49,545 research outputs found

    Induced higher-derivative massive gravity on a 2-brane in 4D Minkowski space

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    In this paper we revisit the problem of localizing gravity in a 2-brane embedded in a 4D Minkowski space to address induction of high derivative massive gravity. We explore the structure of propagators to find well-behaved higher-derivative massive gravity induced on the brane. Exploring a special case in the generalized mass term of the graviton propagator we find a model of consistent higher order gravity with an additional unitary massive spin-2 particle and two massless particles: one spin-0 particle and one spin-1 particle. The condition for the absence of tachyons is satisfied for both `right' and `wrong' signs of the Einstein-Hilbert term on the 2-brane. We also find the Pauli-Fierz mass term added to the new massive gravity in three dimensions and recover the low dimensional DGP model.Comment: Latex, 12 pages, no figure; refs added, version to appear in PL

    Texture Zeros and Weak Basis Transformations

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    We investigate the physical meaning of some of the "texture zeros" which appear in most of the Ansatze on quark masses and mixings. It is shown that starting from arbitrary quark mass matrices and making a suitable weak basis transformation one can obtain some of these sets of zeros which therefore have no physical content. We then analyse the physical implications of a four-texture zero Ansatz which is in agreement with all present experimental data.Comment: 11 pages, typeset using revte

    Free energy determination of phase coexistence in model C60: A comprehensive Monte Carlo study

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    The free energy of the solid and fluid phases of the Girifalco C60 model are determined through extensive Monte Carlo simulations. In this model the molecules interact through a spherical pair potential, characterized by a narrow and attractive well, adjacent to a harshly repulsive core. We have used the Widom test particle method and a mapping from an Einstein crystal, in order to estimate the absolute free energy in the fluid and solid phases, respectively; we have then determined the free energy along several isotherms, and the whole phase diagram, by means of standard thermodynamic integrations. We highlight how the interplay between the liquid-vapor and the liquid-solid coexistence conditions determines the existence of a narrow liquid pocket in the phase diagram, whose stability is assessed and confirmed in agreement with previous studies. In particular, the critical temperature follows closely an extended corresponding-states rule recently outlined by Noro and Frenkel [J. Chem. Phys. 113:2941 (2000)]. We discuss the emerging "energetic" properties of the system, which drive the phase behavior in systems interacting through short-range forces [A. A. Louis, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 359:939 (2001)], in order to explain the discrepancy between the predictions of several structural indicators and the results of full free energy calculations, to locate the fluid phase boundaries. More generally, we aim to provide extended reference data for calculations of the free energy of the C60 fullerite in the low temperature regime, as for the determination of the phase diagram of higher order fullerenes and other fullerene-related materials, whose description is based on the same model adopted in this work.Comment: RevTeX, 11 pages, 9 figure

    Low Rank Vector Bundles on the Grassmannian G(1,4)

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    Here we define the concept of LL-regularity for coherent sheaves on the Grassmannian G(1,4) as a generalization of Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity on Pn{\bf{P}^n}. In this setting we prove analogs of some classical properties. We use our notion of LL-regularity in order to prove a splitting criterion for rank 2 vector bundles with only a finite number of vanishing conditions. In the second part we give the classification of rank 2 and rank 3 vector bundles without "inner" cohomology (i.e. H^i_*(E)=H^i(E\otimes\Q)=0 for any i=2,3,4i=2,3,4) on G(1,4) by studying the associated monads.Comment: 11 pages, no figure

    Proton Stability In Supersymmetric SU(5)

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    Within supersymmetric SU(5) GUT we suggest mechanisms for suppression of baryon number violating dimension five and six operators. The mechanism is based on the idea of split multiplets (i.e. quarks and leptons are not coming from a single GUT state) which is realized by an extension with additional vector-like matter. The construction naturally avoids wrong asymptotic relation M^D=M^E\hat{M}_D=\hat{M}_E. Thus, the long standing problems of the minimal SUSY SU(5) GUT can be resolved. In a particular example of flavor structure and with additional {\cal U}(1)\tm {\cal Z}_{3N} symmetry we demonstrate how the split multiplet mechanism works out. Namely, the considered model is compatible with successful gauge coupling unification and realistic fermion mass pattern. The nucleon decay rates are relatively suppressed and can be well compatible with current experimental bounds.Comment: Discussions and some clarifications adde
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