5 research outputs found

    La periferia sur de Naachtun: patrón de asentamiento y secuencia de ocupación en una extensa zona residencial

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    International audience"South, west and northeast of the monumental center of Naachtun lies an extensive residential zone. Three field seasons dedicated to the mapping of this zone led to a better understanding of its limits, components, special conformations and environmental inscriptions. The chronological dimension and occupational dynamic can be reconstructed through the study of the numerous lootings in the area and a program of stratigraphic diggings, in order to establish an occupation sequence to be linked with the one of the center, particularly of the Group B. After detailing the methods and techniques used for the study of the resi-dential zone of Naachtun, the first results about settlement pattern (including the use of the soil) will be presented in this paper and a first scheme of its development during the Classic period will be proposed." (source éditeur)Voir le site de l'association Tikal pour lire le document en ligne ou télécharger le document

    Prosperidad económica en Naachtun: resultados de las dos primeras temporadas de investigación

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    International audience"At the end of the first field season (April-May 2010), and after completing the analysis of data and materials recollected, we were able to define three main lines of investigation for the next four years. The first topic deals with the study of the processes that led to the constitution of an agglomeration in Group B of no less than 38 residential patios dating from the Late and Terminal Classic periods. Another theme of research is the understanding of stability or changing trough time of seat of power. But here, we will expose the third line of investigation related to economy: all materials recovered during the first two field seasons clearly indicate that Naachtun had access during a long time to a large quantity and variety of goods andproducts, and this is significant when we try to understand the different aspects of the economy of this major Center. Which roots can we identify to explain the prosperity of the site?" (source éditeur)Voir le lien vers le site de l'association Tikal pour lire le texte en ligne ou télécharger le document

    Una mirada hacia Naachtun después de cinco años de investigación (Proyecto Naachtun 2010-2014)

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    International audience"In 2014 ended the Naachtun Proyect’s first phase of investigations. During five years, it focused mainly on the characterization of the site social, political, and economic organization during the period of apogee of this regional major Center, that is the Late and Terminal Classic periods, during which Naachtun’s population reached its peak. In this paper, we will emphasize the main results in terms of knowledge of Naachtun’s history, giving priority to the most recent progress and discoveries of the 2014 field season, in the archaeological as well as in the paleo-environmental fields." (source éditeur)Voir le site de l'association Tikal pour lire le document en ligne ou télécharger le document

    La temporada 2013 del Proyecto Naachtun: primeros resultados

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    International audience"The 2013 season of Proyecto Naachtun marks a gradual shift in the research issues about time periods and aspects less understood at the date. This paper will focus on the early classic period, when the site has been set, and will deal with the results of the different operations developed both in the monumental core and the periphery. Particular attention will be given to the late classic elite residences, especially in the Group B. Finally, in 2013, the first results of the epigraphic works will be given, to explain the political history and relate archaeology and inscriptions. Finally, we will try to offer a complete view of the results obtained both in the field and in laboratory." (source éditeur)Voir le site de l'association Tikal pour lire le document en ligne ou télécharger le document