337 research outputs found


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    In the last decades, many researchers concerned their attention on fractals properties of objects. Fractals can be use to describe natural shapes so their applications are various in many fields such as informatics, economics, engineering, medical studies. In this paper we present a way to describe fractal, using the Iterated Function System (IFS). We present the random iterated algorithm implemented in the C++ programming language used to generate selfsimilar fractals.fractal, IFS, random iteration algorithm


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    The authors are preoccupied with analyzing the process of social entrepreneurship and the implications and the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on social entrepreneurial process. We will base our researches on two perspectives of social entrepreneurs and of founds. This study was inspired from a model developed by Professor Rob John in collaboration with Skoll Center for Social Entrepreneurship and Oxford Said Business School. Our research has as a main purpose to identify the way that NGOs and enterprises representative see their social implication and also their relation trough partnerships and collaboration. This research is of particular relevance by providing an insight about the way that different types of collaboration between social organizations and companies increase social impact. Considering the lack of empirical studies in this field, we believe that this research has a great importance most of all because it offers the possibility to make a comparison between Romanian perceptions regarding the social entrepreneurship with Rob John research (2007) which can be considered a reference model.corporate social responsibility, enterprises, NGOs, social entrepreneurship, social impact, social problems.

    Management Best Practices Used in Romanian Logistics Customer Service Planning

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    There are no standards which one could use for establishing approximately or precisely whether the management of an organization is good or bad. There is management best practices as alternative, sooner elaborated advices then rules imposed to a manager, which can improve management processes. This article contains management best practices used in logistics for customer service planning. The results are a part of the research undertaken inside the doctoral thesis by the first author of this article. Logistics is the group of activities of the firm which insure the flow of materials, parts and final products from firm’s suppliers to its customers, but also inside the firm. At firm’s level logistics is usually perceived as a cost. We believe it is necessary that firm’s management to observe that logistics insures goods transfer, at a certain costs level, but also at a certain customer service level. The interest of management should be though expanded from cost management at demand planning and customer service management. We exposed further best practices regarding customer service planning in logistics. The article has in the first part theoretical details regarding customer service, but also regarding management best practices, in the second the elements of customer service, in the third management best practices found at international level, while the fourth part contains the evaluation of best practices usage and knowledge by the Romanian managers. In conclusion, Romanian managers could be considered sooner reactive than proactive regarding logistics customer service planning. Regarding knowledge level, the exposed methods are scarcely known, while the usage level can be improved.management best practice, logistics, customer service, utility

    Multicriteria Optimization Model for the Study of the Efficacy of Skin Antiaging Therapy

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    The evolution of the cutaneous structure after topical treatment with P63 antiaging complex, assessed with high frequency ultrasound, is studied by means of multicriteria optimization model. Due to the fact that the impact of the treatment may influence the quality of life, a medical index which measures, from this point of view, the efficacy of the treatment is given, also taking into account medical and economical aspects

    Finsler Geometries from Topological Electromagnetism

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    We analyse the Finsler geometries of the kinematic space of spinless and spinning electrically charged particles in an external Ra\~{n}ada field. We consider the most general actions that are invariant under the Lorentz, electromagnetic gauge and reparametrization transformations. The Finsler geometries form a set parametrized by the gauge fields in each case. We give a simple method to calculate the fundamental objects of the Finsler geometry of the kinematic space of a particle in a generic electromagnetic field. Then we apply this method to calculate the geodesic equations of the spinless and spinning particles. Also, we show that the electromagnetic duality in the Ra\~{n}ada background induces a simple dual map in the set of Finsler geometries. The duality map has a simple interpretation in terms of an electrically charged particle that interacts with the electromagnetic potential and a magnetically charged particle that interacts with the dual magnetoelectric potential. We exemplify the action of the duality map by calculating the dual geodesic equation.Comment: 24 page

    Research on the influence of basic additives on the compressive strength of pellets

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    Besides the humidity, the granulometric composition and the specific surface of the pelleted material, the compressive strength of the pellets is also influenced by some additions with binding proprieties (bentonite, lime, limestone, dolomite, etc.). During the hardening process, these additions form a resistant slag that contributes to the binding of the granules of ferrous raw materials and, finally, to the increasing of the compressive strength of the pellets. The paper presents the results of the laboratory experiments on the production of pellets by using secondary materials (steel plant dust, sludge from sintering and blast furnace plants, red mud, etc.) as raw materials, and lime/dolomite as a binder along with the bentonite. To determine the influence of the addition of lime and dolomite on the compressive strength of pellets, we performed a series of experiments in the laboratory phase, consisting of the production of pellets based on various recipes, by adding bentonite & lime or bentonite & dolomite. During the research, we aimed to establish correlations between the compressive strength of pellets and the additions of water, bentonite, lime or dolomite. The data obtained in the experiments were processed in Excel and MATLAB programs, resulting simple or multiple correlation equations. Based on these equations, we could establish the optimum addition of materials with basic character