44 research outputs found

    The letter 'T'.

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    "Of the Muscles of the Internal Ear. ... three Muscles belong to the Malleus, of which the first, that appears in Dissection, is the Externus of Aquapendens; the second is the Externus of Du Verny, which we call Obliquus Auris; and the third is the Internus of Eustachius, to which may be added the fourth, belonging to the Stapes, called Musculus Stapedis ..." (Cowper, 1724, Chap. XII)

    The letter 'C'.

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    "Of the Muscles of the Eye. ... the accurate Falloppius, who first observed the Trochlea, has given us the most exact Description of these Muscles of the Eye, as well as those of the Palpebrae" (Cowper, 1724, Chap. IX)

    The letter 'T'.

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    "Of the Muscles of the Wrist, or Carpus. These are well described by most Authors, and receive their names from their Situation and Use" (Cowper, 1724, Chap. XXX)

    The letter 'A'.

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    "Of the Muscles of the Thumb. Authors disagree concerning the Number, Rise and Insertions of these Muscles; which may partly proceed from that great Variety to be observ'd in divers Subjects. As they have most commonly appeared to me, I shall endeavour to represent them; and first the Benders of the Thumb" (Cowper, 1724, Chap. XXIX)

    The letter 'T'.

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    "Of the Muscles of the Hairy-Scalp and Forehead" (Cowper, 1724, Chap. VI)

    The letter 'T'.

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    "Of the Muscles of the Four Lesser Toes. These (like the Muscles of the Fingers) we shall divide into Common and Proper. The Common Muscles of the Toes are such, as have their Tendons inserted into all the lesser Toes, as the Extensor Digitorum Pedis Longus, Extensor Brevis, Perforatus, and Perforans. The rest are the Proper Muscles of the Toes, namely, Lumbricales, Abductor Minimi Digiti, Transversalis Placentini, Flexor Primi Internodii Minimi Digiti Proprius, and the Interossei" (Cowper, 1724, Chap. XXXVI)

    The letter 'V'.

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    "Of the Muscles of the Anus. Various Accounts are given us by Anatomists of the Muscles of the Anus. Galen divides its Sphincter into two, viz. Carnosus and Cutaneus; which with the two Levatores, make four Muscles belonging to this Part. Riolan multiplies them to the Number of nine, three Sphincters, Carnosus, Cutaneus, and Vaginalis; and six Elevators, two internal, and four external, of which one Pair belongs to the Os Coccygis. But this Opinion seems rather grounded on Fancy, or some particular Subject, than the general Appearance of them in Dissection" (Cowper, 1724, Chap. V.

    The letter 'F'.

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    "Of the Muscles of the Uvula. Falloppius mentions the second and third of these Muscles among those of the Fauces; but Riolan first ascribed them to this Part, and call'd them Pterygostaphylinus Internus and Externus. The Discovery of the Glossostaphylini is owing to Valsalva" (Cowper, Chap. XV)