23 research outputs found

    Research on the physico – chemical characterization of improved genotypes for Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. obtained in the ecological system

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    Currently, world, horticultural producers and processors are concerned to obtain high quality organic products in conditions of economic profitability. The main aim of the research is to highlight the physico – chemical characteristics of some improved genotypes from the species Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. obtained in ecological system in the experimental field within USAMV Iasi in 2019. Thus, the aim was to highlight some qualitative parameters, respectively: titrable acidity, pH value, total dry matter content, soluble dry matter, vitamin c, carotene and lycopene content. The biological material was represented by 37 improved tomato genotypes in order to ensure competitive horticultural techniques. The 37 genotypes of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. showed an average value of the total dry matter content of 7.07 ± 0.5%, showing an oscillating amplitude of the lower delimited values of 4.64% (G223) and 17.9% (G265). The average pH value was 4.4 with limits that fell within the range of variation [4.15 – 4.85]. The content of vitamin C ranged between 14 mg/ 100 g and 29 mg/ 100 g. Other components with antioxidant value that have been shown in important proportions are represented by carotenes (2.36 – 21.22 mg/ 100 g) and lycopene (3.01 – 33.7 mg/ 100 g). This research results strengthens the data in the literature referring to the bioactive compounds of tomatoes emphasizing that the study was conducted for different genotypes grown in organic conditions

    On the Future Perspectives of Some Medicinal Plants within Lamiaceae Botanic Family Regarding Their Comprehensive Properties and Resistance against Biotic and Abiotic Stresses

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    Lamiaceae is one of the largest botanical families, encompassing over 6000 species that include a variety of aromatic and medicinal spices. The current study is focused on three plants within this botanical family: basil (Ocimum basilicum L.), thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.), and summer savory (Satureja hortensis L.). These three species contain primary and secondary metabolites such as phenolic and flavonoid compounds, fatty acids, antioxidants, and essential oils and have traditionally been used for flavoring, food preservation, and medicinal purposes. The goal of this study is to provide an overview of the nutraceutical, therapeutic, antioxidant, and antibacterial key features of these three aromatics to explore new breeding challenges and opportunities for varietal development. In this context, a literature search has been performed to describe the phytochemical profile of both primary and secondary metabolites and their pharmacological uses, as well as to further explore accession availability in the medicine industry and also to emphasize their bioactive roles in plant ecology and biotic and abiotic stress adaptability. The aim of this review is to explore future perspectives on the development of new, highly valuable basil, summer savory, and thyme cultivars. The findings of the current review emphasize the importance of identifying the key compounds and genes involved in stress resistance that can also provide valuable insights for further improvement of these important medicinal plants

    Monitoring behavior of different tomato genotypes cultivated in ecological system in protected area

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    An increasing demand for organic vegetables is a great opportunity and a challenge for organic vegetable growers and also for researchers to develop new studies. Our challenge to develop research in ecological system has dual valence: (1) ecological systems has the potential to support biodiversity conservation through (increased number and variety of cultivated wild species, maintaining soil healthy and soil fauna, reducing the risk of water pollution) (2) use of the products obtained in organic farming is able to ensure safety food. The study was conducted on a diverse tomatoes collection cultivated in protected area in ecological culture system. We select different local populations known for high level of quality and also for resistance to pathogen attach. Our purpose is to provide healthy food for consumers and also to select the best forms for introduction in breeding programs. This research paper presents some results regarding type of growth, production potential (t/ha), precocity, plant resistance to pathogens, some fruit characteristics like: shape, color, weigh, lodge number, firmness, storage and split resistance

    Studiul în faza de răsad a unor soiuri de tomate cultivate în agricultură ecologică

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    The study was performed in Vegetable Research-Development Station Bacau - Romania, during 2015 – 2016 in order to evaluate the tomato varieties resistance at soil-borne diseases attack in seedling stage. The following tomatoes cultivars were cultivated in protected area - variants V2 – Ghittia, V3 – Monymaker, V4 – Ruxandra, V6 - Inima de bou, V8 – Bobalna, V10 – LMV, V12 – TFC had a degree attack (GA%) below 1.5 %. Other tomatoes cultivars V1 - Brandywine black, V2 - Brandywine black real, V3 - Brandywine black red, V5 – Delicios, V6 - Delicios de Podis, V8 - Indigo ‘Sun’, V9 – Omar’s Lebanese, V10 - Pantene Romanesco, V11 – Thesaloniki, V14 – Vilma were tolerant at the soil borne diseases

    Morpho-Agronomic Characterisation of Runner Bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.) from South-Eastern Europe

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    In South-Eastern Europe, the majority of runner-bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.) production is based on local populations grown mainly in home gardens. The local runner-bean plants are well adapted to their specific growing conditions and microclimate agro-environments, and show great morpho-agronomic diversity. Here, 142 runner-bean accessions from the five South-Eastern European countries of Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, North Macedonia and Romania were sown and cultivated in their respective countries and characterised using 28 quantitative and qualitative morpho-agronomic descriptors for Phaseolus spp. based on inflorescences, leaves, plants, pods and seeds. For each of these morpho-agronomic descriptors, the accessions can be classified into two or three specific groups. The highest correlations were observed within the fluorescence, seed and pod traits. The highest variability, at 76.39%, was between the different countries, representing different geographic origins, while the variability within the countries was 23.61%. Cluster analysis based on these collected morpho-agronomic data also classified the accessions into three groups according to genetic origins. The data obtained serve as useful genetic information for plant breeders for the breeding of new bean varieties for further studies of the morpho-agronomic traits of the runner bean

