5,146 research outputs found

    Lattice-Based proof of a shuffle

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    In this paper we present the first fully post-quantum proof of a shuffle for RLWE encryption schemes. Shuffles are commonly used to construct mixing networks (mix-nets), a key element to ensure anonymity in many applications such as electronic voting systems. They should preserve anonymity even against an attack using quantum computers in order to guarantee long-term privacy. The proof presented in this paper is built over RLWE commitments which are perfectly binding and computationally hiding under the RLWE assumption, thus achieving security in a post-quantum scenario. Furthermore we provide a new definition for a secure mixing node (mix-node) and prove that our construction satisfies this definition.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Lyömäsoittajan yhteismusiikin merkitys : Sosiokonstruktiivinen oppiminen ja seitsemän lastenlaulusovitusta

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    Tässä opinnäytetyössä tarkastelen lyömäsoittajien yhteismusiikkia kolmella eri tavalla. Ensin pohdin sitä, miten musiikin oppiminen tapahtuu ja mitkä ovat opettajan keinot kokonaisvaltaisen ja hyvän musiikin opettamisen tuottamiseen. Toisena puran kyselytutkimuksen vastaukset, jonka teetin lyömäsoitintenopettajille anonyymisti. Kysyin muun muassa mitä mieltä he ovat lyömäsoittajien yhteismusiikista ja onko sitä tarpeeksi. Kolmantena tein oppimiseen ja yhteismusiikkiin liittyen seitsemän lastenlaulusovitusta pienille lyömäsoitinkokoonpanoille. Kappaleet on ajateltu juuri suomalaiselle lapselle. Sovituksia ei liitetä julkaistavaan opinnäytetyöhön. Opinnäytetyöni tarkoitus on herättää keskustelua siitä, toteutuuko lyömäsoittajien yhteismusiikki jo varhaisimmista opiskeluvuosista lähtien. Lisäksi nostan ajatuksia esiin siitä, että opettajan tulisi olla tietoinen keinoista, joilla hän opettaa ja opettamisen pitäisi olla yksilöopetuksen ja valmennuksen lisäksi yhteismusiikin tekemiseen keskittyvää. Kyselytutkimuksen tulokset olivat juuri sellaiset, kuin olin olettanutkin. Yhteismusiikkia on lyömäsoittajille ja opettajat ovat siinä itse aktiivisia suurimmaksi osin. Myös kysyntää sovitusteni kaltaisille materiaaleille löytyy, sekä ylipäätänsä suomalaiselle lapselle tehdylle marimbamateriaalille. Aiheet, joita käsittelen raapaisevat vain pintaa siitä, että saman aineen opettajien pitäisi keskustella enemmän toistensa kanssa. Jakaa ajatuksia, pohtia opettamista ja sen keinoja sekä tehdä materiaaleja yhdessä ja yksin.In this thesis I explore percussionist’s ensemble music in three different parts. First I contemplate how learning of the music happens and what are the matters of learning for the teacher to produce all-encompassing and quality musical teaching. Secondly I made a survey for percussion teacher. I asked questions about ensemble music and marimba materials for the beginners. Third I made seven arrangements from children’s songs for percussions which are particularly made for Finnish students. The meaning of this thesis is to arouse conversation about the matter of young percussionist’s ensemble music. Also teacher should be aware of the ways she teach and the teaching should also be ensemble music. The results of the survey were pretty much exactly the same what I thought they would be. Also there is demand for the marimba material especially made for Finnish children. The subjects I discourse are only the beginning of the communication that teachers should have with each other. They should share thoughts, talk to each other, understand the ways of teaching more deeply and share and made materials

    Inhumaciones en el ámbito rural romano: en la "villa rustica" de Catarroja, Valencia (campaña 2007-2008)

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    Estudiamos seis enterramientos de inhumación, hallados en el transcurso de la campaña de investigación arqueológica 2007-2008, realizada en la villa rustica romana de Catarroja, Valencia. Cronológicamente han de situarse en época bajoimperial tardía, aunque, por lo menos uno, más temprano, no es contemporáneo de los restantes. Todos corresponden a personas de baja extracción social, siendo cuatro niños. (A

