6 research outputs found

    The Reform Papacy and the Origin of the Crusades

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    This paper is concerned with four ways in which the reform papacy since Pope Leo IX prepared the way for Pope Urban II's preaching in 1095. First, the papacy cultivated a mother-and-daughter relationship between Rome and Constantinople which was activated by the battle of Manzikert. Secondly, the papacy had an entirely favourable estimate of Constantine, embodied in such documents as the Donation, who furnished it with the Lateran palace and relics of the Holy Land ; it also remembered the laba-rum as a pledge of military victory. Thirdly, since the time of Pope Gregory VII, the papacy expressed a duty of promoting internal peace and order which, in the Crusade, was extended to comprehend eastern as well as western Christendom. Fourthly, Gregory's attempts to revise thought and practice about the performance of penance facilitated the response of the knightly class to Urban's preaching of the Crusade.Cowdrey Herbert edward john. The Reform Papacy and the Origin of the Crusades. In: Le concile de Clermont de 1095 et l’appel à la croisade. Actes du Colloque Universitaire International de Clermont-Ferrand (23-25 juin 1995) Rome : École Française de Rome, 1997. pp. 65-83. (Publications de l'École française de Rome, 236

    Count Simon of Crepy's monastic conversion

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    Between March and May 1077, Count Simon of Crépy (1048-81/2), a leading feudatory of the Capetian crown whose complex of lands lay mainly between the Rivers Seine and Somme, astounded his French contemporaries by withdrawing from the world and becoming a monk. Medieval historians today are most familiar with this event from Guibert of Nogent's autobiography, written in 1114/15. According to Guibert, Simon's conversion occurred with a suddenness reminiscent of St Paul's on the Damascus road. I..

    The Reform Papacy and the Origin of the Crusades

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    This paper is concerned with four ways in which the reform papacy since Pope Leo IX prepared the way for Pope Urban II's preaching in 1095. First, the papacy cultivated a mother-and-daughter relationship between Rome and Constantinople which was activated by the battle of Manzikert. Secondly, the papacy had an entirely favourable estimate of Constantine, embodied in such documents as the Donation, who furnished it with the Lateran palace and relics of the Holy Land ; it also remembered the laba-rum as a pledge of military victory. Thirdly, since the time of Pope Gregory VII, the papacy expressed a duty of promoting internal peace and order which, in the Crusade, was extended to comprehend eastern as well as western Christendom. Fourthly, Gregory's attempts to revise thought and practice about the performance of penance facilitated the response of the knightly class to Urban's preaching of the Crusade.Cowdrey Herbert edward john. The Reform Papacy and the Origin of the Crusades. In: Le concile de Clermont de 1095 et l’appel à la croisade. Actes du Colloque Universitaire International de Clermont-Ferrand (23-25 juin 1995) Rome : École Française de Rome, 1997. pp. 65-83. (Publications de l'École française de Rome, 236

    Popes, monks and crusaders /

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    Papauté, monachisme et théories politiques. Volume I

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    Les soixante-six études rassemblées dans ces deux volumes veulent té­moigner de la vitalité et du profond renouvellement de l'histoire médiévale politique et religieuse. Elles sont offertes par ses collègues français et étrangers à Marcel Pacaut, qui en fut un des plus actifs représentants du­rant plus de trente ans d'enseignement à l'Université de Lyon. Le volume I : Le pouvoir et l'institution ecclésiale, aborde deux thèmes essentiels : - La papauté médiévale - dont l'histoire ne peut plus se concevoir simplement comme celle de la succession des papes - et les relations de l'Église et de l'État. - Le monachisme médiéval, dans son unité et sa diversité, au carrefour du ciel et de la terre, et dont l'empreinte sur la civilisation occidentale demeure toujours présente