10 research outputs found

    Queer English Language Teaching in Brazil: A Critical Discourse Study

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    Although the school is one of the main environments in which LGBTQIA+phobia can be fought, the discussion on gender and sexuality issues in pedagogical scenarios is increasingly losing ground in Brazil, mainly due to the lack of educational policies on the subject in this country. In this perspective, our objective is to verify if and how Brazilian English language teachers carry out queer pedagogical practices in their classes. For that, we seek to base ourselves on Fairclough (2003), Louro (1997), Mazzaro (2021), Moita Lopes & Fabrício (2013), among others. The methodology, of an analytical nature, allowed the analysis of statements by three English teachers who work in different Brazilian contexts (Goiás, Mato Grosso and Pernambuco). Data were collected from the application of an online questionnaire and, as an analytical instrument, the Faircloughian Critical Discourse Analysis was used. The results indicate that the fear of discussing issues of gender and sexuality continues in the Brazilian school environment today. It is concluded that, with the weakening of democracy, there is also an outline of the weakening of all achievements, especially those of marginalized groups such as the LGBTQIA+ community. Keywords: Critical discourse analysis, queer, English language, teaching, DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/13-10-02 Publication date:May 31st 202

    A Socio-Emancipatory Perspective on the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language to the Deaf

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    The objective of this research was to draw, in the light of Critical Realism (CR) and Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), some interdisciplinary reflections that could contribute to an emancipatory perspective in the teaching of English language for the deaf. The challenge, it seems to us, is to look for mechanisms and causal powers in an attempt to overcome obstacles in the classroom, at school. Teachers’ fight in defence of quality teaching of the English language to the deaf and of pedagogical activities that contribute to the (self)emancipation of these students revealed that these teachers are active causal agents in the emancipation process. We expect to contribute to English-language teaching and learning to the deaf, bringing a socio-emancipatory outlook on this process. Keywords: English language, teaching, critical discourse analysis, critical realism DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-17-01 Publication date:October 31st 202

    “Sou Americano, Também?”: Uma Análise Crítica do Discurso de Professores Brasileiros de EFL

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    The current work is aimed at analyzing the speech of nine Brazilian teachers who teach English as a Foreign Language (EFL) for three renowned institutions of English language teaching in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, so as to verify if the mental models built justify polarization of the groups denominated as groups of US and THEM (VAN DIJK, 2015a). Such polarization has occurred in a reverse way, since Brazilian EFL teachers look up to the American culture in detriment of their own. This polarization reversal was caused in Brazil, not only by the exposure to American products, but also by the country's historical context. The influence of the American government upon Brazil, and its hegemonic power, began effectively around the 1940s, when they established a Bureau in Brazil to foster cultural exchange. Nonetheless, its creation favored the implantation of the American hegemony, which was channeled by diplomatic agreements with Brazil, which were established by the American government and materialized by institutions along with the export of its English language. This research uses a qualitative, transversal and analytical methodology and analysis was guided in the light of Critical Discourse Studies, having Van Dijk (2015a) as the main theoretician. It will support us to comprehend the socio-cognitive discourse aspects and their components, using the discourse triangle proposed by the author, discourse-cognition-society, as well as Souza (2018) and Moita Lopes (2003) among others to understand the historical context of the North American culture coming to Brazil and the mental representations built subjectively.O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o discurso de nove professores brasileiros que ensinam inglês, como língua estrangeira, em três instituições renomadas de ensino de língua inglesa, na cidade de Recife, Pernambuco, a fim de verificar se os modelos mentais construídos justificam a polarização de grupos denominados como grupos de NÓS e ELES (VAN DIJK, 2015a). Essa polarização ocorre de modo reverso, uma vez que os professores brasileiros de EFL exaltam a cultura dos norte-americanos em detrimento da sua. Essa inversão de polarização foi causada no Brasil, não só pela exposição dos produtos norte-americanos, mas também pelo contexto histórico do país. A inserção do governo norte-americano no Brasil e seu poder hegemônico começaram, efetivamente, por volta dos anos 40, quando eles fundaram no, Brasil, um Birô com propósito de realizar intercâmbio cultural. Entretanto, sua criação favoreceu a implantação da hegemonia norte-americana que aconteceu entre acordos diplomáticos com o Brasil e que foram estabelecidos por instituições norte-americanas, juntamente com a exportação da sua língua inglesa. Assim, a pesquisa utiliza uma metodologia qualitativa, transversal e analítica e teve suas análises norteadas à luz dos Estudos Críticos do Discurso (ECD), tendo como principal teórico Van Dijk.  Essa teoria nos ajudará a compreender os aspectos discursivos sociocognitivos e seus componentes, utilizando o triângulo do discurso proposto pelo autor, discurso-cognição-sociedade, bem como Souza (2018), Moita Lopes (2003) entre outros, para entender o contexto histórico da vinda da cultura norte-americana ao Brasil e as representações mentais construídas subjetivamente

