51 research outputs found

    Cremin, Lawrence A., Curriculum-Making in the United States, Teachers College Record, 73(December, 1971), 207-220. Reprinted pp. 19-38 in William Pinar, ed., Curriculum Theorizing . Berkeley, CA: McCutchan, 1975.

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    Starts with the work of W. T. Harris, moves on to the progessive era, and compares these with curriculum-making in the 1950s and 1960s

    Cremin, Lawrence A., The Curriculum Maker and His Critics: A Persistent American Problem, Teachers College Record, 54(February, 1953), 233-245.

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    Examines the educational ideals of Mann and Parker and their critics and gives some prescriptions for action by curriculum makers

    Cremin, Lawrence A., The Problem of Curriculum Making: An Historical Perspective, pp. 6-26 in What Shall the High Schools Teach? , ASCD Yearbook 1956. Washington, DC: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1956.

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    Examines Committee of Ten Report (1893), the societal forces impinging upon curriculum from 1893-1918, and changing conceptions of schooling in this same period, and finally the Cardinal Principles Report (1918)

    A history of education in American culture

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    xii, 628 hal.; 24 cm
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