3 research outputs found
Objetivo: Evidenciar a incidência de Hepatite B e/ou Hepatite C na população carcerária de outros países e comparar com os índices brasileiros, através dos dados obtidos pelo Departamento Penitenciário Nacional. Fontes dos dados: Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, do tipo revisão integrativa, realizada através de busca nas bases de dados: Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, Índice Bibliográfico Español en Ciencias de la Salud, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde e Scientific Electronic Library Online, com os descritores: “Incidência”, “Hepatite B”, “Hepatite C Crônica”, “Hepatite”, “Presos”, “Detentos” e “População privada de liberdade”, em associação aos operadores booleanos AND e OR. Síntese dos dados: Chegou-se a totalidade de 15 documentos para compor a presente revisão, onde verificou-se incidências que variavam de 0% a 34,8%, incluindo as localidades de: Brasil, Estados Unidos, Camarões, Noruega, Irlanda, Austrália, Espanha, Taiwan, Malta, Reino Unido e Itália. Conclusões: A partir desses dados analisados, percebe-se que apesar dos resultados de pesquisas Brasileiras apresentarem as menores incidências para hepatites B e C dentro do ambiente prisional, quando comparado com outras locais, ainda existe um longo caminho a ser percorrido pelos serviços de saúde, buscando reduzir significativamente esses valores e proporcionar um bem-estar geral para a população carceraria
Analysis of canine dimorphism in the estimation of sex
Aim: To evaluate the sexual dimorphism of mandibular and maxillary
canines among dental students of the Federal University of Paraiba,
Brazil. Methods: This was an observational, blind and cross-sectional
study with comparative and statistical-descriptive procedure. Fifty-one
pairs of plaster models belonging to undergraduate dental students aged
18-29 years were analyzed. Quantitative data were organized and
processed by means of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
(SPSS) software, version 15.0. This research has followed the
guidelines of 196/ 96 Brazilian Resolution of the National Health
Council, Ministry of Health. Results: All measures were found to show
statistically significant differences between sexes (p<0.001)
according to Student’s t-test. Regarding the difference between
the four canines for each sex separately, it was found difference only
between mandibular and maxillary canines (p<0.001) according to the
F test (ANOVA), but with no significant difference between the right
and left sides. Conclusions: Odontometric techniques allowed concluding
that canine teeth present statistically significant sexual dimorphism,
and that they may be useful in the estimation of sex in complementary
methods during body identification. The data obtained in this study
were compared with those of other studies to provide information about
sexual dimorphism be specific for each population
Analysis of canine dimorphism in the estimation of sex
evaluate the sexual dimorphism of mandibular and maxillary canines among dental students of the Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil. Methods: This was an observational, blind and cross-sectional study with comparative and statistical-descriptive procedure. Fifty-one pairs of plaster models belonging to undergraduate dental students aged 18-29 years were analyzed. Quantitative data were organized and processed by means of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software, version 15.0. This research has followed the guidelines of 196/96 Brazilian Resolution of the National Health Council, Ministry of Health. Results: All measures were found to show statistically significant differences between sexes (p<0.001) according to Students t-test. Regarding the difference between the four canines for each sex separately, it was found difference only between mandibular and maxillary canines (p<0.001) according to the F test (ANOVA), but with no significant difference between the right and left sides. Conclusions: Odontometric techniques allowed concluding that canine teeth present statistically significant sexual dimorphism, and that they may be useful in the estimation of sex in complementary methods during body identification. The data obtained in this study were compared with those of other studies to provide information about sexual dimorphism be specific for each population