235 research outputs found

    The Qipao: Defining Modern Women in the First Half of the 20th Century

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    This thesis was submitted to the Department of History of the University of Kansas in partial fulfillment of the requirements for departmental honors

    Regolith behavior under asteroid-level gravity conditions: low-velocity impact experiments

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    The dusty regolith covering the surfaces of asteroids and planetary satellites differs in size, shape, and composition from terrestrial soil particles and is subject to very different environmental conditions. Experimental studies of the response of planetary regolith in the relevant environmental conditions are thus necessary to facilitate future Solar System exploration activities. We combined the results and provided new data analysis elements for a series of impact experiments into simulated planetary regolith in low-gravity conditions using two experimental setups: the Physics of Regolith Impacts in Microgravity Experiment (PRIME) and the COLLisions Into Dust Experiment (COLLIDE). Results of these experimental campaigns found that there is a significant change in the regolith behavior with the gravity environment. In a 10-2g environment (Lunar g levels), only embedding of the impactor was observed and ejecta production was produced for most impacts at > 20 cm/s. Once at microgravity levels (<10-4g), the lowest impact energies also produced impactor rebound. In these microgravity conditions, ejecta started to be produced for impacts at > 10 cm/s. The measured ejecta speeds were lower than the ones measured at reduced-gravity levels, but the ejected masses were higher. The mean ejecta velocity shows a power-law dependence on the impact energy with an index of ~0.7. When projectile rebound occurred, we observed that its coefficients of restitution on the bed of regolith simulant decrease by a factor of 10 with increasing impact speeds from ~5 cm/s up to 100 cm/s. We could also observe an increased cohesion between the JSC-1 grains compared to the quartz sand targets

    The Raf Inhibitor Paradox: Unexpected Consequences of Targeted Drugs

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    Three papers in Cell and Nature now report that dimeric RAF is a plastic enzyme: blocking one ATP-binding site paradoxically stimulates the kinase activity of the other protomer. This occurs only in “primed” cells bearing activated RAS and WT RAF, explaining the selective efficacy of RAF inhibitors for RAF mutant cells

    The role of wild type RAS isoforms in cancer

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    Mutationally activated RAS proteins are critical oncogenic drivers in nearly 30% of all human cancers. As with mutant RAS, the role of wild type RAS proteins in oncogenesis, tumour maintenance and metastasis is context-dependent. Complexity is introduced by the existence of multiple RAS genes (HRAS, KRAS, NRAS) and protein "isoforms" (KRAS4A, KRAS4B), by the ever more complicated network of RAS signaling, and by the increasing identification of numerous genetic aberrations in cancers that do and do not harbour mutant RAS. Numerous mouse model carcinogenesis studies and examination of patient tumours reveal that, in RAS-mutant cancers, wild type RAS proteins are likely to serve as tumour suppressors when the mutant RAS is of the same isoform. This evidence is particularly robust in KRAS mutant cancers, which often display suppression or loss of wild type KRAS, but is not as strong for NRAS. In contrast, although not yet fully elucidated, the preponderance of evidence indicates that wild type RAS proteins play a tumour promoting role when the mutant RAS is of a different isoform. In non-RAS mutant cancers, wild type RAS is recognized as a mediator of oncogenic signaling due to chronic activation of upstream receptor tyrosine kinases that feed through RAS. Additionally, in the absence of mutant RAS, activation of wild type RAS may drive cancer upon the loss of negative RAS regulators such as NF1 GAP or SPRY proteins. Here we explore the current state of knowledge with respect to the roles of wild type RAS proteins in human cancers

    Atypical Mechanism of Regulation of the Wrch-1 Rho Family Small GTPase

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    Rho family GTPases are GDP/GTP-regulated molecular switches that regulate signaling pathways controlling diverse cellular processes [1, 2, 3]. Wrch-1 was identified as a Wnt-1 regulated Cdc42 homolog, upregulated by Wnt1 signaling in Wnt1-transformed mouse mammary cells [4], and was able to promote formation of filopodia and activate the PAK serine/threonine kinase. Wrch-1 shares significant sequence and functional similarity with the Cdc42 small GTPase. However, Wrch-1 possesses a unique N-terminal 46 amino acid sequence extension that contains putative Src homology 3 (SH3) domain-interacting motifs. We determined the contribution of the N terminus to Wrch-1 regulation and activity. We observed that Wrch-1 possesses properties that distinguish it from Cdc42 and other Rho family GTPases. Unlike Cdc42, Wrch-1 possesses an extremely rapid, intrinsic guanine nucleotide exchange activity. Although the N terminus did not influence GTPase or GDP/GTP cycling activity in vitro, N-terminal truncation of Wrch-1 enhanced its ability to interact with and activate PAK and to cause growth transformation. The N terminus associated with the Grb2 SH3 domain-containing adaptor protein, and this association increased the levels of active Wrch-1 in cells. We propose that Grb2 overcomes N-terminal negative regulation to promote Wrch-1 effector interaction. Thus, Wrch-1 exhibits an atypical model of regulation not seen in other Rho family GTPases

