75 research outputs found

    Consumer behavior in the economy

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    This paper aims to carry out an analysis of the disparities between urban and rural economic environment in Romania, which have negative effects over time for the entire country. The key imbalances between the two areas will be identified and a chronological analysis of figures obtained from the two areas over the years will be presented. A comparative analysis of urban / rural consumption behavior of households in the period 2005-2012 is showcased. The rural population is still heavily dependent on agriculture, while consumption characteristics are specific to relatively poor populations. Reducing disparities between urban and rural incomes and improvement of the quality of household consumption are priorities in regional development policy

    Preliminary studies regarding the androgenetic response of white cabbage (Brassica oleracea l.) anthers under the influence of basal medium composition

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    The present study targeted toward the accomplishment of a screening regarding the androgenetic response of white cabbage (Brassica olerace L.) anthers under the influence of basal medium composition. The biologic material is represented through unopened flower buds collected from mother plants belonging to a variety – DL20 developed and maintained by Vegetable Research and Development Station Bacau. The buds contained anthers with microspores at late uninucleate to binucleate stage. We tested three different variants: variant M1- MS (Murashige Skoog, 1962), variant M2 - Gamborg B5, 1968, variant M3 - NLN (Lichter, 1982). In the experimental condition tested in our study and previously presented, the anthers reacted through direct organogenesis and embryogenesis but mainly through the formation of callus (indirect embryogenesis and organogenesis). The best results were obtained on variant M3, the standardized basal medium NLN, established by Lichter, 1982, which also seemed to support more the development of embryos directly on the anthers


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    Clusters play an important role in driving competitiveness, innovation and jobs creation in the EU. Romania currently has successful clusters in various economic sectors and services, including 7 clusters in agro-food. Agriculture has been and remains the support of the human existence, which is an important pillar of the Romanian rural economy. The agro-food sector had oscillating evolutions in the post-accession period, mainly generated by the need to get in line with the EU requirements. Stimulating smart technology assimilation across all economic sectors including agro-food value chains, promoting enterprise growth and clusters 4.0 is critical to many EU Member States. Partnerships between countries, regions, cities and clusters are essential in the next industrial modernization process, based on innovation. Clusters 4.0 calls for development of a generation of advanced cluster policies to respond to these new industrial challenges by facilitating cross-sectoral value chains, fostering internationalization, stimulating inter-regional investment and accelerating entrepreneurship and skills in digital production, environmental production, circular economy, service innovation and creative economy. In order to be ready for the future, clusters must be geared towards creating a smart value chains, international cooperation and cross-sectoral partnerships. This research paper proposes a model  as a tool for agro-clusters to become “smart”, also this proposal providing information on the most important steps in the creation and development of smart agro-clusters. The used research methodology was based on analysis and synthesis of the information on the economic and social aspects of the development of the agro-food sector and of clusters in Romania. In conclusion, the authors of this paper wanted to emphasize the necessity of the development of smart agro-clusters for the future smart specialization of the regions

    Sustainability of National Cohesion

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    In the European Union, cohesion policy is the third country after the domestic and social policy, as this policy is a tool for economic growth and also a balancing factor. Through its solidarity funds contribute to the other sectorial policies: the Common Agricultural Policy, social policy, environmental policy. This article aims to demonstrate the importance of cohesion policy in the national economy and how to improve its implementation by ensuring sustainable development and sustainable economic growt

    Giant renal cell carcinoma in a patient with ipsilateral lower limb hypertrophic lichen planus; Case report and literature review

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    Renal cell carcinoma is the most common type of primary urogenital cancer, usually resistant to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Hypertrophic lichen planus is an inflammatory dermatosis characterized by the presence of papulosquamous and intensely pruritic lesions. The association of these two conditions is unusual, being reported in the specialized literature only in a few rare cases with the onset of lichenoid lesions after patients have undergone various forms of treatment. The case of a 62-year-old male patient who was admitted for severe abdominal pain due to a giant renal tumor associated with a hypertrophic plaque located on the anterior part of the left calf is presented. After (clinical, biochemical, imaging) diagnosis, surgery was performed for en bloc removal of the entire mass, adrenal gland, and spleen. The histopathological exam established the diagnosis of a moderately differentiated T2b clear cell Grawitz tumor, without regional lymph node metastasis (stage II). The patient continued local corticosteroid therapy in the hospital for hypertrophic lichen planus lesions, being referred to the oncology department after discharge

    Monitoring behavior of different tomato genotypes cultivated in ecological system in protected area

