37,055 research outputs found
Intentional Objects
An intentional object is, by definition, the object of an intentional state: what it is that is thought about, wished for, feared etc. This short paper explains why a theory of intentionality should not dispense with the concept of an intentional object, and why the category of intentional object is not an ontological category.Articl
Reflecting on professional practice: the Importance of motivating adolescent girls in physical education
According to Calderhead et al. (1993), being a reflective practitioner is a vital requirement in the quest to improve both teaching and learning. The stimulus for this research was therefore determined through reflection on current practice within an educational setting. Both sport and academic achievement play a large part in school life. As research by Blaire et al. (1999) demonstrates, regular active participation in sport helps prevent many health risks including obesity, cancer and heart disease. In recent findings however, Shen (2009) identified a steep decline in the involvement of physical activity during adolescent years (12-18 years). This research was further confirmed by 'The National Heart, Lung and Blood health study account'(in Kimm et al, 2002), a finding of which was a dramatic decrease in the median of adolescent's activity between the ages of 12-18 years. Work by (Ogden et al., 2002) subsequently confirmed that inactivity enhances the rates in obesity and Type two diabetes. The focus of this research is therefore to examine why adolescents' motivation towards physical activity decreases with specific reference to the causations and potential methods of how to change this perspective, thus promoting lifelong physical activity participation (Haerens et al., 2012). Through using Kolb's (1984) model of experimental leaning, reflection on current practice can be investigated to demonstrate the relationship of conceptualising experiences. Findings can then be used to inform planning to support improvement in current practice. The research involved synthesising literature themes including motivation and physical activity, identifying the relationship of activity patterns during adolescence to future participation habits, and the impact of team V individual sports on motivation to engage with physical activity within an educational environment. Key themes drawn from the literature illustrating a positive correlation to motivating adolescents included the provision of choice (Prusak, 2004, Pangagi, 2000), the provision of challenge and independent learning tasks linked to skill requirements (Reeves,1987; Garn et al., 2011), the provision of non-competitive and enjoyable activities (Cherubuni et al., 2005; Garn et al, 2005; Johnson et al., 2011), and finally the provision of an environment to enhance levels of perceived competence and autonomy (Wang et al., 2007)
U.S. Export Controls on Technology Transfers
Companies selling technology products abroad must be careful that they have complied with regulations imposed on the exportation of technology products. This is especially true for companies seeking to export encryption technology. This iBrief explores the considerations that must be given to the export of encryption and other technologies
Differences between genders in marriage
Master's Project (M.Ed.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2014Many people quickly find that being married and keeping love going is hard work (Johnson, 2010). The rise in divorce rates over the last four decades, gender equality, and the changing expectations of the 21st century, are influencing the roles in marriage. The intent of this paper is to increase knowledge regarding the changes in marriage, emotional support, and gender trait differences. An application and lesson plan are provided for a psycho-educational group to practice emotional support and learn about gender traits and the expectations of marriage
Concepts in Perception
I can agree with much of what D.H. Mellor says in his response to my paper ('Crane's Waterfall Illusion'). I can agree that perception in some sense 'aims' at truth, that its function 'is to tell us how the world truly is'..
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