32 research outputs found


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    Para-taekwondo (PTKD) is a modality derived from Olympic taekwondo that allows the practice of people with several types of disabilities, however, in the Paralympic Games only individuals with physical disabilities of the upper limbs are included. These parathletes are divided into sport classes, being K41 for bilateral amputation above or through the elbow, and K44 for unilateral amputation or decreased muscle strength. As it is a recent inclusion in the Paralympic program, the aspects related to scientific production should be stimulated, In this sense, the objective of this study is to review the scientific production about PTKD and suggest directions for future studies. Studies were identified from a systematic search in five databases, without limitations of language and date of publication. The papers were analyzed for frequency in 9 study areas and summarized according to the study areas established by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC). A total of 38 papers were included in the study. Characterization of the sport, social aspects and performance were the main areas of concentration of the studies. Among the types of disability, studies involving physical disability predominated (19 studies). Most of the studies are published in English (16 studies), followed by Portuguese and Spanish (9 studies). We conclude that little attention has been paid to the other types of disability eligible for PTKD practice. We suggest that future critical evaluation by expert researchers regarding their specific questions would help guide researchers to provide relevant research.   Received: 2023/04/27 Reformulated: 2023/05/26 Accepted: 2023/05/26O Para-taekwondo (PTKD) é uma modalidade derivada do Taekwondo olímpico que permite a prática de pessoas com diversos tipos deficiência, no entanto, nos Jogos Paralímpicos estão inclusos apenas indivíduos com deficiência física de membros superiores. Estes paratletas são divididos em classes esportivas, sendo a K41 para amputação bilateral acima ou através do cotovelo, e a K44 para amputação unilateral ou diminuição da força muscular. Por ser uma recente inclusão no programa paralímpico, os aspectos relacionados à produção científica devem ser estimulados. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste estudo é revisar a produção científica acerca do PTKD e sugerir direcionamentos para estudos futuros. Estudos foram identificados a partir de busca sistemática em cinco bases de dados, sem limitações de idiomas e data de publicação. Os trabalhos foram analisados em relação a frequência em 9 áreas de estudo e sumarizados de acordo com as áreas de estudos estabelecidas pelo Comitê Paralímpico Internacional (IPC). Foram incluídos no estudo 38 trabalhos. Caracterização da modalidade, aspectos sociais e performance foram as principais áreas de concentração dos estudos. Dentre os tipos de deficiência, predomina-se os estudos envolvendo deficiência física (19 estudos). A maior parte dos estudos está publicada em inglês (16 estudos), seguidos de português e espanhol (9 estudos). Concluímos que pouca atenção foi dada aos demais tipos de deficiência elegíveis para a prática do PTKD. Sugerimos que uma futura avaliação crítica de pesquisadores especialistas em relação a suas perguntas específicas ajudaria a orientar os pesquisadores a fornecer pesquisas relevantes. Recebido em: 27/04/2023Reformulado em: 26/05/2023Aceito em: 26/05/202

    Assessing the validity of the MyJump2 app for measuring different jumps in professional cerebral palsy football players: an experimental study

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    Background: Vertical jumps can be used to assess neuromuscular status in sports performance. This is particularly important in Cerebral Palsy Football (CP Football) because players are exposed to high injury risk, but it may be complicated because the gold standard for assessing jump performance is scarce in field evaluation. Thus, field techniques, such as mobile apps, have been proposed as an alternative method for solving this problem. Objective: This study aims to evaluate the reliability of the measures of the MyJump2 app to assess vertical jump performance in professional CP Football. Methods: We assessed 40 male CP Football athletes (age 28.1 [SD 1.4] years, weight 72.5 [SD 6.2] kg, and height 176 [SD 4.2] cm) through the countermovement jump (CMJ) and squat jump (SJ) using a contact mat. At the same time, we assessed the athletes using the MyJump2 app. Results: There were no significant differences between the instruments in SJ height (P=.12) and flight time (P=.15). Additionally, there were no significant differences between the instruments for CMJ in jump height (P=.16) and flight time (P=.13). In addition, it was observed that there were significant and strong intraclass correlations in all SJ variables varying from 0.86 to 0.89 (both P<.001), which was classified as "almost perfect." Similar results were observed in all variables from the CMJ, varying from 0.92 to 0.96 (both P <=.001). Conclusions: We conclude that the MyJump2 app presents high validity and reliability for measuring jump height and flight time of the SJ and CMJ in CP Football athletes.7

