26 research outputs found
The impact of surgical delay on resectability of colorectal cancer: An international prospective cohort study
- Author
- Abadia M
- Abassy J
- Abate E
- Abbott Tom EF
- Abdelaal Samir A
- Abdeldayem H
- Abdelkabir M
- Abdelsamed A
- Abdulwahed E
- Abiyere H
- Abou Chaar MK
- Abukhalaf SA
- Abukhalaf Sadi
- Adamina Michel
- Ademuyiwa Adesoji
- Ademuyiwa Adesoji O
- Adeyeye A
- Adisa Adewale
- Afzal MF
- Agarwal Arnav
- Aggarwal M
- Agnes A
- Agostini C
- Agrawal A
- Agrawal N
- Agresta F
- Aguiar Junior S
- Ahmed A
- Ahmed K
- Ahmed Nafees R
- Ahmed Z
- Ahn JH
- Aime A
- Akhtar N
- Akkulak Murat
- Akrivou D
- Al Abdallah M
- Al Riyami S
- Al Sayed M
- Al-Masri M
- Al-Najjar H
- Al-Slaibi I
- Alaa S
- Alakaloko Felix
- Alameer Ehab
- Alamri Alex
- Alawneh F
- Albertsmeier M
- Albertsmeier Markus
- Alderson Derek
- Aldokali N
- Alemanno G
- Alfieri S
- Algallai M
- Ali AA
- Alkadiki Ghadah Z
- Almaadany Faraj S
- Almeida AC
- Almeida-Reis R
- Almezghwi H
- Almond Max
- Alrahawy M
- Alser Osaid
- Alshaar Muhammad
- Alshareea E
- Alshareef K
- Alshryda Sattar
- Alsoufi A
- Altamirano Riquoir C
- Altomare DF
- Altomi I
- Alurralde C
- Alvarez MR
- Alvi A
- Alwarfly S
- Alzeerelhouseini IAH
- Amaral MJ
- Amira G
- Amorim E
- Amrani L
- Anania G
- Anastasi A
- Andrade Kam da Silva A
- Andrade R
- Annessi V
- Annicchiarico A
- Antonakis P
- Antonopoulou M
- Aprile A
- Aremu M
- Arias-Amezquita F
- Aribi N
- Aribi S
- Arkadopoulos N
- Armao T
- Armatura G
- Arminio A
- Arnaud Alexis P
- Arora A
- Arslan K
- Ashoush F
- Athanasakis E
- Attia D
- Augestad Knut Magne
- Aversano A
- Avlund T
- Awada Barakat J
- Ayasra F
- Ayasra Faris
- Ayasra Y
- Ayub B
- Ayubi A
- Ayyaz M
- Azevedo C
- Azevedo J
- Azevedo Jose
- Azevedo P
- Azman Mohd ZA
- Azzam AY
- Babalola O
- Badra R
- Bagraith K
- Baili E
- Balabel M
- Balconi A
- Baldari L
- Baldi C
- Baldini E
- Bali K
- Ballabio M
- Ballouhey Q
- Baloyiannis I
- Bandovas JP
- Bankhead-Kendall Brittany K
- Banky B
- Banuelos Romero E
- Baptista VH
- Barker D
- Barlow Emma
- Barod Ravi
- Barone R
- Baronio G
- Barrat B
- Barros Vieira A
- Bartalucci B
- Bartolini I
- Bashir Y
- Bass G
- Batistotti P
- Batstone Martin
- Baxevanidou K
- Beard David
- Becker R
- Bekele K
- Belia F
- Belkhadir ZH
- Bellacci A
- Belli A
- Bellolio F
- Bellora P
- Belluco C
- Belvedere A
- Bendjemar L
- Benkabbou A
- Benson Ruth A
- Bergamini C
- Bergeat D
- Bernante P
- Berselli M
- Bertelli G
- Bertolani E
- Besser N
- Beyer K
- Beyrne C
- Bezerra Santos T
- Bhangu Aneel A
- Bhat GA
- Bhat MA
- Biala M
- Bianchini M
- Bianco F
- Biel Juan Rey
- Bigam D
- Biondi A
- Birolo SL
- Bisagni P
- Blanco-Colino Ruth
- Bodanese B
- Boeker C
- Bondurri A
- Bong C
- Boni L
- Bonilla A
- Bonnet S
- Bordoni P
- Borges Castro F
- Borges N
- Borghi F
- Bork U
- Borroni G
- Bouchagier K
- Bouche PA
- Bouliaris K
- Boutros M
- Bowman S
