6,598 research outputs found

    Functional Characteristics of Nematocysts Found on the Scyphomedusa Cyanea Capillata

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    Although prey capture by cnidarians is mediated through nematocysts, their influence on prey selection by cnidarians remains poorly documented. The difficulty in visualizing nematocyst–prey interactions remains the chief obstacle to understanding how the wide variety of nematocyst types influences the mechanics of prey capture. One solution to this limitation has been to assign functional roles to nematocysts based on morphological characters of discharged cnidae. Here we report results of an alternative approach based upon dynamic traits of nematocyst discharge. We examined tubule lengths, tubule discharge velocities and net-to-gross displacement ratios of tubules of discharging nematocysts possessed by the cosmopolitan scyphomedusa, Cyanea capillata. This nematocyst assemblage consisted of euryteles, birhopaloids and three different isorhizas — a-isorhizas, A-isorhizas and O-isorhizas. Dynamic traits varied little within each nematocyst type but there were significant differences between the different types. Most importantly, dynamic traits varied significantly within a broad category of nematocyst – the isorhizas – indicating that conventional classification schemes that infer function based on broad nematocyst categories may not appropriately describe the functional roles of these nematocysts. The dynamic properties of discharging nematocysts were consistent with physical results described in studies using scanning electron microscopy images of nematocyst–prey interactions. These data suggest that nematocysts vary significantly in their roles during predation, but that inferences relating prey selection with broad nematocyst categories merit careful examination

    Prey Resource Utilization by Coexistent Hydromedusae from Friday Harbor, Washington, USA

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    Prey selection patterns were quantified for a sympatric group of hydromedusae from Friday Harbor, WA. Selection patterns varied between species, but were largely replicable between sample dates and resembled dietary patterns found in similar studies from neighboring regions. Ambush-foraging medusae (Aglantha digitale, Sarsia tubulosa, and Proboscidactyla flavicirrata) fed primarily on crustacean and ciliated prey but the dietary niches of these hydromedusan species centered on different fractions of the available plankton. Consequently, little dietary overlap occurred between the ambush foraging hydromedusae. In contrast, the dietary niches of cruising predators (Aequorea victoria, Mitrocoma cellularia, and Phialidium gregarium) overlapped substantially because those species all fed on similar soft-bodied prey such as eggs and appendicularians. These results have two important implications for trophic patterns involving medusae. First, different mechanisms of prey encounter and capture used by hydromedusae (ambush vs. cruising patterns) result in important interspecific dietary differences and, hence, trophic roles of the medusae. Second, whereas cruising medusae may consume similar prey and hence form a feeding guild, ambush-foraging medusae may experience substantially less prey overlap and, for the community examined here, do not experience potentially strong feeding competition from other medusan species

    Morphology, Swimming Performance and Propulsive Mode of Six Co-occurring Hydromedusae

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    Jet propulsion, based on examples from the Hydrozoa, has served as a valuable model for swimming by medusae. However, cnidarian medusae span several taxonomic classes (collectively known as the Medusazoa) and represent a diverse array of morphologies and swimming styles. Does one mode of propulsion appropriately describe swimming by all medusae? This study examined a group of co-occurring hydromedusae collected from the waters of Friday Harbor, WA, USA, to investigate relationships between swimming performance and underlying mechanisms of thrust production. The six species examined encompassed a wide range of bell morphologies and swimming habits. Swimming performance (measured as swimming acceleration and velocity) varied widely among the species and was positively correlated with bell streamlining (measured as bell fineness ratio) and velar structure development (measured as velar aperture ratio). Calculated thrust production due to jet propulsion adequately explained acceleration patterns of prolate medusae (Aglantha digitale, Sarsia sp. and Proboscidactyla flavicirrata) possessing well-developed velums. However, acceleration patterns of oblate medusae (Aequorea victoria, Mitrocoma cellularia and Phialidium gregarium) that have less developed velums were poorly described by jet thrust production. An examination of the wakes behind swimming medusae indicated that, in contrast to the clearly defined jet structures produced by prolate species, oblate medusae did not produce defined jets but instead produced prominent vortices at the bell margins. These vortices are consistent with a predominantly drag-based, rowing mode of propulsion by the oblate species. These patterns of propulsive mechanics and swimming performance relate to the role played by swimming in the foraging ecology of each medusa. These patterns appear to extend beyond hydromedusae and thus have important implications for other members of the Medusazoa

    Fast decoding of a d(min) = 6 RS code

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    A method for high speed decoding a d sub min = 6 Reed-Solomon (RS) code is presented. Properties of the two byte error correcting and three byte error detecting RS code are discussed. Decoding using a quadratic equation is shown. Theorems and concomitant proofs are included to substantiate this decoding method