    Protein Kinase CK2α Maintains Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinase (ERK) Activity in a CK2α Kinase-independent Manner to Promote Resistance to Inhibitors of RAF and MEK but Not ERK in BRAF Mutant Melanoma

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    The protein kinase casein kinase 2 (CK2) is a pleiotropic and constitutively active kinase that plays crucial roles in cellular proliferation and survival. Overexpression of CK2, particularly the α catalytic subunit (CK2α, CSNK2A1), has been implicated in a wide variety of cancers and is associated with poorer survival and resistance to both conventional and targeted anticancer therapies. Here, we found that CK2α protein is elevated in melanoma cell lines compared with normal human melanocytes. We then tested the involvement of CK2α in drug resistance to Food and Drug Administration-approved single agent targeted therapies for melanoma. In BRAF mutant melanoma cells, ectopic CK2α decreased sensitivity to vemurafenib (BRAF inhibitor), dabrafenib (BRAF inhibitor), and trametinib (MEK inhibitor) by a mechanism distinct from that of mutant NRAS. Conversely, knockdown of CK2α sensitized cells to inhibitor treatment. CK2α-mediated RAF-MEK kinase inhibitor resistance was tightly linked to its maintenance of ERK phosphorylation. We found that CK2α post-translationally regulates the ERK-specific phosphatase dual specificity phosphatase 6 (DUSP6) in a kinase dependent-manner, decreasing its abundance. However, we unexpectedly showed, by using a kinase-inactive mutant of CK2α, that RAF-MEK inhibitor resistance did not rely on CK2α kinase catalytic function, and both wild-type and kinase-inactive CK2α maintained ERK phosphorylation upon inhibition of BRAF or MEK. That both wild-type and kinase-inactive CK2α bound equally well to the RAF-MEK-ERK scaffold kinase suppressor of Ras 1 (KSR1) suggested that CK2α increases KSR facilitation of ERK phosphorylation. Accordingly, CK2α did not cause resistance to direct inhibition of ERK by the ERK1/2-selective inhibitor SCH772984. Our findings support a kinase-independent scaffolding function of CK2α that promotes resistance to RAF- and MEK-targeted therapies

    Ras inhibition boosts galectin-7 at the expense of galectin-1 to sensitize cells to apoptosis

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    Galectins are a family of ÎČ-galactoside-binding lectins that exert diverse extracellular and intracellular effects. Galectin-7 and galectin-1 show opposing effects on proliferation and survival in different cell types. Galectin-7 is a p53-induced gene and an enhancer of apoptosis, whereas galectin-1 induces tumorigenicity and resistance to apoptosis in several types of cancers. We show here that in cells derived from neurofibromin-deficient (Nf1−/−) malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs), Ras inhibition by S-trans,trans-farnesylthiosalicylic-acid (FTS; Salirasib) shifts the pattern of galectin expression. Whereas FTS decreased levels of both active Ras and galectin-1 expression, it dramatically increased both the mRNA and protein expression levels of galectin-7. Galectin-7 accumulation was mediated through JNK inhibition presumably resulting from the observed induction of p53, and was negatively regulated by the AP-1 inhibitor JDP2. Expression of galectin-7 by itself decreased Ras activation in ST88-14 cells and rendered them sensitive to apoptosis. This observed shift in galectin expression pattern together with the accompanying shift from cell proliferation to apoptosis represents a novel pattern of Ras inhibition by FTS. This seems likely to be an important phenomenon in view of the fact that both enhanced cell proliferation and defects of apoptosis constitute major hallmarks of human cancers and play a central role in the resistance of MPNSTs to anti-cancer treatments. These findings suggest that FTS, alone or in combination with chemotherapy agents, may be worth developing as a possible treatment for MPNSTs

    Targeting RAS Membrane Association: Back to the Future for Anti-RAS Drug Discovery?