- Boyce R
- Brachini G
- Bradulskis S
- Braham H
- Brar Amanpreet
- Bravo Ana Minaya
- Breen Kerry A
- Bretherton Chris
- Bristow Rob
- Bromage Steve
- Brown C
- Brunelli Alessandro
- Bruscino A
- Buarque Igor Lima
- Buarque Lima
- Bucci Fares A
- Buerba GA
- Burgan D
- Burke Joshua
- Butt U
- Bywater Edward
- Caccetta M
- Calabro M
- Camacho C
- Camara P
- Camarneiro R
- Caminsky N
- Campagnaro T
- Canas-Martinez A
- Canonico G
- Capelli P
- Capezzuoli L
- Capolupo GT
- Capunge I
- Caram EL
- Carannante F
- Carbone F
- Carcoforo P
- Cardoso N
- Cardoso P
- Carissimi F
- Caruana Edward J
- Carvello MM
- Casati M
- Cassinotti E
- Catena F
- Cecire J
- Ceelen W
- Ceretti Pisani A
- Cervellera M
- Cetares C
- Chaar Mohammad
- Chakrabortee Sohini
- Chan E
- Charalabopoulos A
- Charre L
- Chaturvedi A
- Chaturvedi H
- Chatzikomnitsa P
- Chaudhry Daoud
- Chebaro A
- Chen S
- Chessa A
- Chiappini A
- Chiarugi M
- Chinda J
- Chiozza M
- Chisthi M
- Chiva Luis
- Choong E
- Chowdri N
- Christensen P
- Christensen Peter
- Christidis P
- Christou C
- Chrysos E
- Chumbinho B
- Cianflocca D
- Cicerchia PM
- Cirillo B
- Clarizia G
- Claro M
- Coccolini F
- Cocozza E
- Coelho Nunes M
- Coffey JC
- Cohen Paul
- Colletti G
- Colombo F
- Colquhoun Alexandra
- Confalonieri M
- Connelly T
- Conti L
- Contis I
- Coonar Aman S
- Corbellini C
- Cordera F
- Corless K
- Corrigan M
- Cosentino Marino L
- Cosimelli M
- Costa M
- Costa Matos P
- Costa MJMA
- Costanzi A
- Costeira B
- Cotoia A
- Cotte E
- Cox Daniel
- Cozza V
- Creavin B
- Cremonini C
- Crespo A
- Cuasquen Velasquez BG
- Cukier M
- Cukier Moises
- Cullivan O
- Cunha C
- Cunha MF
- Cunha Miguel F
- Cunha R
- Cunningham RM
- D'Aloisio G
- D'Ugo D
- D'Ugo S
- D'Urso A
- da Cruz Lima L
- da Silva Abreu A
- da Silva Lima C
- Dainius E
- Dajani K
- Daly A
- Danias N
- Davidson Giana H
- Dawson AC
- Dawson Brett E
- de Almeida Ramalho F
- de Barros Figueiredo
- De Lima RK
- De Lucia F
- De Nardi P
- De Palma G
- de Sa Correia T
- de Sampaio Regina L
- De Simone V
- De Sousa X
- De Toma G
- De Troia A
- De Vincenti R
- Deirino A
- Delinasios G
- Dell A
- Della Giustina E
- Dellaportas D
- Delrio P
- Demetriades Andreas K
- Demyttenaere S
- Denet C
- Depalma N
- Derksen T
- Desai Anant
- Desio M
- Desoouza A
- Deus AC
- Devarakonda S
- Devezas V
- Devine M
- Dhamija P
- Dharanipragada K
- Di Bella A
- Di Franco G
- Di Lauro K
- Di Martino C
- Di Marzo F
- Di Saverio Salomone
- Diamantis A
- Diaz P
- Dijan E
- Domingues J
- Donati D
- dos Santos Martins G
- Doudakmanis C
- Dowdy Sean
- Doyle A
- Drake Thomas M
- Drane A
- Droghetti M
- Duchalais E
- Dudi-Venkata NN
- Dumitra Sinziana
- Duran Sosa EE
- Earley H
- Eastmond A
- Ebbehoj AL
- Ebben L
- Economopoulou P
- Edwards John
- Edwards John G
- Efthimiou M
- Egoroff N
- El Ahmadi B
- El Amrani M
- El Arbi N
- El Bouazizi Y
- El Kassas M
- Elazzazy E
- Eldaly A
- Elghazaly MS
