3 research outputs found
Les Coves de Santa Maira (Castell de Castells, La Marina Alta-Alacant):
Es presenta una descripció preliminar de la seqüència arqueològica de les Coves de Santa Maira (Castell de Castells). Els conjunts arqueològics i les datacions C 14 obtingudes indiquen que la cavitat registra ocupacions
humanes estratificades entre el XIV i el VI mil·lenni BP, amb materials arqueològics que poden ser relacionats amb el magdalenià superior, epipaleolític sauvaterrià, mesolític i neolític II. Des d’aquest moment la cavitat es va fer servir, bàsicament, de corral per al tancament
de ramat domèstic.
Paraules clau: Cova. Magdalenià. Epipaleolític. Mesolític. Neolític. Marina Alta (Alacant).A preliminary description of the archaeological sequence of Les Coves de Santa Maira (Castell de Castells) is offered. Archaeological assemblies and obtained C 14 datings indicate that the cavity registers stratified human occupations between 14th and 6th millenium BP, with archaeological record that can be related to the Upper Magdalenian, Sauveterroid Epipaleolithic Period, Mesolithic and Neolithic II. Since this moment the cavity had a function, basically, of corral for the closing
of domestic cattle.
Key Words: Cave. Magdalenian. Epipaleolithic. Mesolithic. Neolithic. Marina Alta (province of Alicante).Se ofrece una descripción preliminar de la secuencia arqueológica de las Coves de Santa Maira (Castell de Castells). Los conjuntos arqueológicos y las dataciones C 14 obtenidas indican que la cavidad registra
ocupaciones humanas estratificadas entre el XIVº y VIº milenio BP, con materiales arqueológicos que pueden ser relacionados con el Magdaleniense
superior, Epipaleolítico sauveterroide, Mesolítico y Neolítico II. A partir de este momento la cavidad tuvo una función, básicamente, de corral para el cierre del ganado doméstico.
Palabras Clave: Cueva. Magdaleniense. Epipaleolítico. Mesolítico. Neolítico. Marina Alta (Alicante)
Intergenerational accumulation of impairments in maternal behavior following postnatal social stress
Early adversity such as depressed maternal care can have long-term physiological and behavioral effects on offspring and future generations. Exposure to chronic social stress (CSS), an ethologically model of postpartum depression and anxiety, during lactation impairs maternal care and exerts similar effects on the F1 dam offspring of the stressed F0 dams. These changes associate with increased corticosterone and neuroendocrine alterations. CSS F2 offspring further display decreased social behavior as juveniles and adults and decreased basal levels of corticosterone. This current study investigates the intergenerational inheritance of alterations in maternal behavior in F2 CSS dams together with neuroendocrine and immune markers to explore whether aspects of maternal behavior are intergenerationally inherited through immune and neuroendocrine mechanisms. We find that defects in maternal care behavior persist into the F2 generation with F2 dams exhibiting a pervasively depressed maternal care and increased restlessness throughout lactation. This occurs together with reduced basal cortisol (in contrast to an increase in F1 dams), a lack of changes in neuroendocrine gene expression, and reduced serum ICAM-1 (intercellular adhesion molecule-1) levels - a marker for inflammation and blood–brain barrier integrity. The data support the hypothesis that the effects of chronic social stress can accumulate across multiple generations to depress maternal care, increase restlessness and alter basal functioning of the immune system and hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis