factors for several accelerators in the energy range 4-25 MV were fitted to the formula, separating the dose contributions from primary and phantom-scattered photons. The former was described by exponential attenuation in water, with beam hardening, and the latter by the scatter-to-primary dose ratio using two parameters related to the probability and the directional distribution of the scattered photons. Electron disequilibrium was not considered. Two approaches were evaluated. In one, the attenuation and hardening coefficients were determined from measurements in a narrow-beam geometry; in the other, they were extracted by the fitting procedure. Measured and fitted data agreed within +/- 2% in both cases. The differences were randomly distributed and had a standard deviation of typically 0.7%. Singular points with errors were easily identified. Systematic errors were revealed by increased standard deviation. However, when the attenuation was derived by the fitting algorithm, the attenuation coefficient deviated significantly from the experimental value. It is concluded that the semiempirical formula can serve to evaluate and verify beam data measured in water and that the physically most accurate description requires that the attenuation and hardening coefficients be determined in a narrow-beam geometry. The attenuation coefficient is an excellent measure of both the primary and the scatter dose component, i.e., of beam quality

    Off-axis primary-dose measurements using a mini-phantom

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    The characterization of the incident photon beam is usually divided into its dependence on collimator setting (head-scatter factor) and off-axis position (primary off-axis ratio). These parameters are normally measured "in air" with a build-up cap thick enough to generate full dose build-up at the depth of dose maximum. In order to prevent any influence from contaminating electrons, it has been recommended that head-scatter measurements are carried out using a mini-phantom rather than a conventional build-up cap. Due to the volume of the mini-phantom, the effects from attenuation and scatter are not negligible. In relative head-scatter measurements these effects cancel and the head scatter is thus a good representation of the variation of the incident photon beam with collimator setting. However, in off-axis measurements, attenuation and scatter conditions vary due to beam softening and do not cancel in the calculation of the primary off-axis ratio. The purpose of the present work was to estimate the effects from attenuation and phantom scatter in order to determine their influence on primary off-axis ratio measurements. We have characterized the off-axis beam-softening effect by means of narrow-beam transmission measurements to obtain the effective attenuation coefficient as a function of off-axis position. We then used a semi-analytical expression for the phantom-scatter calculation that depends solely on this attenuation coefficient. The derived formalism for relative "in air" measurements using a mini-phantom is clear and consistent, which enables the user to separately calculate the effects from scatter and attenuation. For the investigated beam qualities, 6 and 18 MV, our results indicate that the effects from attenuation and scatter in the mini-phantom nearly cancel (the combined effect is less than 1%) within 12.5 cm from the central beam axis. Thus, no correction is needed when the primary off-axis ratio is measured with a mini-phantom