    Practical recommendations relevant to the use of resistance training for COVID-19 survivors

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    The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has emerged at the end of 2019 and caused a global pandemic. The disease predominantly affects the respiratory system; however, there is evidence that it is a multisystem disease that also impacts the cardiovascular system. Although the long-term consequences of COVID-19 are not well-known, evidence from similar diseases alerts for the possibility of long-term impaired physical function and reduced quality of life, especially in those requiring critical care. Therefore, rehabilitation strategies are needed to improve outcomes in COVID-19 survivors. Among the possible strategies, resistance training (RT) might be particularly interesting, since it has been shown to increase functional capacity both in acute and chronic respiratory conditions and in cardiac patients. The present article aims to propose evidence-based and practical suggestions for RT prescription for people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 with a special focus on immune, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems. Based on the current literature, we present RT as a possible safe and feasible activity that can be time-efficient and easy to be implemented in different settings

    Time-motion and biological responses to simulated Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) sparring matches.

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    Among the different types of fighting, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) has grown rapidly in the international scenario. Characterized by incorporating fighting styles derived from other martial arts techniques involves standing grappling, groundwork grappling percussion techniques and require high fitness level. So often, the practice of sports of combat involves his own struggle as a method of physical and technical training and introduce high relevance, since it is often the study of simulated fights in various modes of combat. With this, it becomes relevant knowledge of the characteristics of these training practices, as has been evidenced that simulated fights have differentiated responses of fighting in official events. In this sense, the relationship between effort and pause of the fighting has been strongly suggested as a method for training prescription, what points the need of knowledge of these variables in simulated fights. Additionally, the knowledge of physical stress, organic and noticed the athletes, from these stimuli, it is necessary to better matching of the planning process and organization. Thus, the reduction of empirical factors of prescription can promote greater predictability of adaptations and reduce risks of overtraining, as this reality should be strongly considered in MMA. Thus, whereas much of the understanding of MMA is from the modalities comprising it, becomes relevant to description of organic, physical demands and psychometric originated specifically MMA fights simulation and the relationships of these with the temporality of the fights, as well as the characterization of the recovery processes of muscle damage indicators from this practice.Sem bolsaDentre as diferentes modalidades de combate, o Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) tem crescido rapidamente em âmbito internacional. Caracterizado por incorporar estilos de luta derivados de outras artes marciais, envolve técnicas de agarre em pé, agarre no chão, técnicas de percussão em pé e exige nível de condicionamento físico elevado. De modo frequente, a prática de modalidades esportivas de combate envolve a própria luta como método de treinamento físico e técnico e parece apresentar alta relevância, visto que é frequente o estudo de lutas simuladas em diversas modalidades de combate. Com isto, torna-se relevante o conhecimento das características destas práticas de treinamento, visto que, já foi evidenciado que lutas simuladas apresentam respostas diferenciadas de combates em eventos oficiais. Neste sentido, a relação entre esforço e pausa das lutas tem sido fortemente sugerida como método para prescrição de treinamento, o que aponta a necessidade do conhecimento destas variáveis em lutas simuladas. Adicionalmente, o conhecimento do estresse físico, orgânico e percebido dos atletas, a partir destes estímulos, se torna necessário para melhor adequação do processo de planejamento e organização. Deste modo, a redução dos fatores empíricos de prescrição pode promover maior previsibilidade das adaptações e reduzir os riscos de overtraining, já que esta realidade deve ser fortemente considerada no MMA. Assim, considerando que grande parte do entendimento acerca do MMA é advinda das modalidades que o compõem, torna-se relevante a descrição das demandas orgânicas, físicas e psicométricas originadas especificamente da simulação de lutas de MMA e as relações destes com a temporalidade das lutas, bem como a caracterização dos processos recuperativos de indicadores do dano muscular advindo desta prática

