8 research outputs found

    Elucidation of Analytical–Compositional Fingerprinting of Three Different Species of Chili Pepper by Using Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction Coupled with Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry Analysis, and Sensory Profile Evaluation

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the volatile compounds of three different species of chili peppers, using solid-phase microextraction (SPME) methods in combination with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The detection of marker aroma compounds could be used as a parameter to differentiate between species of chili peppers for their detection and traceability in chili pepper food. The sensorial contribution was also investigated to identify the predominant notes in each species and to evaluate how they can influence the overall aroma. Three different pepper species belonging to the Capsicum genus were analyzed: Chinense, Annuum, and Baccatum. A total of 269 volatile compounds were identified in these species of chili peppers. The Capsicum annum species were characterized by a high number of acids and ketones, while the Capsicum chinense and Capsicum baccatum were characterized by esters and aldehydes, respectively. The volatile profile of extra virgin olive oils (EVOOs) flavored with chili peppers was also investigated, and principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) of the volatile profiles were demonstrated to be a powerful analytical strategy for building a model that highlights the potential of a volatile characterization approach for use in evaluating food traceability and authenticity

    A green and sustainable method for Capsicum volatilome investigation by means of headspace solid-phase microextraction combined with flow-modulated two-dimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry using hydrogen as carrier gas

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    The present research is focused on the development of a green and sustainable analytical method, based on the use of headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS SPME), and hydrogen as carrier gas, within the context of fast flow-modulation comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (FM GC × GC-ToFMS), for the investigation of the volatile composition of Capsicum peppers. In such a respect, three different species were analysed: Annuum, Baccatum, and Chinense. Following HS SPME FM GC × GC-ToFMS analysis, a tile-based Fisher-ratio software was used to easily determine compounds that varied the most within the same variety of Capsicum samples. Particular emphasis was also devoted to the aroma profile of the thirty most sample-distinguishing compounds

    Multidimensional Gas Chromatography Coupled to Combustion-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry/Quadrupole MS with a Low-Bleed Ionic Liquid Secondary Column for the Authentication of Truffles and Products Containing Truffle

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    Truffles are among the most expensive foods available in the market, usually used as flavoring additives for their distinctive aroma. The most valuable species is Tuber magnatum Pico, better known as "Alba white truffle", in which bis(methylthio)methane is the key aroma compound. Given the high economical value of genuine white truffles, analytical approaches are required to be able to discriminate between natural or synthetic truffle aroma. Gas chromatography coupled to combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS), exploiting the 13C/12C ratio abundance of the key flavorings compounds in foods, has been a recognized technique for authenticity and traceability purposes; however, a number of issues have greatly limited its widespread use so far. In the present research, a high-efficiency HS-SPME MDGC-C-IRMS with simultaneous quadrupole MS detection has been applied for the evaluation of bis(methylthio)methane, resolving the coelution occurring with other components. With the aim to minimize the effect of column bleeding on δ13C measurement, a medium polarity ionic liquid-based stationary phase was preferred to a polyethylene glycol one, as the secondary column. In total, 24 genuine white truffles harvested in Italy were analyzed, attaining a δ13C values between -42.6‰ and -33.9‰, with a maximum standard deviation lower than 0.7‰. Two commercial intact truffles and 14 commercial samples of pasta, sauce, olive oil, cream, honey, and fresh cheese flavored with truffle aroma were analyzed, and the results from δ13C measurement were evaluated in comparison with those of genuine "white truffle" range and commercial synthetic bis(methylthio)methane standard

    Development of ulvan‐based emulsions containing flavour and fragrances for food and cosmetic applications

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    In the present work, ulvan, a sulphated polysaccharide of algal origin, was innovatively investigated as stabilizing and emulsifying agent in colloidal formulations containing functional agents for food and cosmetic applications in virtue of its edibility and amphiphilic character. Ulvan was successfully submitted to chemical modification with biocompatible fatty acid moieties to increase the amphiphilic properties of the polysaccharide without compromising its safety profile. Oil in water (O/W) emulsions were developed using the ultrasonication method as an easy and rapid homogenization process. The stability of the obtained formulations was assessed by visual inspection, size distribution and zeta potential analysis. Stable emulsions were obtained by using either native or chemically modified polysaccharide. The most promising formulations based on the use of native ulvan were successfully implemented as clouding and flavouring agents in soft drink beverages and as stabilizing and perfuming agents in body cream milk products. The obtained results may open new perspectives on the exploitation of abundant waste biomasses as sources of biocompatible high value added materials suitable for being applied in critical applications as a safe alternative to synthetic chemicals. In particular ulvan could represent a valuable platform of functional and bioactive compounds with promising properties as stabilizing and emulsifying agents for food and cosmetic applications