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    An increasing demand for organic vegetables is a great opportunity and a challenge for organic vegetable growers and also for researchers to develop new studies. Our challenge to develop research in ecological system has dual valence: (1) ecological systems has the potential to support biodiversity conservation through (increased number and variety of cultivated wild species, maintaining soil healthy and soil fauna, reducing the risk of water pollution) (2) use of the products obtained in organic farming is able to ensure safety food. The study was conducted on a diverse tomatoes collection cultivated in protected area in ecological culture system. We select different local populations known for high level of quality and also for resistance to pathogen attach. Our purpose is to provide healthy food for consumers and also to select the best forms for introduction in breeding programs. This research paper presents some results regarding type of growth, production potential (t/ha), precocity, plant resistance to pathogens, some fruit characteristics like: shape, color, weigh, lodge number, firmness, storage and split resistance

    Psycho-Motor Skills in Swimming Among Children: Gender Differences

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    Psychomotricity is a broad term that encompasses different approaches to bodily action to support children and adolescents to reach their highest motor and cognitive potential. The aim of the study was to highlight gender differences in the manifestation of psychomotor behaviors in 8–9-year-old children who practice sports swimming. The subjects (N=52, 26 males, 26 females) are children aged 8.0-9.11 years (M = 8.80; SD = ±0.65) who practice swimming in one of the swimming pools of a city in Romania. They were tested, using specific instruments, to assess the level of manual dexterity, body schema, hand laterality, body balance, body balance on water/buoyancy, general coordination. For four of the variables (manual dexterity, body schema, hand laterality and spatial orientation) no statistically significant differences were found, while for the other three (body balance, body balance on water and general coordination) statistically significant differences were recorded. The results indicate differences between the two genders, girls in this age group who practice swimming having more developed psychomotor skills compared to boys.</em

    A new threat from an old enemy: Re‑emergence of coronavirus (Review)

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    The new outbreak of coronavirus from December 2019 has brought attention to an old viral enemy and has raised concerns as to the ability of current protection measures and the healthcare system to handle such a threat. It has been known since the 1960s that coronaviruses can cause respiratory infections in humans; however, their epidemic potential was understood only during the past two decades. In the present review, we address current knowledge on coronaviruses from a short history to epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestation of the disease, as well as treatment and prevention strategies. Although a great amount of research and efforts have been made worldwide to prevent further outbreaks of coronavirus‑associated disease, the spread and lethality of the 2019 outbreak (COVID‑19) is proving to be higher than previous epidemics on account of international travel density and immune naivety of the population. Only strong, joint and coordinated efforts of worldwide healthcare systems, researchers, and pharmaceutical companies and receptive national leaders will succeed in suppressing an outbreak of this scale

    Studiul unor cultivaruri de varză kale prin semănat direct şi răsad în cultură de toamnă

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    The Nero di Toscana variety had very good suitability for sowing under drip irrigation conditions, followed by the varieties Dwarf Green Curled S, Larkezungen and Westlander Halbhoher. Under sprinkling irrigation conditions, the emergence of plants was reduced at Larkezungen variety at 50%, Westlander Halbhoher at 12.5% The feature leaf/plant production varied as follows: Larkezungen -542 g, Westlander Halbhoher -347 g, Reflex F1 -336 g, Black magic -332 g, Dwarf Green Curled S -322 g and Dwarf Green Curled -312 g. Total yield (leaves + strains) was 825 g -Larkezungen, 434 g -Westlander Halbhoher, 422 g -Reflex F1, 380 g -Black magic, 372 g -Dwarf Green Curled S, -Fizz, 332 g -Nero di Toscana, 321 g -Pentland Brigg. Other varieties had a yield of less than 300 g / plant

    Studiul în faza de răsad a unor soiuri de tomate cultivate în agricultură ecologică

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    The study was performed in Vegetable Research-Development Station Bacau - Romania, during 2015 – 2016 in order to evaluate the tomato varieties resistance at soil-borne diseases attack in seedling stage. The following tomatoes cultivars were cultivated in protected area - variants V2 – Ghittia, V3 – Monymaker, V4 – Ruxandra, V6 - Inima de bou, V8 – Bobalna, V10 – LMV, V12 – TFC had a degree attack (GA%) below 1.5 %. Other tomatoes cultivars V1 - Brandywine black, V2 - Brandywine black real, V3 - Brandywine black red, V5 – Delicios, V6 - Delicios de Podis, V8 - Indigo ‘Sun’, V9 – Omar’s Lebanese, V10 - Pantene Romanesco, V11 – Thesaloniki, V14 – Vilma were tolerant at the soil borne diseases