7 research outputs found

    Некоторые итоги исследования «жилых структур» на верхнепалеолитической стоянке Климэуць II в Среднем Поднестровье

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    International audienceSuccessful field work at the site Climăuţi IIin 1989 and 2017 allowed to identify the remains of a residential ground construction (complex 1), investigated in its entirety, and a small section of the ring conglomeration of bones, skull and mammoth tusk (complex 2), comparable to the „residential structure”. For the second complex, studied in 2017, data were obtained indicating two levels of occurrence of the finds, which form the proposed socle and socle cover. In addition, the stratigraphy characteristic of the central part of the site is traced, and a collection of stone artifacts from two cultural layers is collected. © Institute of Cultural Heritage of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova

    Palaeolithic reindeer hunting camps from Cosăuți (Middle Dniester, Moldova)

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    Several Late Palaeolithic sites from the Middle Dniester area are characterized by specific artefact associations and archaeozoological assemblages that permit to include them in a particular category of reindeer hunting camps of the Palaeolithic communities. Among the Palaeolithic reindeer hunting camps, the multi-layered site of Cosăuți has a particular importance, since it includes more than two dozens of cultural layers dated from 20 to 14 thousand years BP. Nearly each of those strata exhibits an abundance of reindeer remains that represents up to 90% of the total archaeozoological material. The site of Cosăuți has yielded a variety of hunting weapons (spearheads, darts and spears, and a harpoon) that served for killing reindeer crossing the Dniester during the migration seasons. The geographical position of the site allows to control the part of the river valley where migrating reindeer herds crossed the Dniester and therefore the Cosăuți site had an advantageous strategical position. In many respects, the Palaeolithic site of Cosăuți resembles the location of the hunting camps of the ethnographically studied communities of caribou hunters in North America.Unele dintre siturile paleoliticului târziu din zona Nistrului mijlociu se caracterizează prin asocieri de piese și inventare arheologice specifice care permit atribuirea lor categoriei distincte a taberelor de vânătoare a renului specifice comunităților paleolitice. Între acestea, situl multi-stratificat de la Cosăuți are o importanța deosebită, având peste 20 de niveluri culturale datate în perioada 20 000– 14 000 BP. Aproape toate aceste straturi conțin numeroase resturi de ren, reprezentând cca. 90% din inventarul zoo-arheologic. Situl de la Cosăuți a produs o largă varietate de arme de vânătoare (diverse de tipuri de vârfuri și un harpon) utilizate în vânătoarea renilor care traversau Nistrul pe durata sezonului migrațiilor. Poziția geografică avantajoasă a sitului permitea controlul acestei părți a văii râului, acesta fiind locul pe unde turmele de reni traversau Nistrul. Din multe puncte de vedere, Cosăuți amintește de taberele de vânătoare documentate etnografic ale comunităților de vânători de caribu din America de Nord.Covalenco Serghei, Croitor Roman. Palaeolithic reindeer hunting camps from Cosăuți (Middle Dniester, Moldova). In: Materiale şi cercetãri arheologice (Serie nouã), H-S 2021. pp. 351-359

    Некоторые итоги исследования «жилых структур» на верхнепалеолитической стоянке Климэуць II в Среднем Поднестровье

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    International audienceSuccessful field work at the site Climăuţi IIin 1989 and 2017 allowed to identify the remains of a residential ground construction (complex 1), investigated in its entirety, and a small section of the ring conglomeration of bones, skull and mammoth tusk (complex 2), comparable to the „residential structure”. For the second complex, studied in 2017, data were obtained indicating two levels of occurrence of the finds, which form the proposed socle and socle cover. In addition, the stratigraphy characteristic of the central part of the site is traced, and a collection of stone artifacts from two cultural layers is collected. © Institute of Cultural Heritage of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova

    Preliminary results of interdisciplinary research of the Early Paleolithic multilayered site of Bairaki in Transnistria in 2011-2012

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    The article is devoted to preliminary results of comprehensive research of the Early Paleolithic site of Bairaki, which was discovered in 2010 and investigated in 2011-2012. The work was conducted by a team of specialists from Russia and Republic of Moldova, including archaeologists (IHMC RAS, St. Petersburg; Institute of Cultural Heritage, ASM), geologists and paleogeographers (Institute of Geography and Geology RAS, Moscow). In the site there were found several layers of archaeological and paleontological finds associated with ancient deposits of the high 7th terrace above the flood plain of the Dniester. According to the stratigraphy, there were two complexes - the early and the late. The first is associated with alluvial deposits, and the second - with the overlying ancient fossil soils. A few finds of the late complex are comparable to the stone artifacts of the "Dubăsari industry", the variety of regional Acheulian (500-700 thousands years old). More numerous finds of the early complex date back to the Late Eopleistocene (0.8-1.2 million years old), corresponding to the developed or classic Oldowan of Africa and Eurasia

    Preliminary data on a child’s grave discovered in the Paleolithic site of Cosăuţi (Republic of Moldova)

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    This paper presents the preliminary results of a comprehensive study of the burial discovered during the investigations of the Upper Paleolithic site at Cosăuţi by the expedition led by Ilie Borziac. Due to various circumstances, the burial remained virtually unexplored until present. The article presents the main results of a preliminary study of skeletal remains that was carried out by an international, Moldavian-Romanian, group of researchers

    Preliminary data on the child’s tomb discovered in the Paleolithic site of Cosăuţi (Republic of Moldova)

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    The study presents an exceptional anthropological discovery made in 1987 in the upper paleolithic site from Cosăuţi by Ilie Borziac. Due to unfavorable circumstances, the child's tomb remained properly unexploited scientific until present. Are given the preliminary results obtained by interdisciplinary research team formed especially for conservation and investigation the child's tomb from Cosăuţi.Văleanu Mădălin-Cornel, Bejenaru Luminiţa, Covalenco Serghei, Tentiuc Ion, Burlacu Vitalie, Lacătuşu Codrin. Preliminary data on the child’s tomb discovered in the Paleolithic site of Cosăuţi (Republic of Moldova). In: Annales d'Université "Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire, Tome 16, Numéro 2, 2014. pp. 7-15