- Elhadi Muhammed
- Elliott JA
- Ellojli I
- Elmorsi R
- Emile Sameh
- Emmanuel K
- Enoch E
- Esene Ignatius
- Eskinazi DG
- Esposito G
- Esquide Ruiz M
- Essam E
- Evans Jonathan P
- Evans Richard PT
- Eveno C
- Ewedah M
- Ezanno AC
- Fabbri N
- Facundo H
- Fagotti Anna
- Fahey BA
- Fahmawee T
- Farik Shebani
- Farnesi F
- Farooka MW
- Fathi NQ
- Faustino A
- Fayed Y
- Federico P
- Federico Pipitone NS
- Feo C
- Feo CF
- Fernandes Sousa M
- Fernandes U
- Fernandes V
- Ferrari M
- Ferrario L
- Ferraz I
- Ferreira C
- Ferreira Peralta M
- Ferro Carvalho C
- Ferro Rey M
- Finnegan L
- Fiore M
- Fiore Marco
- Fiori E
- Fiorini A
- Fitzgerald J Edward
- Flamey N
- Fleming CA
- Fleres F
- Fonsi GB
- Foo CC
- Foppa C
- Ford Samuel
- Fortuna L
- Fotopoulou Christina
- Fountain Daniel M
- Fowler A
- Frade S
- Fragoso M
- Francone E
- Franken J
- Frantzeskou K
- Franzini M
- Frattaruolo C
- Frazao J
- Fredon F
- Freitas A
- Frena A
- Freyschlag Christian
- Fritzmann J
- Frongia F
- Frountzas M
- Fujiwar Keiichi
- Fuks D
- Furbetta N
- Futaba K
- Gahwagi M
- Gallo G
- Gallo Gaetano
- Galvao D
- Gani J
- Ganly Ian
- Garba S
- Garberini De Manzoni A
- Garcia JS
- Garfinkle R
- Garg PK
- Garino M
- Garmanova Tatiana
- Garrido R
- Gattolin A
- Gauri N
- Gaziants V
- Gelarda E
- Gennari S
- Gentilli S
- George G
- Gerns N
- Geroukalis A
- Ghaly G
- Ghamgh R
- Ghannam A
- Ghebre Rahel
- Ghitulescu G
- Ghosh Dhruva
- Giacometti M
- Giaglaras A
- Gianardi D
- Gill R
- Gillis AE
- Giraudo G
- Giuffrida M
- Giuffrida MC
- Giunta A
- Gklavas A
- Glasbey James C
- Glehen O
- Gold-Deutch R
- Gomes GMA
- Gomes Gustavo Mendonca Ataide
- Gomes J
- Gomez-Mayorga JL
- Gori A
- Gouvas N
- Grasset E
- Grasso M
- Grechenig M
- Grechi A
- Grecinos Gustavo
- Gribnev P
- Griffiths Ewen A
- Grilo J
- Grimaldi Di Maria S
- Gronchi Alessandro
- Groot G
- Grossi U
- Grotenhuis BA
- Gruber R
- Gruendl Magdalena
- Guadagni S
- Guaglio M
- Guerci C
- Guerra GR
- Guevara O
- Guglielmi A
- Guidi G
- Gujjuri Rohan R
- Gundara J
- Gupta S
- Gutelkin Murat
- Hakami I
- Halkias Constantine
- Hamdan KH
- Hamdy R
- Hamza HM
- Hanly A
- Haque PD
- Harald M
- Harbjerg JL
- Hardy NP
- Harris Benjamin
- Harrison Ewen M
- Hartveld L
- Hasan Aboharp Z
- Hassan E
- Hayati F
- Helminen O
- Heneghan H
- Henriques P
- Henriques S
- Heritage Emily
- Hernandez R
- Herzberg J
- Hisham Intisar
- Hmedat A
- Ho D
- Ho MF
- Ho Michael
- Hoffmann P
- Hogan A
- Hompes R
- Hon S
- Honarpisheh H
- Huhta H
- Hussain AH
- Hutchinson Peter
- Hutchinson Peter J
- Hwang Shelley
- Iannone I
- Ibrahim AF
- Ijichi TR
- Impellizzeri H
- Inama M
- Incollingo P
- Inzunza M
- Ioannidis O
- Ipponi P
- Isaac John
- Isik Arda
- Islam AA
- Isolani SM
- Isoton JC
- Iversen LH
- Izbicki J
- Izzo F
- Jacome F
- Jager T
- Jain A
- Jain D
- Jain M
- Jamal A
- Jang S
- Janik M
- Jayasilan J
- Jenkinson Michael D
- Jesudason MR
- Jeyaraj P
