29 research outputs found

    Chronic psychosocial stress persistently alters autonomic function and physical activity in mice

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    We investigated heart rate (HR), temperature (T), and physical activity (Act) (by means of radiotelemetry) in male mice subjected to chronic psychosocial stress. Resident/intruder dyads lived in sensory contact for 15 days with the possibility to physically interact daily during the light phase for a maximum of 15 min. Intruders becoming dominants (InD) or subordinates (InS) were investigated here. The aims were to investigate; if a daily aggressive interaction would result in adaptation of autonomic responses; the effects of the social stress on daily rhythmicity and the way these effects change over time; whether acute and long-term autonomic changes do correlate; to compare dominants and subordinates. InD and InS showed a strong autonomic activation during the interactions, with moderate (InS) or no (InD) habituation over time. On the long term, InD showed tachycardia and marked hyperthermia but normal physical activity, while InS showed tachycardia, slight hyperthermia, and depressed physical activity. No correlation emerged between the acute and the long-term autonomic responses. These results highlight the existence of a sustained autonomic activation under chronic stress, which was also affected by mice social status

    Cardiac autonomic reactivity and salivary cortisol in men and women exposed to social stressors: relationship with individual ethological profile

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    The degree of cardiovascular stress responsivity and its possible implications for the onset and progression of cardiovascular pathologies seem to be linked to the individual strategy of behavioral coping with stressors. This study was designed to investigate the relationship among cardiac autonomic, endocrine and behavioral responses to real-life stress episodes. Thirty university students were exposed to two brief social challenges (stress interviews), during which the state of sympathovagal balance (time-domain indexes of heart rate variability) and a number of non-verbal behaviors were quantified. Psychometric measurements were also obtained via SPRAS questionnaire, administered just after each stress interview. Samples of saliva were collected for cortisol determination immediately prior and after the experimental session. Subjects showing higher levels of sympathetic dominance were characterized by higher scores of submissive behavior, larger cortisol increments, and higher perception of psychophysiological arousal. A clear consistency in the individual response to the two stress interviews was found, at the behavioral, physiological and psychophysiological level. Finally, the gender of the subjects did not clearly influence their stress responsivity. These results support the hypothesis of a close relationship between the degree of physiological arousal and the style of behavioral adaptation to social stressors