    Depressão infantil: uma discussão do tratamento cognitivo-comportamental

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    O presente trabalho vem apresentar os pressupostos das teorias fisiológica, behaviorista e cognitiva sobre a depressão infantil, bem como analisar o tratamento comportamental da criança depressiva, tendo como base essas teorias. Para isso, foram apresentadas as bases históricas da depressão, as principais explicações desse transtorno na criança e uma entrevista com uma psicóloga que atua na clínica comportamental infantil. A teoria fisiológica apresenta a importância dos fatores orgânicos na predisposição do indivíduo à depressão, a ação dos antidepressivos no controle desse transtorno, e uma listagem de alguns sintomas que caracterizam os diferentes transtornos depressivos. A teoria behaviorista explica a influência do reforçamento, da extinção e da punição na causa da depressão. Já a teoria cognitiva expõe a importância das interpretações no desenvolvimento da depressão no indivíduo. Posteriormente, são discutidas as técnicas e estratégias do behaviorismo na atuação clínica com crianças depressivas. Por fim, a partir da análise da entrevista, conclui-se que a maioria das técnicas comportamentais, no tratamento de crianças depressivas, é coerente com as teorias behavioristas, cognitivas e com as teorias fisiológicas

    Forecasting the risk of WRMSDs in home care nurses

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    Studies regarding work related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) in nurses have been carried out mostly in hospitals or in other institutional contexts. Information about this theme in providing home-based care is scarce. The main goals of this work are the characterization of musculoskeletal complaints in nurses who work at the Health Centers of the northern Portugal and that provide home-based care, the identification of the main risk factors present in the homecare context and the development of statistical models to forecast the risk in the same context. The principal methodology used in this work was a questionnaire developed in electronic format which was based on the “Standardized Nordic Questionnaire” for the analysis of musculoskeletal symptoms. It were used univariate models of binary logistic regression to estimate the risk of WRMSDs present in the practice of home-based care and also to assess which risk factors that could contribute to the appearance of complaints in the lumbar region in the professionals who provide homecare. The body areas with more musculoskeletal complaints are the back and the shoulders. The nurses who provide home care have nearly triple chance of having musculoskeletal complaints in the lumbar region than their counterparts of Health Centers (OR=3.19 (p<0.05), 95% Confidence Interval [1.26; 8.08]). We obtained various statistical models for forecast the risk of having low back complaints in home care nurses. From all of them was selected the one that presented more stability and reliability. The model performance was evaluated by ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) analysis yielding a value for the area under the ROC curve of 0.889 (p<0.05). This value reveals a high discriminating power, that is, the model is able to correctly forecast the complaints in the lumbar region in 88.9% of cases

    Work-related musculoskeletal disorders in home care nurses: study of the main risk factors

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    BACKGROUND: Nurses are a risk group for work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). Several studies reveal that nurses have high prevalence rates of injuries and symptoms related to WMSDs. However, many of these studies focus mostly on hospital nurses. Worldwide, few studies include home care nurses. Objective This work aimed to identify the body region most affected by musculoskeletal complaints in home care nursing, and subsequently develop a statistical model, that includes the main risk factors, to predict the risk of having musculoskeletal complaints in the identified region. Methods The research method was based on the Standardised Nordic Questionnaire applied to home care nurses working at Health Centres of northern Portugal. Univariate and multivariate models of logistic regression were used to meet the goals of this work. Results Home care nurses have a three times greater chance of having lumbar complaints than their counterparts working only at Health Centres (OR = 3.19 (p < 0.05), with a 95% confidence interval [1.256; 8.076]). A statistical model with seven variables (forearm posture; static postures; arm posture; arm supported; bed height; job satisfaction; assistive devices) was obtained to predict lumbar complaints. Conclusions The lumbar region was identified as the most affected by musculoskeletal complaints. These complaints were associated with seven factors.This work was financed by National Funds - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under UID/CEC/00319/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Musculoskeletal disorders in nurses who provide home care

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    Work related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) have been described as the most important occupational health problem tormenting the nursing workers. This work demonstrated a preliminary analysis on the evaluation of responses to a questionnaire based on one developed by Kuorinka and colleagues. Main goal of this work is the characterisation and evaluation of the risk of WRMSDs on the home care nursing. The first results reveal that a great percentage of the respondents provide home care. The most frequent complaints are in spine and shoulders. There are no significant association between the related disorders and the home car