74 research outputs found

    Comparative study of imiquimod 3.75% vs. photodynamic therapy for actinic keratosis of the scalp

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    Background/purpose: To assess efficacy, tolerability, adverse effects, recurrence, and aesthetic results of imiquimod 3.75% vs. photodynamic therapy with 5-aminolaevulinic acid (MAL-PDT) for actinic keratosis (AK). Methods: A small randomized, intraindividual right-left pilot study for AK treatment of multiple scalp lesions was performed. Patients were treated with imiquimod and subsequently MAL-PDT (on opposite sides of the scalp) 14 days apart. Study end points were evaluated with clinical and dermoscopic examinations at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. Results: Nine male bald patients were enrolled. Imiquimod achieved a slightly higher overall clearance rate than MAP-PDT (68.1% vs 56.5%). According to AK degree of severity, clearance rates were greater for degree I and III with imiquimod (68.8%, 64.5% and 75% with imiquimod vs. 48%, 69.8%, and 66.7% for MAL-PDT, respectively). At 12 months, a slightly higher total recurrence rate was noted for imiquimod compared with MAL-PDT (9.9% vs. 8.6%); new lesions were 2 degree I for imiquimod and 4 degree I for MAL-PDT. For both treatments, pain was moderate/strong (even if MAL-PDT seems to be less tolerable) adverse effects are common and transient; aesthetic results excellent. Conclusion: Both imiquimod and MAL-PDT were effective in the reduction in the number of AK. In the long-term, both present a good effectiveness maintained over time with excellent aesthetic results. A combination or sequential therapy could optimize the management of the cancerization field

    Opzioni terapeutiche nella chiusura della breccia chirurgica a livello della piega nasogeniena.

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    La piega nasogeniena è localizzata in una sede corporea ad elevata importanza estetica. L’escissione di una lesione neoplastica, soprattutto se di piccola dimensione e situata in sua vicinanza, può avvantaggiarsi di una minor visibilità cicatriziale quando almeno parte dell’incisione viene effettuata sul fondo della suddetta piega. Si valutano le possibili opzioni per la chiusura della breccia chirurgica in vicinanza della piega nasogeniena


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    Paziente di 9 anni, sesso femminile, che ricorda un traumatismo a livello dell’alluce del piede sinistro. Dopo l’iniziale ematoma, ha notato il deformarsi della lamina ungueale che progressivamente veniva sollevata da una neoformazione, dura, subungueale. Lamentava fastidio per il traumatismo provocato dall’uso delle scarpe sull’unghia durante la deambulazione. Si provvede, in anestesia tronculare, ad asportare l’esostosi ed a fresare l’osso sottostante, facendo attenzione a non danneggiare la matrice ungueale molto vicina. Purtroppo, durante l’ultima visita di controllo, si è notata la recidiva che, per ora, non arreca ancora alcun fastidio. Probabilmente la giovane età e la nostra prudenza a non danneggiare la matrice ungueale sono stati determinanti nel favorire la recidiva

    Exeresi di carcinoma basocellulare emiviso dx e chiusura della breccia chirurgica con lembo di avanzamento ad isola.

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    La parte progettuale è una delle fasi più importanti di ogni intervento dermochirurgico. La scelta del tipo di intervento dipende da vari fattori relativi non solo al Paziente ma anche al Dermochirurgo. Si presenta la scelta di chiudere la breccia chirurgica, lasciata dopo l’escissione di un carcinoma basocellulare ulcerato dell’emiviso dx, con un lembo di avanzamento ad isola


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    Può capitare che possano coesistere in uno stesso paziente due carcinomi cutanei. Presentiamo il caso di una Paziente con un carcinoma localizzato alla gamba destra ed un altro localizzato al dorso del piede sinistro. Si approfitta della cute degli apici della losanga, incisa sulla gamba destra, per utilizzarla come innesto al dorso del piede sx. In questo modo, utilizzando come sede donatrice quella del primo intervento, si è evitato di effettuare anestesia ed asportazione in una terza sede. La paziente è stata perciò “fortunata” ad avere 2 carcinomi cutanei distanti

    Vitiligo management: Combination of surgical treatment and phototherapy under reflectance confocal microscopy monitoring

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    OBJECTIVE: Vitiligo is a chronic acquired pigmentary skin disorder characterized by well-defined asymptomatic white macule as a result of loss of functional melanocytes in the epidermis. The psychological burden experienced by patients is of great interest and consequently research of the best medical approach is constantly developing. This review focuses on surgical approach and the combination of surgery and phototherapy. In addition, reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) could be useful to discriminate between stable or active vitiligo and to evaluate efficacy of therapy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We searched PubMed with the following keywords: (vitiligo[ Title/Abstract]) AND therapy[Title/Abstract]) AND surgery[Title/Abstract]) AND phototherapy[ Title/Abstract]) AND reflectance confocal microscopy[ Title/Abstract]). RESULTS: To date, surgery is an effective therapeutic approach in stable vitiligo. Phototherapy, which is the most effective medical option, can improve the results obtained with surgery if performed in combination. Preliminary data show that RCM help physician in evaluating stability of vitiligo and is also useful to monitor clinical response. CONCLUSIONS: Vitiligo is a psychosocially debilitating disease requiring a multidisciplinary approach. Even if a standard management could not be stated, combination of surgery and phototherapy in stable vitiligo could lead to great improvement than monotherapy. RCM is a modern tool which should be used in order to perform surgery and phototherapy properly and to subsequently evaluate efficacy on a microscopic level
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