- Jeyarajan E
- Ji Almeida
- Jia F
- Jo Bello
- Joao Alagoa A
- Jobran F
- Jocson R
- Jones Conor S
- Jonescheit J
- Jonker Pascal
- Jordan P
- Jordan S
- Jouffret L
- Jovine E
- Jusoh Che A
- Jw Mall
- Kaafarani Haytham MA
- Kalayarasan R
- Kalfountzos C
- Kamal N
- Kamarajah Sivesh K
- Kamoka E
- Kamphues C
- Kanemitsu Y
- Kappenberger A
- Karaitianos IG
- Karimuddin A
- Karlovic D
- Kashif M
- Kasivisvanathan Veeru
- Katusic Z
- Kauppila JH
- Kavanagh D
- Kayyal MY
- Keatley James M
- Keller Debby
- Kembuan G
- Kennelly R
- Kerawala AA
- Khan S
- Khan Tabassum
- Khatri Chetan
- Khaw Rachel A
- Khokhar M
- Kia Madani T
- Kilani A
- Killeen S
- Kim NJ
- Kjaer DW
- Klatte Tobias
- Kleeff J
- Klimopoulos S
- Knight Andrew
- Kokkinos G
- Kokoropoulos P
- Kolias Angelos
- Kolla C
- Kollengode VV
- Konigsrainer A
- Konney Thomas
- Konstadoulakis M
- Konsten J
- Koukoulis G
- Kowalewski P
- Krarup P
- Kredan A
- Kristensen HO
- Kroon HM
- Krsul D
- Kruijff Schelto
- Kubiliute E
- Kuiper S
- Kumar A
- Kumar S
- Kumar V
- Kuttanchettiyar KG
- Kwiatkowski A
- La Torre F
- Laface L
- Laforest A
- Laharwal A
- Lakkis Z
- Lamb Benjamin
- Lapolla P
- Laporte G
- Larentzakis A
- Larkin J
- Lauretta A
- Lauscher J
- Lavy R
- Lawani Ismail
- Lawday Samuel
- Layton Georgia R
- Lazaro A
- Lc Nespoli
- Le Roy B
- Lecolle K
- Lederhuber Hans
- Lee N
- Leite Lira dos Santos A
- Leung Elaine Yl
- Leventoglu Sezai
- Li Elizabeth
- Liakakos T
- Lim RZM
- Lima MJ
- Linari C
- Lippa Laura
- Litta F
- Litvin Andrey
- Liu J
- Lizzi V
- Lo Abdur-Rahman
- Locatelli A
- Loch FN
- Loehrer Andrew
- Loffler Markus W
- Loffler MW
- Longhi M
- Longhini A
- Lopes L
- Lopes Vieira Paiva AC
- Lorena Maria Aguilera
- Lorenzon L
- Lott N
- Loutzidou L
- Lowery A
- Lucchini SM
- Luglio G
- Lun EWY
- Lunghi EG
- Lynch N
- Machado D
- Machado N
- Macina S
- Madonini M
- Maffioli A
- Magadia Uy E
- Mahajan A
- Mahmood M
- Maida P
- Maimbo Mayaba
- Majbar AM
- Major P
- Major Piotr
- Majumdar KS
- Mak TWC
- Malgras B
- Maltinti G
- Manatakis DK
- Manfredelli S
- Manrique E
- Manso I
- Marafante C
- Marano A
- Marcal A
- Marchbank Adrian
- Marcus Hani J
- Mari G
- Marialva J
- Mariani NM
- Marie-Macron L
- Marinello P
- Marino M
- Marino M
- Marques R
- Marques T
- Marra AA
- Marra E
- Marreiro A
- Marte G
- Martel A
- Martin Janet
- Martin ST
- Martinek L
- Martinez Soule CE
- Martinic Quintana M
- Martins A
- Martins D
- Martins R
- Marzi F
- Masciandaro A
- Mashbari Hassan N
- Massobrio A
- Mathew S
- Mazingi Dennis
- Mazzotta E
- Mazzotti F
- Mccormick P
- McGrath John S
- McKay Siobhan
- McKevitt K
- McNeill Alan
- Mehigan BJ
- Mehraj A
- Meima-van Praag EM
- Mekhael M
- Melchor-Ruan J
- Melenhorst J
- Memon AS
- Memos N
- Mendes F
- Mendes JR
- Meneghini S
- Mercado MA
- Merdrignac A
- Messner F
- Metallidis Symeon
- Metwalli M
- Michalopoulos N
- Michalski C
- Migliore M
