339 research outputs found

    William C. Nelson to Maria C. Nelson (2 March 1860)

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    Howard [Falconer\u27s] visit to Holly Springs; description of the boarding conditions; his health; asking for his summer clothes as the winter is ending; competitive recitations; academic standing in class; mentions Mr. Stearnshttps://egrove.olemiss.edu/ciwar_corresp/1620/thumbnail.jp

    William C. Nelson to J. H. Nelson (April 1864)

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    Happy to have received letters from home; expect to daily receive marching orders; he notes that Grant has assumed command of the Army of the Potomac and will probably attack by using two or three different route; says the Army was never in better spiritshttps://egrove.olemiss.edu/ciwar_corresp/1705/thumbnail.jp

    William C. Nelson to Maria C. Nelson (18 December 1863)

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    Worries that he has not heard from home for a while; going into winter quarters; the successor for General Posey has not yet been decided; reading quite a lot now; calling on acquaintances in the vicinity of Orange and has made several lady friends; rumor that Lee would be sent south to command Bragg\u27s Army; mentions his Sister and the Cage family; and mentions activities of William Forbes Stearnshttps://egrove.olemiss.edu/ciwar_corresp/1698/thumbnail.jp

    William C. Nelson to Maria C. Nelson (10 October 1861)

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    Battle at Santa Rosa Islandhttps://egrove.olemiss.edu/ciwar_corresp/1657/thumbnail.jp

    William C. Nelson to Maria C. Nelson (4 September 1861)

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    Expecting a letter from home; absurd rumors of moving camp to Mississippi City or coast of Texas; fleet in harbor; death of one of their company; burial duty; ate dinner with Col. Chalmers and family; need for winter goodshttps://egrove.olemiss.edu/ciwar_corresp/1654/thumbnail.jp

    William C. Nelson to Maria C. Nelson (14 July 1861)

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    Slaves in camp; pay; debts; standing guard; need of a camp rug ; seeing a meteor; resignation of Lieut Jones; mentions people in camp from Holly Springshttps://egrove.olemiss.edu/ciwar_corresp/1650/thumbnail.jp

    William C. Nelson to Maria C. Nelson (12 March 1863)

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    Received welcome letter from home; laughed to think of Tom doing the milking now that the slaves have left; glad their home is still safe; still Adjutant General of General Posey\u27s Brigade while still Lt. of Ordnance; waiting on General Posey\u27s two sons to arrive in camp; glad to hear that Howard Falconer is not dead; ends by asking about several friendshttps://egrove.olemiss.edu/ciwar_corresp/1683/thumbnail.jp

    William C. Nelson to Foster Cage (16 October 1861)

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    Battle of Santa Rosa Island, Floridahttps://egrove.olemiss.edu/ciwar_corresp/1659/thumbnail.jp

    William C. Nelson to Maria C. Nelson (5 July 1864)

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    Worries that he has not heard from home recently; bombardment around the city of Petersburg; discussion of religion and new acquaintanceshttps://egrove.olemiss.edu/ciwar_corresp/1709/thumbnail.jp

    William C. Nelson to Maria C. Nelson (29 October 1861)

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    Firing of guns; Battle of Ball\u27s Bluff; 17th & 18th Mississippi Infantry Regiments; winter quarters; General Bragg; Kinloch Falconerhttps://egrove.olemiss.edu/ciwar_corresp/1662/thumbnail.jp