    Relação alto desempenho e escolinha no futsal entre jovens de 12 e 13 anos

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    O presente artigo teve como objetivo analisar as diferenças físicas entre jovens de 12 e 13 anos, praticantes de futsal do mesmo clube, com treinamento diferenciado. O objetivo foi verificar se os selecionados para equipes de competição, com 3 treinos semanais, mais intensos e longos, têm vantagens físicas consideráveis sobre os integrantes da escolinha, com 2 treinos semanais, mais curtos e menos intensos. Foram utilizados Testes Motores, de acordo com o manual do PROESP (2015): Impulsão Horizontal (IH), Sentar-e-alcançar (SA), Teste de Velocidade 20 Metros, e Corrida de 6 Minutos para Aptidão Cardiorrespiratória. Além disso, foi empregado o Illinois Agility Test (Getchell, 1979) pela maior proximidade com os deslocamentos do Futsal. A gordura corporal foi estimada pela equação de Guedes (1994). Além dos fatores físicos, foi analisado o quartil de nascimento dos atletas dentro do mesmo ano. ABSTRACT Relationshp High Performance and sport initiation between youth of 12 and 13 yearsThis article aimed to analyze the physical differences among young boys between the age of 12 to 13 years old, futsal practitioners of the same club, but with different training. The goal was to determinate whether the selected players for the competition teams, with 3 weekly, more intense and long workouts, would have considerable physical advantages over members of the sport initiation school, with 2 weekly, shorter and less intense workouts. Motor tests were used, according to PROESP manual (2015): Horizontal Jump (IH), Sit and Reach (SA), Speed Test 20 Meters and 6 Minute Run for Cardiorespiratory Cabability. In addition, the Illinois Agility Test (Getchell, 1979) was used because of its closeness to Futsal displacements. The body fat was estimated from the Guedes equation (1994). In addition to physical factors, the quartile of birth of the athletes within the same year was analyzed

    H″IT″ting the Barriers for Exercising during Social Isolation

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    Aerobic exercise is traditionally recommended to improve general health and prevent many non-communicable diseases. However, the measures adopted to control the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak culminated with closing of exercise facilities and fitness centers and, as a primary consequence, impaired aerobic exercise practice. This contributed to an increase in risk factors associated with physical inactivity such as insulin resistance, high blood pressure, low-grade inflammation, weight gain, and mental health problems. The scenario is worrisome, and it is important to propose alternatives for exercise practice during the COVID-19 pandemic. Interval training (IT) emerges as an exercise mode that might be feasible, low-cost, and potentially safe to be performed in many different places. IT consists of interspersing relative brief bouts of high-intensity exercise with recovery periods and promotes similar or greater health benefits when compared to moderate-intensity continuous exercise. Among the different types of IT, sprint interval training and &ldquo;Tabata protocols&rdquo; might be particularly useful during social isolation. These protocols can be controlled and performed without the need of complex equipment and can be adapted to different places, including domestic environments. In this article, we present variations of IT as possible alternatives to cope physical inactivity during COVID-19 pandemics with a focus on its practical applications. The protocols suggested can be performed without the need of specialized equipment or facilities, in a time-efficient manner, and aiming to prevent detraining or even improve physical fitness and general health

    Efeitos de uma intervenção alimentar em atletas de futsal de diferentes categorias etárias