- Miguel Sampaio da Novoa Gomes
- Mihanovic J
- Minaya-Bravo Ana
- Mingoli A
- Mir I
- Mirabella A
- Miranda P
- Mishra N
- Mishra S
- Mishra T
- Misra S
- Mitchell D
- Mitra JK
- Mittal R
- Mittal Rohin
- Mochet S
- Modolo Maria Marta
- Moftah M
- Moggia E
- Mohammad Z
- Mohammed MM
- Mohan H
- Mohan Helen M
- Mohsine R
- Montelatici M
- Monteleone M
- Montella MT
- Montori G
- Montuori M
- Moore Rachel
- Moorthy M
- Mora Herrera DR
- Morais H
- Morales Pinilla RE
- Moras L
- Morelli L
- Moretto G
- Moritani K
- Morsi A
- Moss J
- Moszkowicz David
- Moug Susan
- Mourad M
- Mshelbwala P
- Msherghi A
- Muduly D
- Muiesan P
- Muller B
- Mulligan CS
- Mungo S
- Muratore A
- Murawa D
- Murgese A
- Murgueitio Cortes N
- Murphy C
- Musetti S
- Mutter D
- Muzamil J
- Nacif L
- Nageh MA
- Nally D
- Nankivell Paul
- Narahari Krishna
- Neary P
- Neary PM
- Negoi Ionut
- Nelli T
- Nepogodiev Dmitri
- Neri J
- Nessim C
- Neville Iuri
- Ng Joe
- Ng S
- Ng-Kamstra Joshua S
- Ngo CW
- Nikaj H
- Niquen Milagros
- Nitschke C
- Nogueira O
- Nogueiro J
- Noiret B
- Nolan GJ
- Norcini C
- Notte F
- Novello S
- Nowak K
- Ntirenganya Faustin
- Nugent E
- Nunes R
- Nunes Silveira
- Nwabuoku SE
- O'Brien S
- O'Malley S
- O'Riordan J
- O'Shea M
- Obeidat K
- Ofner D
- Ogolekwu Pius
- Ohlberger L
- Okunlola A
- Olaogun J
- Olasehinde O
- Oliveira A
- Olivieri M
- Olivos Maricarmen
- Olori S
- Olute A
- Omar W
- Oosterlinck W
- Oosterling S
- Opocher E
- Osagie O
- Osman N
- Otoniel LR
- Oussama Kacimi
- Outani Oumaima
- Owens P
- Ozant A
- Ozcay N
- Padmore G
- Pagano G
- Pajan H
- Palagi S
- Palmeri M
- Pandey D
- Papaconstantinou I
- Papadopoulos V
- Papagni V
- Papatheodorou P
- Paquette N
- Parasyris S
- Pareek P
- Pareja Rene
- Parello A
- Parini S
- Parise P
- Parlanti D
- Parray FQ
- Parreira R
- Parreno-Sacdalan Marie Dione
- Parseliunas A
- Pasini F
- Paspaliari D
- Pata Francesco
- Patel Akshay
- Patnaik Chyau S
- Patricio B
- Patrone R
- Pattyn P
- Pedrazzani C
- Pedro J
- Pedro V
- Peirce C
- Pellegrino L
- Peluso C
- Penumadu P
- Pera R
- Pereira A
- Pereira C
- Pereira R
- Perez D
- Pergolini I
- Perivoliotis K
- Perotto LO
- Perra T
- Perrone G
- Persad A
- Persiani R
- Pertile D
- Peteja M
- Petrillo A
- Pezzuto AP
- Pham H
- Phan D
- Phang PT
- Phillips E
- Picciariello A
- Pickett L
- Piessen G
- Pina S
- Pinkney Thomas D
- Pinotti E
- Pinto J
- Pipara A
- Piper Rory J
- Pirozzolo G
- Pirzada A
- Pisanu A
- Pockney P
- Pockney Peter
- Podda M
- Poeze M
- Poggioli G
- Pol-Fachin L
- Police A
- Polydorou A
- Popoola AA
- Porcu A
- Portinari M
- Posadas-Trujillo OE
- Posma-Bouman L
- Pourcher G
- Pozotou I
- Praetorius C
- Pramesh CS
- Prando D
- Presl J
- Price Stephen J
- Pronk AJM
- Prosperi P
- Pruvot Veziant J
- Qasem A
- Qatora MS
- Quante M
- Qureshi Ahmad
- Qureshi AU
- Radenkovic Dejan
- Radica Koleva M
- Raggio E
- Rai L
- Rajan S
- Rakvin I
- Ramasamy S
- Ramesh P
