74 research outputs found

    Multiscale convergence properties for spectral approximations of a model kinetic equation

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    In this work, we prove rigorous convergence properties for a semi-discrete, moment-based approximation of a model kinetic equation in one dimension. This approximation is equivalent to a standard spectral method in the velocity variable of the kinetic distribution and, as such, is accompanied by standard algebraic estimates of the form N−qN^{-q}, where NN is the number of modes and q>0q>0 depends on the regularity of the solution. However, in the multiscale setting, the error estimate can be expressed in terms of the scaling parameter ϵ\epsilon, which measures the ratio of the mean-free-path to the characteristic domain length. We show that, for isotropic initial conditions, the error in the spectral approximation is O(ϵN+1)\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{N+1}). More surprisingly, the coefficients of the expansion satisfy super convergence properties. In particular, the error of the ℓth\ell^{th} coefficient of the expansion scales like O(ϵ2N)\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{2N}) when ℓ=0\ell =0 and O(ϵ2N+2−ℓ)\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{2N+2-\ell}) for all 1≤ℓ≤N1\leq \ell \leq N. This result is significant, because the low-order coefficients correspond to physically relevant quantities of the underlying system. All the above estimates involve constants depending on NN, the time tt, and the initial condition. We investigate specifically the dependence on NN, in order to assess whether increasing NN actually yields an additional factor of ϵ\epsilon in the error. Numerical tests will also be presented to support the theoretical results

    On Cellular Automata Models of Traffic Flow with Look-Ahead Potential

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    We study the statistical properties of a cellular automata model of traffic flow with the look-ahead potential. The model defines stochastic rules for the movement of cars on a lattice. We analyze the underlying statistical assumptions needed for the derivation of the coarse-grained model and demonstrate that it is possible to relax some of them to obtain an improved coarse-grained ODE model. We also demonstrate that spatial correlations play a crucial role in the presence of the look-ahead potential and propose a simple empirical correction to account for the spatial dependence between neighboring cells

    A new class of high order semi-Lagrangian schemes for rarefied gas dynamics

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    In this paper we genealize the fast semi-Lagrangian scheme developed in [J. Comput. Phys., Vol. 255, 2013, pp 680-698] to the case of high order reconstructions of the distribution function. The original first order accurate semi-Lagrangian scheme is supplemented with polynomial reconstructions of the distribution function and of the collisional operator leading to an effective high order accurate numerical scheme for all regimes, from extremely rarefied gas to highly collisional siuation. The main idea relies on updating at each time step the extreme points of the distribution function for each velocity of the lattice instead of updating the solution in the cell centers, these extremes points being located at different positions for any fixed velocity of the lattice. The result is a class of scheme which permits to preserve the structure of the solution over very long times compared to existing schemes from the literature. We propose a proof of concept of this new approach along with numerical tests and comparisons with classical numerical methods

    A Positive Asymptotic Preserving Scheme for Linear Kinetic Transport Equations

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    We present a positive and asymptotic preserving numerical scheme for solving linear kinetic, transport equations that relax to a diffusive equation in the limit of infinite scattering. The proposed scheme is developed using a standard spectral angular discretization and a classical micro-macro decomposition. The three main ingredients are a semi-implicit temporal discretization, a dedicated finite difference spatial discretization, and realizability limiters in the angular discretization. Under mild assumptions on the initial condition and time step, the scheme becomes a consistent numerical discretization for the limiting diffusion equation when the scattering cross-section tends to infinity. The scheme also preserves positivity of the particle concentration on the space-time mesh and therefore fixes a common defect of spectral angular discretizations. The scheme is tested on the well-known line source benchmark problem with the usual uniform material medium as well as a medium composed from different materials that are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. We also report the observed order of space-time accuracy of the proposed scheme

    Sparse Dynamics for Partial Differential Equations

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    We investigate the approximate dynamics of several differential equations when the solutions are restricted to a sparse subset of a given basis. The restriction is enforced at every time step by simply applying soft thresholding to the coefficients of the basis approximation. By reducing or compressing the information needed to represent the solution at every step, only the essential dynamics are represented. In many cases, there are natural bases derived from the differential equations which promote sparsity. We find that our method successfully reduces the dynamics of convection equations, diffusion equations, weak shocks, and vorticity equations with high frequency source terms

    Realizability-Preserving DG-IMEX Method for the Two-Moment Model of Fermion Transport

