139 research outputs found

    An Efficient Strategy for the Synthesis of Ī±,Ī±ā€²-cis and trans-Disubstituted Medium Ring Ethers

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    An asymmetric alkylation-ring-closing metathesis strat-egy was developed for the construction of a,a'-disubstituted medi-um ring ethers. The approach features an asymmetric alkylation of highly functionalized a-alkoxy acyl oxazolidinones followed by ring closure effected by Grubbs' ruthenium catalyst. The relation-ship between diene conformation and the rate of ring-closure was examined. Medium ring ethers are a common structural feature of many ladder ether marine toxins, as well as simpler me-tabolites from Laurencia species. This diverse collection of natural products often contains seven, eight, and nine membered ring ethers. 1 The challenge of efficient con-struction of medium ring ethers has led to the develop-ment of numerous strategies for their synthesis. 2-5 The vast majority of these approaches have focused on the a,a'-cis-disubstitution pattern rather than a,a'-trans-di-substituted medium ring ethers, despite their similar fre-quency of occurrence. trans-Isoprelaurefucin (1), 6 isolau-refucin methyl ether (2), 7 chlorofucin (3), 8 bromofucin (4), 9 isolaureatin (5), 10 and obtusenyne (6), 8 for example, all contain a,a'-trans-disubstituted medium ring ethers (Figure 1). Murai's synthesis of obtusenyne (6) 11 and our own recent syntheses of prelaureatin and laurallene 12 con-stitute the only known syntheses of medium ring ether natural products with the a,a'-trans-disubstitution ar-rangement. The investigation of a versatile, general strat-egy for the synthesis of both a,a'-cis and a,a'-trans-disubstituted medium ring ethers is described here. We recently published a total synthesis of the marine nat-ural product (+)-laurencin (9), in which the key steps were an asymmetric alkylation of the sodium enolate of substi-tuted acyl oxazolidinone 7, followed by ring-closing met-athesis of the resultant diene to give cyclic ether 8 (Scheme 1). 2 Previous work in our laboratory has demon-strated that an asymmetric aldol-ring-closing metathesis strategy for the assembly of medium ring ethers was equally adaptable to both the a,a'-cis and a,a'-trans-di-substituted medium ring ethers. 3,12 The asymmetric alky-lation-ring-closing metathesis approach to cyclic ethers also offered the potential for a similar adaptable strategy

    Establishing the Absolute Configuration of the Asbestinins:Ā  Enantioselective Total Synthesis of 11-Acetoxy-4-deoxyasbestinin D

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    A highly stereoselective synthesis of 11-acetoxy-4-deoxyasbestinin D (1) has been completed in 26 linear steps. The synthesis hinges on a selective glycolate aldol addition to establish the C-2 stereocenter, a ring-closing metathesis reaction to complete the oxonene, and an intramolecular Diels-Alder cycloaddition to establish the relative configuration at C-1, C-10, and C14. This initial total synthesis of an asbestinin also serves to confirm the absolute configuration of this sub-class of the C2-C11-cyclized cembranoid natural products

    Enantioselective Total Synthesis of FD-891

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    The enantioselective synthesis of FD-891 has been achieved with a longest linear sequence of 21 steps. The synthetic strategy involves the use of aldol additions of a chlorotitanium enolate of N-acylthiazolidinethiones as the key reaction to establish 6 of the 10 stereogenic centers. A key cross-metathesis and a late-stage Julia olefination serve to assemble three key subunits

    A Hetero-Dielsāˆ’Alder Approach to Complex Pyrones:ā€‰ An Improved Synthesis of the Spongistatin AB Spiroketal

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    The conversion of a substituted dioxinone to a pyrone was used in an improved synthesis of the AB spiroketal subunit of the spongistatins. This transformation occurred via a hetero-Diels-Alder reaction of an acyl ketene with butyl vinyl ether. A double diastereoselective Mukaiyama aldol reaction is used to provide the hetero-Diels-Alder precursor

    Asymmetric Total Synthesis of Pyranicin

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    The asymmetric total synthesis of pyranicin (1) is reported. The butenolide ring was constructed via an asymmetric alkylation/ring-closing metathesis strategy. The three stereocenters in the left-hand tetrahydropyran ring were installed by sequential chiral auxiliary-mediated aldol reactions. Closure of the tetrahydropyran and fusion of the alkyl backbone were affected via a sequential ring-closing metathesis cross-metathesis strategy

    Enantioselective Total Synthesis of Spirofungins A and B

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    The enantioselective total synthesis of spirofungins A (1) and B (2) is reported in 14 steps over the longest linear sequence. Key steps include the use of thiazolidinethione mediated aldol reactions to assemble the major fragments and installation of the C1ā€“C6 side chain using a cross metathesis reaction

    Formal Synthesis of 6-Deoxyerythronolide B

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    The enantioselective synthesis of the carbon skeleton of 6-deoxyerythronolide B has been achieved in 23 linear steps from propionaldehyde. The synthesis relies on an iterative approach employing an asymmetric acyl-thiazolidinethione propionate aldol reaction to establish eight of nine stereogenic centers. The remaining stereogenic center at C6 was set through a Myers alkylation employing a complex alkyl iodide

    Enantioselective Total Synthesis of Bistramide A

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    The enantioselective synthesis of bistramide A has been achieved with a longest linear sequence of 18 steps. The synthetic strategy involves the use of a distereoselective glycolate alkylation, an aldol addition of a chlorotitanium enolate of N-acylthiazolidinthione, and a Sharpless asymmetric epoxidation to synthesize the three key fragments

    Enantioselective Synthesis of the C1ā€“C6 and C7ā€“C23 Fragments of the Proposed Structure of Iriomoteolide 1a

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    Synthesis of the C1-C6 and C7-C23 fragments of the proposed structure of iriomoteolide 1a has been accomplished. Key steps include a cross metathesis to form the C15-C16 E olefin and a chelation controlled Grignard addition to form the tertiary alcohol at C14. Notably, 7 of the 9 stereocenters of the proposed structure have been set using various aldol reactions employing metallo enolates of thiazolidinethiones

    Enantioselective Total Synthesis of (āˆ’)-Pironetin: Iterative Aldol Reactions of Thiazolidinethiones

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    The enantioselective total synthesis of pironetin has been achieved in 11 steps from known aldehyde 2. The synthesis relies on the formation of 5 out of 6 stereocenters through titanium mediated iterative aldol reactions. Key steps in this synthesis include an acetal aldol reaction to establish the stereochemistry at C8 and C9, an acetate aldol reaction, and ā€œEvansā€ syn aldol reaction
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