- Ramirez Jimenez LJ
- Ramos-De La Medina Antonio
- Rao S
- Rashid A
- Rasoaherinomenjanahary F
- Rattizzato S
- Ratto C
- Raval M
- Razafindrahita JB
- Razali Md
- Real Corte J
- Recordare A
- Reddy P
- Refky B
- Rega D
- Reim D
- Reinhard T
- Revez T
- Reynolds IS
- Ribeiro A
- Ribeiro CG
- Ribeiro R
- Ribolla M
- Rice D
- Richards T
- Richards Toby
- Riddell A
- Ridgway PF
- Righini E
- Rimonda R
- Ringressi MN
- Risaliti M
- Riva C
- Rivas R
- Rivera Carlos Jose Perez
- Rizzi A
- Rk Sriram
- Roberts Keith
- Robertson Faith
- Rodrigues Pereira A
- Romano M
- Ronellenfitsch U
- Rosa F
- Roslani AC
- Roslani April C
- Rosseau Gail
- Rossi S
- Roszkowski R
- Rottoli M
- Roux A
- Ruivo A
- Ruiz Castro C
- Russo IS
- Rutegard Martin
- Ruzzenente A
- Ryan EJ
- Ryan M
- Saad MM
- Sabry A
- Sagnotta A
- Sahid Nik Amin
- Saklani A
- Sakr A
- Saksena AR
- Salama Abdelkader
- Saleem A
- Salem H
- Salem M
- Salgado-Nesme N
- Salindera S
- Sallam I
- Samadov E
- Samih A
- Samison LH
- Sammarco G
- Sammour T
- Sampietro GM
- Sani Ali S
- Santos Costa D
- Santos Irene
- Santos PMDD
- Santos R
- Santos-Sousa H
- Sapienza P
- Saraiva P
- Sarjanoja E
- Sarre C
- Sartarelli L
- Sasia D
- Satoi Sohei
- Sayyed R
- Sayyed Raza
- Scabini S
- Scalabre A
- Scanu AM
- Schache Andrew
- Schache Andrew G
- Schaller Karl
- Schiavo M
- Schiergens T
- Schineis C
- Schizas D
- Schlesinger N
- Schnitzbauer Andreas A
- Scotton G
- Scrima O
- Seeliger B
- Seenivasagam Kottayasamy R
- Seenivasagam Rajkumar Kottayasamy
- Seguin-givelet A
- Segura-Sampedro Juan Jose
- Sehouli Jalid
- Seleim A
- Selmani J
- Sena G
- Senossi O
- Servadei Franco
- Seshadri Ayloor R
- Seyi-Olajide Justina O
- Sganga G
- Shah ZA
- Sharabiany S
- Sharma Neil
- Shaw Catherine A
- Shaw Richard
- Shehata S
- Shenit K
- Sherief M
- Sherif A
- Sherif Ahmed Elshawadfy
- Sherif G
- Shokuhi P
- Sholadoye TT
- Shu Sebastian
- Shylasree TS
- Siaw-Acheampong Kwabena
- Sibilla MG
- Siddiqui MT
- Sidek Mohamed AS
- Sidiropoulos T
- Silva A
- Silva M
- Silva N
- Silva R
- Silvestre D
- Simoes JFF
- Simoes Joana FF
- Singh Jagdeep K
- Singh MP
- Singh R
- Singh S
- Skrovina M
- Smart Neil
- Smart Neil J
- Smith H
- Smith J
- Soares Sampaio A
- Soh JY
- Sokolov M
- Soliman H
- Soltan H
- Soreide Kjetil
- Soriero D
- Sorrentino L
- Souadka A
- Sousa R
- Sousa S
- Spagni G
- Spampinato MG
- Spartalis E
- Spiezio G
- Spinelli A
- Spinelli Antonino
- Spolini A
- St John S
- Stavrinidou O
- Steidle C
- Stevenson J
- Stewart Grant D
- Strate T
- Stylianidis G
- Subhi MT
- Subocius A
- Subramaniam S
- Sund Malin
- Sundar Sudha
- Susztak N
- Sutherland A
- Swinson B
- Syed WAS
- Syllaios A
- Szubota I
- Tabiri Stephen
- Tactuk N
- Taddei A
- Taibi A
- Talaat M
- Tamini N
- Tammaro P
- Tan JA
- Tanzanu M
- Tartaglia D
- Tasis N
- Tavares F
- Tawheed A
- Teh C
- Teixeira J
- Teixeira M
- Testa V
- Thanapal MR
- Thekinkattil Dinesh
