9 research outputs found

    Sintomas do trato digestivo superior e distúrbios motores do esôfago em pacientes portadores da forma indeterminada da doença de Chagas crônica Upper gastrointestinal symptoms and esophageal motility disorders in indeterminate Chagas’ disease patients

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    O estudo descreve os sintomas referidos por portadores da forma indeterminada da doença de Chagas crônica e avalia sua associação com alterações da motilidade esofágica. Manometria do esôfago foi realizada em 50 pacientes, medindo-se a extensão e a pressão do esfíncter inferior do esôfago, o peristaltismo e a amplitude de contração do corpo esofágico. Oito (16%) pacientes apresentaram relaxamento parcial do esfíncter inferior, 13 (26%) apresentaram aperistalse parcial e 20 (40%) apresentaram hipocontratilidade no esôfago distal. Sintomas digestivos altos foram referidos por 24 (48%) pacientes, sendo mais freqüentes a pirose, a regurgitação e o desconforto intermitente à deglutição. Esses sintomas foram referidos por 17 (51,5%) de 33 pacientes com alterações motoras do esôfago e por 7 (41,2%) de 17 pacientes com manometria normal, diferença essa não estatisticamente significante (p=0,69). Esses achados sugerem que portadores da FCI apresentam sintomas inespecíficos do trato digestivo superior que podem dificultar a sua classificação com base apenas no exame clínico e radiológico, e que é alta a freqüência de portadores desta forma que apresentam distúrbios motores do esôfago.<br>This study describes the symptoms reported by patients with the indeterminate form of chronic Chagas’ disease and evaluates associations between these symptoms and alterations in esophageal motility. Esophageal manometry was performed on 50 patients, with measurements of the length and pressure of the lower esophageal sphincter, peristaltism and the amplitude of contractions of the esophageal body. Eight (16%) patients presented partial relaxation of the lower sphincter, 13 (26%) presented partial lack of peristalsis and 20 (40%) presented hypocontractility of the distal esophagus. Upper digestive symptoms were reported by 24 (48%) patients, and the most frequent of these were heartburn, regurgitation and intermittent discomfort when swallowing. Such symptoms were reported by 17 (51.5%) of the 33 patients with esophageal motor disorders and by 7 (41.2%) of the 17 patients with normal manometry, which was not a statistically significant difference (p=0.69). These findings suggest that patients with the indeterminate form of Chagas’ disease present nonspecific symptoms in the upper digestive tract that may make it difficult to classify the disease solely on the basis of radiological and clinical examination. Furthermore, a high proportion of patients with this form present esophageal motor disorders

    Impact of mitral regurgitation on the outcome of patients treated with CRT-D: data from the InSync ICD Italian Registry.

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    Background: We assessed the influence of clinically significant mitral regurgitation (MR) on clinical-echocardiographic response and outcome in heart failure (HF) patients treated with a biventricular defibrillator (cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator [CRT-D]). Methods and Results: A total of 659 HF patients underwent successful implantation of CRT-D and were enrolled in a multicenter prospective registry (median follow-up of 15 months). Following baseline echocardiographic evaluation, patients were stratified into two groups according to the severity of MR: 232 patients with more than mild MR (Group MR+: grade 2, 3, and 4 MR) versus 427 patients with mild (grade 1) or no functional MR (Group MR−). On 6- and 12-month echocardiographic evaluation, MR was seen to have improved in the vast majority of MR+ patients, while it remained unchanged in most MR− patients. On 12-month follow-up evaluation, a comparable response to CRT was observed in the two groups, in terms of the extent of left ventricular reverse remodeling and combined clinical and echocardiographic response. During long-term follow-up, event-free survival did not differ between MR+ and MR− patients, even when subpopulations of patients with ischemic heart disease and with dilated cardiomyopathy were analyzed separately. On multivariate analysis, the only independent predictor of death from any cause was the lack of β-blocker use. Conclusions: This observational analysis supports the use of CRT-D in HF patients with clinically significant MR; MR had no major influence on patient outcom

    Epithelial Tumours

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