925 research outputs found

    Aerial Surveillance and the Fourth Amendment – California v. Ciraolo

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    This is the published version.Law enforcement officials have increasingly turned to aerial surveillance as a means of combating crime. Aerial surveillance often enables police to view areas that they otherwise would be unable to view without a warrant. Consequently, considerable conflict has developed over whether this means of surveillance constitutes a search under the fourth amendment. In California v. Ciraolo, the United States Supreme Court held that naked-eye aerial observations of the curtilage of a home, when made from navigable airspace, do not constitute a search protected by the fourth amendment

    Improving Access to Healthcare for LGBTQ Individuals in Burlington

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    Studies consistently show that LGBTQ individuals are at higher risk for substance abuse, tobacco use, suicide, HIV, and chronic health conditions. The Community Health Centers of Burlington recently created a specialty clinic called the Be You Clinic, which will focus on delivering healthcare to LGBTQ persons, by LGBTQ-affirmative and –knowledgeable providers. This project sought to spread awareness of this new clinic by advertising.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/fmclerk/1359/thumbnail.jp

    Florida History - A Field of Colorful Original Sources

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    This address was delivered by Mrs. Corse before the Society at its recent annual meeting

    Denys Rolle. and Rollestown, A Pioneer for Utopia

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    This account of Denys Rolle and his attempt at colonization in Florida is based on forty-three contemporaneous documents preserved in the Public Record Office, London,- letters and reports of Governors Grant and Tonyn to the Lords of Trade and Plantations,. to the Earl of Shelburne and to Lord Hillsborough; memorials of Rolle, and his letters to the governor and the secretaries; Acts of the Privy Council; private letters; etc. Copies of these papers were secured from London by Mrs. Corse and given to the library of the Florida Historical Society where they may be seen; hence it is considered unnecessary to cite the source of each statement made. Three of these documents follow this article. Others may be published here when space is available

    DeBrahm’s Report on East Florida, 1773

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    The most detailed of the early reports on the Florida peninsula is that of John Gerard William DeBrahm, Surveyor General of the southern district of North America for George III of England. His observations on Florida are contained in a work entitled “History of the Three Provinces, South Carolina, Georgia and East Florida,” in manuscript in the British Museum, with a copy in Harvard University Library. The South Carolina and Georgia sections of this report have been printed but the Florida material is still only in manuscript. A great benefit would be conferred upon students of Colonial Florida if this part were printed also

    Gestion du chĂȘne vert en Corse, quelques Ă©lĂ©ments de sylviculture

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    Le chĂȘne vert est, en Corse, placĂ© dans des conditions naturelles diffĂ©rentes de celles qui existent sur le continent : pluviositĂ© gĂ©nĂ©ralement supĂ©rieure, relief accusĂ©. Les peuplements peuvent ĂȘtre classĂ©s selon les types diffĂ©rents : le taillis, le maquis Ă  chĂȘne vert, la futaie et le taillis sous futaie. Outre la pĂ©rennitĂ© de l'Ă©tat boisĂ©, le gestionnaire recherche dans chaque peuplement Ă  obtenir l'Ă©quilibre entre divers objectifs : produire du bois, obtenir des glands, prĂ©server l'environnement pour rester une forĂȘt accueillante aux promeneurs. Une gestion forestiĂšre peut ĂȘtre envisagĂ©e par le traitement en taillis et en futaie

    Shrine of the Water Gods

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    Maps on inside cover. A booklet describing the history of the Silver Springs and the surrounding area. It briefly touches on the tourism for Silver Springs and the ecosystem. PALMMhttps://digitalcommons.unf.edu/northeast_fla_books/1011/thumbnail.jp

    Public Health Outcomes as a Measure of Efficacy of Syringe Exchange Programs

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    Introduction. A syringe exchange is a public health intervention that offers nonjudgmental services to intravenous drug users (IVDU), providing clean syringes in exchange for used syringes. While prior studies demonstrated that syringe exchanges can reduce transmission of HIV, hepatitis C, and other blood-borne pathogens, other measures of health improvements have been less studied. Methods. 91 members of Vermont CARES syringe exchange program were surveyed on their healthcare practices. New members were defined asprogram. Results. Long-term members tended to have a primary care provider (PCP). Lack of insurance and fear of judgment were commonly cited reasons for not having a PCP. Long-term members were significantly less likely (p=0.04) to use costly emergency department (ED) services and less likely to reuse their own or another person\u27s needles. Long-term members were more likely to be in addiction treatment and reported a greater desire to abstain from drug use. New members were more likely to obtain hepatitis C and HIV testing in the past year. Discussion. Subjects responded positively to the possibility of accessing PCP services through VT CARES, offering a continuation of the nonjudgmental healthcare environment. Decreased ED visits significantly correlated with longer membership, reflecting the positive impact of the syringe exchange education services on reducing healthcare costs. Decreased testing among long-term members may reflect prior knowledge of their status. Long-term members were less likely to reuse their own needles or ones used by another person, suggesting the distribution of clean syringes encourages safer injection practices.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/comphp_gallery/1247/thumbnail.jp