- Theodosopoulos T
- Thian A
- Tirloni L
- Tirotta Fabio
- Tojal A
- Tolani MA
- Tom K
- Tonini V
- Tooulias A
- Townen Philip
- Townend D
- Townend Philip
- Travaglio E
- Tribillon E
- Tropeano FP
- Tsiaoussis I
- Tsoulfas G
- Tsoulfas Georgios
- Tucci R
- Tufo A
- Turk K
- Turri G
- Tzedakis S
- Tzovaras G
- Ugolini G
- Umair M
- Umar A
- Urbani A
- Usai A
- Uzunoglu FG
- Vaccarella G
- Vale R
- Valenzuela J
- Vallance Abigail
- Van de Putte D
- Van den Eynde J
- Van den Eynde R
- van der Plas Willemijn
- Van Heinsbergen M
- Van Nieuwenhove Y
- Van Ramshorst G
- van Ramshorst Gabrielle H
- Varghese Chris
- Vasey C
- Vassiliu P
- Vaz S
- Vaz-Pereira R
- Veetil Kannummal S
- Vendrame C
- Venskutonis D
- Vergari R
- Vernon L
- Vescio G
- Vezakis A
- Vidya Raghavan
- Vieira A
- Vieira B
- Vignali A
- Vignotto C
- Vilar-Compte D
- Vimalachandran Dale
- Vimalchandra Dale
- Violante T
- Vishnoi JR
- Vitali A
- Vo UG
- Volpin E
- Von Papen M
- Vovola F
- Waldron A
- Walker P
- Walkes K
- Wani R
- Waqar SH
- Warren Oliver J
- Watson E
- Wedderburn Duane
- Weitz J
- Welsch T
- Werner J
- Whelan M
- Wilkins Alex
- Willaert W
- Wimmer A
- Winter D
- Winter Stuart C
- Wong MP
- Wood M
- Wrigh Naomi
- Wullschleger M
- Xavier R
- Xenaki S
- Xynos E
- Yadev I
- Yang W
- Ye G
- Yezzaji H
- Yiallourou A
- Yousof EA
- Yunus Mohd MF
- Yurttas C
- Zakaria AD
- Zakaria Z
- Zambon M
- Zanus G
- Zatecky J
- Zelic M
- Zerbib P
- Zervas K
- Zese M
- Zhang H
- Zizzo M
- Zmora O
- Zografos C
- Zonta S
- Zourntou S
- Publication venue
- 'Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RCOG)'
- Publication date
- 01/06/2022
- Field of study
AIM: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has provided a unique opportunity to explore the impact of surgical delays on cancer resectability. This study aimed to compare resectability for colorectal cancer patients undergoing delayed versus non-delayed surgery. METHODS: This was an international prospective cohort study of consecutive colorectal cancer patients with a decision for curative surgery (January-April 2020). Surgical delay was defined as an operation taking place more than 4 weeks after treatment decision, in a patient who did not receive neoadjuvant therapy. A subgroup analysis explored the effects of delay in elective patients only. The impact of longer delays was explored in a sensitivity analysis. The primary outcome was complete resection, defined as curative resection with an R0 margin. RESULTS: Overall, 5453 patients from 304 hospitals in 47 countries were included, of whom 6.6% (358/5453) did not receive their planned operation. Of the 4304 operated patients without neoadjuvant therapy, 40.5% (1744/4304) were delayed beyond 4 weeks. Delayed patients were more likely to be older, men, more comorbid, have higher body mass index and have rectal cancer and early stage disease. Delayed patients had higher