    Studiul unor cultivaruri de varză kale prin semănat direct şi răsad în cultură de toamnă

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    The Nero di Toscana variety had very good suitability for sowing under drip irrigation conditions, followed by the varieties Dwarf Green Curled S, Larkezungen and Westlander Halbhoher. Under sprinkling irrigation conditions, the emergence of plants was reduced at Larkezungen variety at 50%, Westlander Halbhoher at 12.5% The feature leaf/plant production varied as follows: Larkezungen -542 g, Westlander Halbhoher -347 g, Reflex F1 -336 g, Black magic -332 g, Dwarf Green Curled S -322 g and Dwarf Green Curled -312 g. Total yield (leaves + strains) was 825 g -Larkezungen, 434 g -Westlander Halbhoher, 422 g -Reflex F1, 380 g -Black magic, 372 g -Dwarf Green Curled S, -Fizz, 332 g -Nero di Toscana, 321 g -Pentland Brigg. Other varieties had a yield of less than 300 g / plant

    Studiul combaterii biologice a tripsului comun la ardei

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    The trials of tripsattack and ecological control of pests were performed at Vegetable Research and Development Station Bacau –Romania, during 2016 -2017. The dynamic of trips attack in pepperand effectiveness of Amblyseius swirskii At.-H. (Arachnida, Mesostigmata, Phytoseiidae) releases in control of onion tripsat pepper collection of cultivars in tunnelswasstudied. The trial of A. swirskii in tripscontrol was performed at the followingrelease rates: V1 –500,000 mites/ha; V2 –700,000 mites/ha; V3 –900,000 mites/ha; V4. 1 million mites/ha; V5 -Control.On observed that the reducing trips degree attack by release of A. swirskii at pepper is effective in August -September usingthe release rates between 700,000 ex /ha -1,000,000 ex/ ha

    Functional quality of improved tomato genotypes grown in open field and in plastic tunnel under organic farming

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    In response to urgent demand to raise awareness of the nutritional and health benefits of tomato consumption and to advocate for healthy diets through increased sustainable production and consumption of fruits and vegetables, this study is intended to promote a healthy and balanced lifestyle, sharing the best practices of production and consumption. The aim of this research was to compare the effects of the growing system (field vs. plastic tunnel) and of genotype characteristics for organic improved tomato genotypes. The research was carried out in the 2019 and 2020 years on eight improved tomato genotypes. The results showed that the ascorbic acid content presented higher values for organic tomatoes cultivated in the field for all genotypes studied, with an upper limit of 18.57 mg 100 g1 FW. In contrast, the content in -carotene and lycopene showed higher values for genotypes grown under plastic tunnel conditions. Significant statistical differences were noticed concerning the mean values of all genotypes according to cultivation conditions (field vs. plastic tunnel) for most parameters excepting total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), maturity index (MI) and flavor index (FI). This highlights the major importance of the selection of some genotypes of tomatoes that respond positively to the organic cultivation system in terms of the presence of the antioxidants compounds (vitamin C, lycopene, and carotene) in representative quantities. Genotype 3 is highlighted by the highest content in carotene (7.4 mg 100 g1 F.W.) and lycopene (8.4 mg 100 g1 F.W.) and genotype 5 by the highest content in vitamin C (16.8 mg 100 g1 F.W.). The results of the study suggest that by applying appropriate techniques for growing organic tomatoes in the plastic tunnel system, the antioxidant substrate can be optimized compared to the results obtained for the field system

    Nutritional value of new sweet pepper genotypes grown in organic system

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    The market request for organic vegetables has grown recently for their positive impact on healthy diets. Consumers have progressively shown preferences for various combinations of color, size, and shape of pepper fruits. Facilitating communication, collaboration, and participation in the selection of cultivars with superior performance, flavor, texture, and culinary attributes can represent a key tool in breeding for nutritional and culinary traits. The current research started from the premise that organic production involves achieving adequate nutritional and culinary quality of pepper fruits. The study was conducted to investigate traits related culinary quality of pepper genotypes, especially in the ripening phase of fruits, to select the best resources with a high antioxidant content for breeding programs. The biological material represented by nine genotypes of sweet pepper was cultivated in the open fields during 2019 and 2020 at the experimental stations of the Vegetable Research Development Station of Bacau and of Iasi University of Life Sciences. Agricultural practices and intensive breeding focused on yield and stress tolerance have indirectly led to a reduction in the nutrition and flavor of the produce. Complex approaches, including screening of consumer preferences, phenotyping, and use of modern genomics and analytical chemistry tools in breeding, together with participatory farmer-breeder-chef-consumer collaborations, can represent a strategy to facilitate the development of the next generation of crops aimed to meet the growing demands of safe and nutritionally vegetables featured by culinary standards as good flavor, color, and texture

    Lathyrus diversity: available resources with relevance to crop improvement – progress reviews and relationship with AEGIS (EUGrainLeg)

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    The ECPGR (European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources) Grain legumes working group cover a range of species, which have enormous benefits for environment, food security and as well as the breeding material. However, despite its huge potential lots of species, including Lathyrus sp., are not well represented in European collection and enough exploited for different purposes. As starting point of EUGrainLeg project the activities act in two directions: i) AEGIS progress and improved data on European grain legumes plant genetic resources, and ii) improvement of group strategy work – in view of subgroup establishment based on species interest, in order to facilitate experience and knowledge exchange. The task of establishing the European grain legume collection needs updates and improvements, taking in account the large number of species managed inside the group. The significant diversity of Lathyrus sp. exist, but there are difficulties/gaps in order to identify accessions as AEGIS accessions, recording to registered data