    Reflections on policies which guide English language teaching to the deaf in Brazil / Reflexões sobre políticas que orientam o ensino de inglês para surdos no Brasil

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    Although the discussion about Brazilian education and language policies has been gaining ground in research, the issue of teaching a foreign language to deaf people still does not seem to occupy due space in the concern of researchers. In this sense, we intend to outline reflections about the teaching of the English language for deaf people in Brazil, investigating (in) congruences between what the official texts propose. To achieve our goal, we based our discussions on Bhaskar (1998), Luke (2009), Moutinho (2016), Quadros (2017), Moraes (2018) and Tílio (2019), among others. The adopted methodology followed the guidelines of Gil (2010) for bibliographic and documentary research. For the exploratory/qualitative discussion, we approach official documents about deafness and English language teaching. The data point to an erasure of the differences in documents that guide the teaching of English to the deaf and to the fact that there are no favourable conditions for the full linguistic development of the deaf

    O estágio curricular em língua inglesa e a formação inicial de alunos do Curso de Letras: Contribuições à prática pedagógica

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    The curricular internship is a central axis in the training of teachers, because it is through it that the future professional knows important aspects for the formation and construction of identity and teacher knowledge. In this sense, the objective of this article is to analyze the contributions that the internship brings to teachers of English language in formation. The methodology used was qualitative, based on guidelines from Triviños, analyzing the visits made to a private school for Early Childhood and Elementary Education in the city of Recife, PE. To achieve our goal, we sought to base our discussion on Almeida (2021), Brazil (2017) and Moraes e Barros (2020), among others. The results point to the fact that there is a dialogue between the academic and professional spheres that helps to build the teaching identity of the teacher-intern. Therefore, the significant contributions of this stage of the training process to the practice of future teachers are noticeable.O estágio curricular é eixo central na formação de professores, pois é através dele que o futuro profissional conhece aspectos importantes para a formação e construção da identidade e dos saberes docentes. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste artigo é analisar as contribuições que o estágio curricular traz para professores de língua inglesa em formação. A metodologia utilizada foi a qualitativa, a partir de orientações de Triviños, analisando-se as visitas realizadas a uma escola privada de Educação Infantil e Ensino Fundamental da cidade do Recife, PE. Para alcançar nosso objetivo, buscamos nos fundamentar em Almeida (2021), Brasil (2017) e Moraes e Barros (2020), entre outros. Os resultados apontam para o fato de que há um diálogo entre as esferas acadêmica e profissional que ajuda a construir a identidade docente do professor-estagiário. Portanto, são perceptíveis as contribuições significativas dessa etapa do processo formativo para a prática de futuros professores

    “It's frustrating, but…”: Brazilian and Indonesian Teachers’ resilience to assist deaf students’ online language learning