unadjusted rates of complete resection (93.7% vs. 91.9%, P = 0.032) and lower rates of emergency surgery (4.5% vs. 22.5%, P < 0.001). After adjustment, delay was not associated with a lower rate of complete resection (OR 1.18, 95% CI 0.90-1.55, P = 0.224), which was consistent in elective patients only (OR 0.94, 95% CI 0.69-1.27, P = 0.672). Longer delays were not associated with poorer outcomes. CONCLUSION: One in 15 colorectal cancer patients did not receive their planned operation during the first wave of COVID-19. Surgical delay did not appear to compromise resectability, raising the hypothesis that any reduction in long-term survival attributable to delays is likely to be due to micro-metastatic disease
New Surgical Technique For Hallux Valgus: A Multiplanar Chevron Osteotomy
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'MedCrave Group, LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Cytotoxicity and anti- Leishmania amazonensis
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Clinical outcomes of concurrent surgery with weight bearing after modified lasso-loop stitch arthroscopic ankle stabilization
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Clinical results of an arthroscopic modified Brostrom operation with and without an internal brace
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Universal PCR primers for ribosomal protein gene introns of fish
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Arthroscopic-Assisted Broström-Gould Repair
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Arthroscopic-Assisted Broström-Gould Repair
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Arthroscopic ankle lateral ligament repair alone versus arthroscopic ankle lateral ligament repair with reinforcement by inferior extensor retinaculum
- Author
- AJ Brown
- AR Brodsky
- BO Jeong
- C Nery
- E Giza
- E Hoffman
- E Liodakis
- H Niki
- H Niki
- H Niki
- H Niki
- J Karlsson
- J Lee
- J Vega
- JH Cho
- JM Cottom
- K Matsui
- K Matsui
- KT Lee
- L Broström
- M Dalmau-Pastor
- M Guelfi
- M Guelfi
- M Takao
- M Takao
- M Takao
- N Gould
- N Haraguchi
- N Maffulli
- NM Corte-Real
- RD Ferkel
- S Guillo
- SB Behrens
- SJ Bell
- TM Messer
- U Aydogan
- Y Hua
- ZD Ng
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Endoscopic reconstruction of CFL and the ATFL with a gracilis graft: a cadaveric study
- Author
- A Caprio
- Arne Burssens
- B Hinterman
- B Wang
- BS Kim
- C Nery
- E Giza
- Evie Vereecke
- Frederick Michels
- GA Komenda
- Guillaume Cordier
- HG Jung
- J Vega
- JI Acevedo
- L Broström
- L Broström
- M Drakos
- M Takao
- M Takao
- M Takao
- MJ Coughlin
- N Gould
- NM Corte-Real
- P GolanĂł
- P Ziai
- R Bahr
- R Bahr
- R Paterson
- RD Ferkel
- RT Burks
- S Guillo
- S Guillo
- S Guillo
- Stéphane Guillo
- TB Neuschwander
- TH Lui
- TO Clanton
- Y Hua
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study