640 research outputs found

    Dynamics of ferromagnetic nanomagnets with vortex or single-domain configuration

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    We study the dynamics of flat circular permalloy nanomagnets for 1.) magnetic vortex and 2.) single-domain configurations, using micromagnetic simulation. Dynamical studies for isolated vortex structures show that both the vorticity and the central polarity of the out-of-plane component can be switched fast (50-100 ps) and independently. Micromagnetic simulations of the switching process in thin cylindrical Permalloy (Py) nanoparticles with an initial stable single-domain state show nearly homogeneous single-domain behaviour followed by excitation of spin waves.Comment: 2 pages with 3 eps-figures, --> ICM2003 Rome 28.7.-1.8.03, --> JMM

    Simulation Studies of Nanomagnet-Based Architecture

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    We report a simulation study on interacting ensembles of Co nanomagnets that can perform basic logic operations and propagate logic signals, where the state variable is the magnetization direction. Dipole field coupling between individual nanomagnets drives the logic functionality of the ensemble and coordinated arrangements of the nanomagnets allow for the logic signal to propagate in a predictable way. Problems with the integrity of the logic signal arising from instabilities in the constituent magnetizations are solved by introducing a biaxial anisotropy term to the Gibbs magnetic free energy of each nanomagnet. The enhanced stability allows for more complex components of a logic architecture capable of random combinatorial logic, including horizontal wires, vertical wires, junctions, fanout nodes, and a novel universal logic gate. Our simulations define the focus of scaling trends in nanomagnet-based logic and provide estimates of the energy dissipation and time per nanomagnet reversal

    Evolution and stability of a magnetic vortex in small cylindrical ferromagnetic particle under applied field

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    The energy of a displaced magnetic vortex in a cylindrical particle made of isotropic ferromagnetic material (magnetic dot) is calculated taking into account the magnetic dipolar and the exchange interactions. Under the simplifying assumption of small dot thickness the closed-form expressions for the dot energy is written in a non-perturbative way as a function of the coordinate of the vortex center. Then, the process of losing the stability of the vortex under the influence of the externally applied magnetic field is considered. The field destabilizing the vortex as well as the field when the vortex energy is equal to the energy of a uniformly magnetized state are calculated and presented as a function of dot geometry. The results (containing no adjustable parameters) are compared to the recent experiment and are in good agreement.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, RevTe

    Interacting circular nanomagnets

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    Regular 2D rectangular lattices of permalloy nanoparticles (40 nm in diameter) were prepared by the method of the electron lithography. The magnetization curves were studied by Hall magnetometry with the compensation technique for different external field orientations at 4.2K and 77K. The shape of hysteresis curves indicates that there is magnetostatic interaction between the particles. The main peculiarity is the existence of remanent magnetization perpendicular to easy plain. By numerical simulation it is shown, that the character of the magnetization reversal is a result of the interplay of the interparticle interaction and the magnetization distribution within the particles (vortex or uniform).Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Effect of photodynamic therapy in combination with ionizing radiation on human squamous cell carcinoma cell lines of the head and neck

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a promising treatment modality for head and neck, and other tumours, using drugs activated by light. A second generation drug, 5-aminolaevulinic acid (5-ALA), is a precursor of the active photosensitizer protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) and has fewer side-effects and much more transient phototoxicity than previous photosensitizers. We have investigated the effect of 5-ALA mediated PDT in combination with γ-irradiation on the colony forming ability of several human head and neck tumour cell lines. The effect of treatments on the DNA cell cycle kinetics was also investigated. Our results indicate that the combination of 5-ALA mediated PDT and γ-irradiation results in a level of cytotoxicity which is additive and not synergistic. 5-ALA mediated PDT had no discernible effect on DNA cell cycle distributions. γ-irradiation-induced cell cycle arrest in G2 did not enhance the phototoxicity of 5-ALA. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Micromagnetics Simulation of Deep-Submicron Supermalloy Disks

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    The results of recent micromagnetic simulations of deep submicron supermalloy disks are presented. A recent experimental measurement of the hysteresis and magnetic domain structure in supermalloy disks with diameters ranging from 55 to 500 nm and thickness ranging from 6 to 15 nm has been reported. Our micromagnetic simulations show remarkable agreement with the experimental hysteresis loops. The simulation results show that for thin or small diameter disks a single magnetic domain exists with all spins aligned. The hysteresis loop represents free rotation of these spins. For larger diameter disks or as the thickness increases the hysteresis loops change shape due to the appearance of a single vortex state appearing at low applied fields

    Near-field interaction between domain walls in adjacent Permalloy nanowires

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    The magnetostatic interaction between two oppositely charged transverse domain walls (DWs)in adjacent Permalloy nanowires is experimentally demonstrated. The dependence of the pinning strength on wire separation is investigated for distances between 13 and 125 nm, and depinning fields up to 93 Oe are measured. The results can be described fully by considering the interaction between the full complex distribution of magnetic charge within rigid, isolated DWs. This suggests the DW internal structure is not appreciably disturbed by the pinning potential, and that they remain rigid although the pinning strength is significant. This work demonstrates the possibility of non-contact DW trapping without DW perturbation and full continuous flexibility of the pinning potential type and strength. The consequence of the interaction on DW based data storage schemes is evaluated.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 page supplimentary material (supporting.ps

    Coupling and induced depinning of magnetic domain walls in adjacent spin valve nanotracks

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    The magnetostatic interaction between magnetic domain walls (DWs) in adjacent nanotracks has been shown to produce strong inter-DW coupling and mutual pinning. In this paper, we have used electrical measurements of adjacent spin-valve nanotracks to follow the positions of interacting DWs. We show that the magnetostatic interaction between DWs causes not only mutual pinning, as observed till now, but that a travelling DW can also induce the depinning of DWs in near-by tracks. These effects may have great implications for some proposed high density magnetic devices (e.g. racetrack memory, DW logic circuits, or DW-based MRAM).Comment: The following article has been accepted by the Journal of Applied Physic
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