26 research outputs found

    The climatic and genetic heritage of Italian goat breeds with genomic SNP data

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    Local adaptation of animals to the environment can abruptly become a burden when faced with rapid climatic changes such as those foreseen for the Italian peninsula over the next 70 years. Our study investigates the genetic structure of the Italian goat populations and links it with the environment and how genetics might evolve over the next 50 years. We used one of the largest national datasets including > 1000 goats from 33 populations across the Italian peninsula collected by the Italian Goat Consortium and genotyped with over 50 k markers. Our results showed that Italian goats can be discriminated in three groups reflective of the Italian geography and its geo\u2011political situation preceding the country unification around two centuries ago. We leveraged the remarkable genetic and geographical diversity of the Italian goat populations and performed landscape genomics analysis to disentangle the relationship between genotype and environment, finding 64 SNPs intercepting genomic regions linked to growth, circadian rhythm, fertility, and inflammatory response. Lastly, we calculated the hypothetical future genotypic frequencies of the most relevant SNPs identified through landscape genomics to evaluate their long\u2011term effect on the genetic structure of the Italian goat populations. Our results provide an insight into the past and the future of the Italian local goat populations, helping the institutions in defining new conservation strategy plans that could preserve their diversity and their link to local realities challenged by climate change

    A autoridade, o desejo e a alquimia da política: linguagem e poder na constituição do papado medieval (1060-1120)

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    Apparent Absence of BMAL1-Dependent Skeletal Muscle–Kidney Cross Talk in Mice

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    BMAL1 is a core mammalian circadian clock transcription factor responsible for the regulation of the expression of thousands of genes. Previously, male skeletal-muscle-specific BMAL1-inducible-knockout (iMS-BMAL1 KO) mice have been described as a model that exhibits an aging-like phenotype with an altered gait, reduced mobility, muscle weakness, and impaired glucose uptake. Given this aging phenotype and that chronic kidney disease is a disease of aging, the goal of this study was to determine if iMS-BMAL1 KO mice exhibit a renal phenotype. Male iMS-BMAL1 KO and control mice were challenged with a low potassium diet for five days. Both genotypes responded appropriately by conserving urinary potassium. The iMS-BMAL1 KO mice excreted less potassium during the rest phase during the normal diet but there was no genotype difference during the active phase. Next, iMS-BMAL1 KO and control mice were used to compare markers of kidney injury and assess renal function before and after a phase advance protocol. Following phase advance, no differences were detected in renal mitochondrial function in iMS-BMAL1 KO mice compared to control mice. Additionally, the glomerular filtration rate and renal morphology were similar between groups in response to phase advance. Disruption of the clock in skeletal muscle tissue activates inflammatory pathways within the kidney of male mice, and there is evidence of this affecting other organs, such as the lungs. However, there were no signs of renal injury or altered function following clock disruption of skeletal muscle under the conditions tested

    Chemobiosis reveals tardigrade tun formation is dependent on reversible cysteine oxidation.

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    Tardigrades, commonly known as 'waterbears', are eight-legged microscopic invertebrates renowned for their ability to withstand extreme stressors, including high osmotic pressure, freezing temperatures, and complete desiccation. Limb retraction and substantial decreases to their internal water stores results in the tun state, greatly increasing their ability to survive. Emergence from the tun state and/or activity regain follows stress removal, where resumption of life cycle occurs as if stasis never occurred. However, the mechanism(s) through which tardigrades initiate tun formation is yet to be uncovered. Herein, we use chemobiosis to demonstrate that tardigrade tun formation is mediated by reactive oxygen species (ROS). We further reveal that tuns are dependent on reversible cysteine oxidation, and that this reversible cysteine oxidation is facilitated by the release of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS). We provide the first empirical evidence of chemobiosis and map the initiation and survival of tardigrades via osmobiosis, chemobiosis, and cryobiosis. In vivo electron paramagnetic spectrometry suggests an intracellular release of reactive oxygen species following stress induction; when this release is quenched through the application of exogenous antioxidants, the tardigrades can no longer survive osmotic stress. Together, this work suggests a conserved dependence of reversible cysteine oxidation across distinct tardigrade cryptobioses