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    Due to the recent increase in studies on emotions in Applied Linguistics and, especially now, in pandemic times, it opens more discussion to relate teachers' emotions with several other aspects including resilience. Therefore, this research aims to analyze language teachers’ experience in teaching deaf students in Recife, Brazil, and Malang, Indonesia. The methodology applied was qualitative. This study involved teachers in Recife, Brazil, and Malang, Indonesia. The teachers selected to be interviewed in this study were those who had experience teaching deaf students for at least five years and those who, during the pandemic times taught online. Two teachers were taken from each city. Findings point out, among other things, that decreasing the number of students per class and having parents involved in the process may help improve students' learning and teachers' experience and resilience. Based on the data on the implementation of language learning and the teachers' perception of the benefit, the constraints, and strategies in online language learning, resilience is triggered by the professional, personal, institutional, and community challenges

    Reflexões sobre políticas que orientam o ensino de inglês para surdos no Brasil

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    The objective of this paper was to outline reflections about the teaching of the English language for deaf people in Brazil, investigating (in) congruences between what the official texts propose. To achieve our goal, we based our discussions on Bhaskar (1998), Luke (2009), Moutinho (2016), Quadros (2017), Author (2018) and Tílio (2019), among others. The adopted methodology, according to Gil (2010), was bibliographic and documentary. The data point to an erasure of the differences in documents that guide the teaching of English to the deaf and that there are no favourable conditions for the full linguistic development of the deaf.O objetivo deste artigo é traçar reflexões sobre o ensino da língua inglesa para surdos no Brasil, investigando (in)congruências entre o que propõem os textos oficiais. Para atingir nosso objetivo, baseamos nossas discussões em Bhaskar (1998), Luke (2009), Moutinho (2016), Quadros (2017), Autor (2018) e Tílio (2019), entre outros. A metodologia adotada, segundo Gil (2010), foi a bibliográfica e documental. Os dados apontam para o apagamento das diferenças nos documentos que norteiam o ensino da Língua Inglesa para surdos e para o fato de não haver condições favoráveis ao pleno desenvolvimento linguístico dos surdos

    Práticas de tradutores e intérpretes de libras-português em aulas de língua inglesa durante a pandemia da Covid-19

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    O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar as perspectivas de tradutores e intérpretes de língua de sinais-português (TILSP) acerca de suas atuações, mediadas ou não pelas Tecnologias Digitais da Informação e Comunicação (TDIC), em aulas de língua inglesa no Ensino Fundamental e Médio durante a pandemia da Covid-19. A pesquisa é de caráter qualitativo (Triviños, 2010) e foi desenvolvida com o suporte de um questionário disponibilizando online. Ajudam a embasar nosso trabalho autores como Pagura (2003, 2015), Johnson (2004), Quadros (2004,), Scholl (2008), Paiva (2019), Cani et al. (2020), entre outros. Os dados sinalizam a urgente necessidade de investimento em subsídios tecnológicos e formativos para que esses profissionais possam atuar de modo mais qualitativo nas aulas de língua inglesa. Além disso, foi possível verificar que as TDIC podem contribuir para a interpretação do TILSP, assim como para a aprendizagem do aluno surdo. Todavia, é perceptível que a prática desses profissionais exige deles ações para além daquilo que está previsto em lei


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    A decolonialidade é uma perspectiva geo-onto-política e epistêmica de conduta humana voltada a tentativas de pluralizar ou de re/criar modos de perceber, compreender, refletir e agir sobre a vida social, a partir da tensão com as visões e versões únicas de mundo historicamente promulgadas com a eventualidade do colonialismo e que, ainda hoje, dispõem de elementos coloniais como herança, com vistas a ameaçar a diversidade ao impedir a legitimação da diferença e a concorrência de outras verdades em disputa, tudo em prol da manutenção do modelo único de conhecer, experienciar, viver, existir, entre outros, fundado a partir da noção da Europa como centro e referência. É, por essa razão, uma opção que busca trazer o nunca falado e/ou nunca pensado como possibilidades relativas de existência, de soma e/ou de concorrência, e, consequentemente, cooperar para a expansão do relativismo cultural