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    RAS proteins require membrane association for their biological activity, making this association a logical target for anti-RAS therapeutics. Lipid modification of RAS proteins by a farnesyl isoprenoid is an obligate step in that association, and is an enzymatic process. Accordingly, farnesyltransferase inhibitors (FTIs) were developed as potential anti-RAS drugs. The lack of efficacy of FTIs as anti-cancer drugs was widely seen as indicating that blocking RAS membrane association was a flawed approach to cancer treatment. However, a deeper understanding of RAS modification and trafficking has revealed that this was an erroneous conclusion. In the presence of FTIs, KRAS and NRAS, which are the RAS isoforms most frequently mutated in cancer, become substrates for alternative modification, can still associate with membranes, and can still function. Thus, FTIs failed not because blocking RAS membrane association is an ineffective approach, but because FTIs failed to accomplish that task. Recent findings regarding RAS isoform trafficking and the regulation of RAS subcellular localization have rekindled interest in efforts to target these processes. In particular, improved understanding of the palmitoylation/depalmitoylation cycle that regulates RAS interaction with the plasma membrane, endomembranes and cytosol, and of the potential importance of RAS chaperones, have led to new approaches. Efforts to validate and target other enzymatically regulated post-translational modifications are also ongoing. In this review, we revisit lessons learned, describe the current state of the art, and highlight challenging but promising directions to achieve the goal of disrupting RAS membrane association and subcellular localization for anti-RAS drug development

    ERK/MAPK Signaling Drives Overexpression of the Rac-GEF, PREX1, in BRAF- and NRAS-Mutant Melanoma

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    Recently we identified that PREX1 overexpression is critical for metastatic but not tumorigenic growth in a mouse model of NRAS-driven melanoma. In addition, a PREX1 gene signature correlated with and was dependent on ERK mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation in human melanoma cell lines. In the current study, the underlying mechanism of PREX1 overexpression in human melanoma was assessed. PREX1 protein levels were increased in melanoma tumor tissues and cell lines compared with benign nevi and normal melanocytes, respectively. Suppression of PREX1 by siRNA impaired invasion but not proliferation in vitro. PREX1-dependent invasion was attributable to PREX1-mediated activation of the small GTPase RAC1 but not the related small GTPase CDC42. Pharmacologic inhibition of ERK signaling reduced PREX1 gene transcription and additionally regulated PREX1 protein stability. This ERK-dependent upregulation of PREX1 in melanoma, due to both increased gene transcription and protein stability, contrasts with the mechanisms identified in breast and prostate cancers, where PREX1 overexpression was driven by gene amplification and HDAC-mediated gene transcription, respectively. Thus, although PREX1 expression is aberrantly upregulated and regulates RAC1 activity and invasion in these three different tumor types, the mechanisms of its upregulation are distinct and context-dependent

    TLN-4601 suppresses growth and induces apoptosis of pancreatic carcinoma cells through inhibition of Ras-ERK MAPK signaling

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    Abstract Background TLN-4601 is a structurally novel farnesylated dibenzodiazepinone discovered using Thallion's proprietary DECIPHERÂź technology, a genomics and bioinformatics platform that predicts the chemical structures of secondary metabolites based on gene sequences obtained by scanning bacterial genomes. Our recent studies suggest that TLN-4601 inhibits the Ras-ERK MAPK pathway post Ras prenylation and prior to MEK activation. The Ras-ERK MAPK signaling pathway is a well-validated oncogenic cascade based on its central role in regulating the growth and survival of cells from a broad spectrum of human tumors. Furthermore, RAS isoforms are the most frequently mutated oncogenes, occurring in approximately 30% of all human cancers, and KRAS is the most commonly mutated RAS gene, with a greater than 90% incidence of mutation in pancreatic cancer. Results To evaluate whether TLN-4601 interferes with K-Ras signaling, we utilized human pancreatic epithelial cells and demonstrate that TLN-4601 treatment resulted in a dose- and time-dependent inhibition of Ras-ERK MAPK signaling. The compound also reduced Ras-GTP levels and induced apoptosis. Finally, treatment of MIA PaCa-2 tumor-bearing mice with TLN-4601 resulted in antitumor activity and decreased tumor Raf-1 protein levels. Conclusion These data, together with phase I/II clinical data showing tolerability of TLN-4601, support conducting a clinical trial in advanced pancreatic cancer patients