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    Building on the framework of Zhang \& Shu \cite{zhangShu_2010a,zhangShu_2010b}, we develop a realizability-preserving method to simulate the transport of particles (fermions) through a background material using a two-moment model that evolves the angular moments of a phase space distribution function ff. The two-moment model is closed using algebraic moment closures; e.g., as proposed by Cernohorsky \& Bludman \cite{cernohorskyBludman_1994} and Banach \& Larecki \cite{banachLarecki_2017a}. Variations of this model have recently been used to simulate neutrino transport in nuclear astrophysics applications, including core-collapse supernovae and compact binary mergers. We employ the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method for spatial discretization (in part to capture the asymptotic diffusion limit of the model) combined with implicit-explicit (IMEX) time integration to stably bypass short timescales induced by frequent interactions between particles and the background. Appropriate care is taken to ensure the method preserves strict algebraic bounds on the evolved moments (particle density and flux) as dictated by Pauli's exclusion principle, which demands a bounded distribution function (i.e., f∈[0,1]f\in[0,1]). This realizability-preserving scheme combines a suitable CFL condition, a realizability-enforcing limiter, a closure procedure based on Fermi-Dirac statistics, and an IMEX scheme whose stages can be written as a convex combination of forward Euler steps combined with a backward Euler step. Numerical results demonstrate the realizability-preserving properties of the scheme. We also demonstrate that the use of algebraic moment closures not based on Fermi-Dirac statistics can lead to unphysical moments in the context of fermion transport.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Computational Physic

    Implicit Filtered PN for High-Energy Density Thermal Radiation Transport using Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Elements

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    In this work, we provide a fully-implicit implementation of the time-dependent, filtered spherical harmonics (FPN) equations for non-linear, thermal radiative transfer. We investigate local filtering strategies and analyze the effect of the filter on the conditioning of the system, showing in particular that the filter improves the convergence properties of the iterative solver. We also investigate numerically the rigorous error estimates derived in the linear setting, to determine whether they hold also for the non-linear case. Finally, we simulate a standard test problem on an unstructured mesh and make comparisons with implicit Monte-Carlo (IMC) calculations.Comment: In this resubmission, the eigenspectrum study in the streaming limit was removed. The interested reader is invited to look at the original submission and/or to reference [48] of the resubmissio

    Analysis of the Zero Relaxation Limit of Systems of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Random Initial Data

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    We show the convergence of the zero relaxation limit in systems of 2×22 \times 2 hyperbolic conservation laws with stochastic initial data. Precisely, solutions converge to a solution of the local equilibrium approximation as the relaxation time tends to zero. The initial data are assumed to depend on finitely many random variables, and the convergence is then proved via the appropriate analogues of the compensated compactness methods used in treating the deterministic case. We also demonstrate the validity of this limit in the case of the semi-linear pp-system; the well-posedness of both the system and its equilibrium approximation are proved, and the convergence is shown with no a priori conditions on solutions. This model serves as a prototype for understanding how asymptotic approximations can be used as control variates for hyperbolic balance laws with uncertainty

    Diagnosing Forward Operator Error Using Optimal Transport

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    We investigate overdetermined linear inverse problems for which the forward operator may not be given accurately. We introduce a new tool called the structure, based on the Wasserstein distance, and propose the use of this to diagnose and remedy forward operator error. Computing the structure turns out to use an easy calculation for a Euclidean homogeneous degree one distance, the Earth Mover's Distance, based on recently developed algorithms. The structure is proven to distinguish between noise and signals in the residual and gives a plan to help recover the true direct operator in some interesting cases. We expect to use this technique not only to diagnose the error, but also to correct it, which we do in some simple cases presented below

    Hybrid Solver for the Radiative Transport Equation Using Finite Volume and Discontinuous Galerkin

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    We propose a hybrid spatial discretization for the radiative transport equation that combines a second-order discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method and a second-order finite volume (FV) method. The strategy relies on a simple operator splitting that has been used previously to combine different angular discretizations. Unlike standard FV methods with upwind fluxes, the hybrid approach is able to accurately simulate problems in scattering dominated regimes. However, it requires less memory and yields a faster computational time than a uniform DG discretization. In addition, the underlying splitting allows naturally for hybridization in both space and angle. Numerical results are given to demonstrate the efficiency of the hybrid approach in the context of discrete ordinate angular discretizations and Cartesian spatial grids.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, 10 table
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