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    A adolescência é a fase compreendida dos 10 aos 19 anos de idade, é o segundo período em que o crescimento tem sua velocidade máxima. Atletas adolescentes, em função da demanda energética, podem apresentar erros alimentares importantes. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a adequação e a qualidade da dieta de adolescentes jogadores de futsal das categorias sub 13, sub 15 e sub 17 de um clube esportivo antes e depois de intervenção nutricional para uma alimentação saudável. Foi realizada uma intervenção nutricional durante os meses de março a maio de 2015 com adolescentes da equipe de futsal de um clube esportivo da cidade de Pelotas/RS, que consistiu em orientações para hábitos alimentares mais saudáveis, utilizando como parâmetro os Dez Passos da Alimentação Saudável para Adolescentes do Ministério da Saúde. O estado nutricional e o consumo alimentar foram avaliados antes e após a intervenção, com um intervalo de oito semanas entre os encontros. Participaram do estudo 32 adolescentes do sexo masculino. A média de índice de massa corporal dos atletas foi de 22,3 ± 4,1 kg/m². Em relação ao consumo alimentar, os macronutrientes e a ingestão calórica não apresentaram mudanças estatisticamente significativas e a ingestão hídrica foi a única variável que apresentou aumento pós-intervenção (p=0,05). Os resultados reforçam a importância do acompanhamento nutricional para atletas adolescentes. A intervenção nutricional utilizada mostrou-se ineficiente para modificação de hábitos alimentares no dado período de tempo. ABSTRACT Effects of a food intervention on futsal athletes of different age categories Adolescence is the period comprised from 10 to 19 years old, is the second period in which growth has its maximum speed. Adolescent athletes, due to the energy demand, may have significant dietary deficiency. The aim of this study was to evaluate the adequacy and quality of the diet of teenagers’ futsal players from categories under 13, under 15 and under 17, before and after dietary intervention for healthy eating. The nutritional intervention was performed during March to May 2015, which consisted of provide guidance for healthier eating habits with the futsal team of a sports club in Pelotas, southern Brazil, using as parameter the Ten Steps of Healthy Eating from Brazilian Ministry of Health to Adolescents. Nutritional status and food intake were assessed before and after the intervention, with an interval of eight weeks between meetings. The study included 32 male adolescents. The average body mass index of athletes was 22.3 ± 4.1 kg/m². Regarding the variables related to food consumption, macronutrients and calories showed no statistically significant changes, and fluid intake was the only variable that increased post-intervention (p = 0,05). The results stress the importance of nutritional counseling for adolescent athletes. The nutritional intervention used proved inefficient to change dietary habits in this given period of time

    Efeitos de uma intervenção alimentar em atletas de futsal de diferentes categorias etárias

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    A adolescência é a fase compreendida dos 10 aos 19 anos de idade, é o segundo período em que o crescimento tem sua velocidade máxima. Atletas adolescentes, em função da demanda energética, podem apresentar erros alimentares importantes. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a adequação e a qualidade da dieta de adolescentes jogadores de futsal das categorias sub 13, sub 15 e sub 17 de um clube esportivo antes e depois de intervenção nutricional para uma alimentação saudável. Foi realizada uma intervenção nutricional durante os meses de março a maio de 2015 com adolescentes da equipe de futsal de um clube esportivo da cidade de Pelotas/RS, que consistiu em orientações para hábitos alimentares mais saudáveis, utilizando como parâmetro os Dez Passos da Alimentação Saudável para Adolescentes do Ministério da Saúde. O estado nutricional e o consumo alimentar foram avaliados antes e após a intervenção, com um intervalo de oito semanas entre os encontros. Participaram do estudo 32 adolescentes do sexo masculino. A média de índice de massa corporal dos atletas foi de 22,3 ± 4,1 kg/m². Em relação ao consumo alimentar, os macronutrientes e a ingestão calórica não apresentaram mudanças estatisticamente significativas e a ingestão hídrica foi a única variável que apresentou aumento pós-intervenção (p=0,05). Os resultados reforçam a importância do acompanhamento nutricional para atletas adolescentes. A intervenção nutricional utilizada mostrou-se ineficiente para modificação de hábitos alimentares no dado período de tempo. ABSTRACT Effects of a food intervention on futsal athletes of different age categoriesAdolescence is the period comprised from 10 to 19 years old, is the second period in which growth has its maximum speed. Adolescent athletes, due to the energy demand, may have significant dietary deficiency. The aim of this study was to evaluate the adequacy and quality of the diet of teenagers’ futsal players from categories under 13, under 15 and under 17, before and after dietary intervention for healthy eating. The nutritional intervention was performed during March to May 2015, which consisted of provide guidance for healthier eating habits with the futsal team of a sports club in Pelotas, southern Brazil, using as parameter the Ten Steps of Healthy Eating from Brazilian Ministry of Health to Adolescents. Nutritional status and food intake were assessed before and after the intervention, with an interval of eight weeks between meetings. The study included 32 male adolescents. The average body mass index of athletes was 22.3 ± 4.1 kg/m². Regarding the variables related to food consumption, macronutrients and calories showed no statistically significant changes, and fluid intake was the only variable that increased post-intervention (p = 0,05). The results stress the importance of nutritional counseling for adolescent athletes. The nutritional intervention used proved inefficient to change dietary habits in this given period of time