133 research outputs found

    Aceraceae - Acer triflorum Komar

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    The three flowered maple is an attractive plant particularly for its exfoliating bark and vibrant fall foliage offering shades of orange, red, yellow, and purple that doesn’t get the horticultural attention that may be deserving of its ornamental character (Hill 2010)

    Tetradium daniellii

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    Tetradium daniellii has a natural range in forests and open slopes of Korea and northern China (Dirr 1998, Zhang 2011)

    Metasequoia glyptostroboides

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    Dawn redwood has a limited native range consisting of a number of populations in the mixed forests of the western Hubei, eastern Sichuan, and southern Hunan Provinces of China. There are also single trees that exist outside its range that are evidence of a wider range that is suspected to have existed before settlement of these areas and subsequent harvesting of the trees for anthropogenic use (Williams 2005)

    Davidia involucrata

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    The dove tree has a native distribution in the West Szechuan and West Hupeh regions of China (Dirr 1998)

    Metasequoia glyptostroboides

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    Dawn redwood has a limited native range consisting of a number of populations in the mixed forests of the western Hubei, eastern Sichuan, and southern Hunan Provinces of China. There are also single trees that exist outside its range that are evidence of a wider range that is suspected to have existed before settlement of these areas and subsequent harvesting of the trees for anthropogenic use (Williams 2005)

    Carpinus caroliniana

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    Carpinus caroliniana has a native range from Texas, north to Oklahoma, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, throughout the rest of the eastern United States, including Ontario and Quebec, occurring in understories along waterways (USDA 2011, Dirr 1998)

    Aceraceae - Acer triflorum Komar

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    The three flowered maple is an attractive plant particularly for its exfoliating bark and vibrant fall foliage offering shades of orange, red, yellow, and purple that doesn’t get the horticultural attention that may be deserving of its ornamental character (Hill 2010)

    Diospyros virginiana

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    Diospyros virginiana has a native range from Nebraska, east through the Midwest to the East Coast into New York and Maryland, throughout the Southeast and down to Texas, including Utah and California (USDA 2011)

    Parrotia persica

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    Persian ironwood has a native range in moist forests of lowlands and low mountains in northern Iran (Binka 2003)

    Diospyros virginiana

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    Diospyros virginiana has a native range from Nebraska, east through the Midwest to the East Coast into New York and Maryland, throughout the Southeast and down to Texas, including Utah and California (USDA 2011)
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