    On the undetected error probability of a concatenated coding scheme for error control

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    Consider a concatenated coding scheme for error control on a binary symmetric channel, called the inner channel. The bit error rate (BER) of the channel is correspondingly called the inner BER, and is denoted by Epsilon (sub i). Two linear block codes, C(sub f) and C(sub b), are used. The inner code C(sub f), called the frame code, is an (n,k) systematic binary block code with minimum distance, d(sub f). The frame code is designed to correct + or fewer errors and simultaneously detect gamma (gamma +) or fewer errors, where + + gamma + 1 = to or d(sub f). The outer code C(sub b) is either an (n(sub b), K(sub b)) binary block with a n(sub b) = mk, or an (n(sub b), k(Sub b) maximum distance separable (MDS) code with symbols from GF(q), where q = 2(b) and the code length n(sub b) satisfies n(sub)(b) = mk. The integerim is the number of frames. The outercode is designed for error detection only

    An extended d(min) = 4 RS code

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    A minimum distance d sub m - 4 extended Reed - Solomon (RS) code over GF (2 to the b power) was constructed. This code is used to correct any single byte error and simultaneously detect any double byte error. Features of the code; including fast encoding and decoding, are presented

    Error control for reliable digital data transmission and storage systems

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    A problem in designing semiconductor memories is to provide some measure of error control without requiring excessive coding overhead or decoding time. In LSI and VLSI technology, memories are often organized on a multiple bit (or byte) per chip basis. For example, some 256K-bit DRAM's are organized in 32Kx8 bit-bytes. Byte oriented codes such as Reed Solomon (RS) codes can provide efficient low overhead error control for such memories. However, the standard iterative algorithm for decoding RS codes is too slow for these applications. In this paper we present some special decoding techniques for extended single-and-double-error-correcting RS codes which are capable of high speed operation. These techniques are designed to find the error locations and the error values directly from the syndrome without having to use the iterative alorithm to find the error locator polynomial. Two codes are considered: (1) a d sub min = 4 single-byte-error-correcting (SBEC), double-byte-error-detecting (DBED) RS code; and (2) a d sub min = 6 double-byte-error-correcting (DBEC), triple-byte-error-detecting (TBED) RS code

    Fast-swimming hydromedusae exploit velar kinematics to form an optimal vortex wake

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    Fast-swimming hydromedusan jellyfish possess a characteristic funnel-shaped velum at the exit of their oral cavity that interacts with the pulsed jets of water ejected during swimming motions. It has been previously assumed that the velum primarily serves to augment swimming thrust by constricting the ejected flow in order to produce higher jet velocities. This paper presents high-speed video and dye-flow visualizations of free-swimming Nemopsis bachei hydromedusae, which instead indicate that the time-dependent velar kinematics observed during the swimming cycle primarily serve to optimize vortices formed by the ejected water rather than to affect the speed of the ejected flow. Optimal vortex formation is favorable in fast-swimming jellyfish because, unlike the jet funnelling mechanism, it allows for the minimization of energy costs while maximizing thrust forces. However, the vortex `formation number' corresponding to optimality in N. bachei is substantially greater than the value of 4 found in previous engineering studies of pulsed jets from rigid tubes. The increased optimal vortex formation number is attributable to the transient velar kinematics exhibited by the animals. A recently developed model for instantaneous forces generated during swimming motions is implemented to demonstrate that transient velar kinematics are required in order to achieve the measured swimming trajectories. The presence of velar structures in fast-swimming jellyfish and the occurrence of similar jet-regulating mechanisms in other jet-propelled swimmers (e.g. the funnel of squid) appear to be a primary factor contributing to success of fast-swimming jetters, despite their primitive body plans

    Morphological diversity of medusan lineages constrained by animal–fluid interactions

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    Cnidarian medusae, commonly known as jellyfish, represent the earliest known animal taxa to achieve locomotion using muscle power. Propulsion by medusae requires the force of bell contraction to generate forward thrust. However, thrust production is limited in medusae by the primitive structure of their epitheliomuscular cells. This paper demonstrates that constraints in available locomotor muscular force result in a trade-off between high-thrust swimming via jet propulsion and high-efficiency swimming via a combined jet-paddling propulsion. This trade-off is reflected in the morphological diversity of medusae, which exhibit a range of fineness ratios (i.e. the ratio between bell height and diameter) and small body size in the high-thrust regime, and low fineness ratios and large body size in the high-efficiency regime. A quantitative model of the animal–fluid interactions that dictate this trade-off is developed and validated by comparison with morphological data collected from 660 extant medusan species ranging in size from 300 µm to over 2 m. These results demonstrate a biomechanical basis linking fluid dynamics and the evolution of medusan bell morphology. We believe these to be the organising principles for muscle-driven motility in Cnidaria