96 research outputs found

    Aberrant methylation within RUNX3 CpG island associated with the nuclear and mitochondrial microsatellite instability in sporadic gastric cancers. Results of a GOIM (Gruppo Oncologico dell'Italia Meridionale) prospective study.

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    Gastric cancer (GC) development is a multistep process, during which numerous alterations accumulate in nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. A deficiency of repair machinery brings about an accumulation of errors introduced within simple repetitive microsatellite sequences during replication of DNA. Aberrant methylation is related to microsatellite instability (MSI) by the silencing of the hMLH1 gene. The aim of this study is to investigate a possible relationship between the RUNX3 promoter methylation, nuclear microsatellite instability (nMSI) and mitochondrial microsatellite instability (mtMSI), in order to clarify its biological role in GC

    TP53 mutations and S-phase fraction but not DNA-ploidy are independent prognostic indicators in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma

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    To prospectively evaluate the prognostic significance of TP53, H-, K-, and N-Ras mutations, DNA-ploidy and S-phase fraction (SPF) in patients affected by locally advanced laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC). Eight-one patients (median follow-up was 71 months) who underwent resective surgery for primary operable locally advanced LSCC were analyzed. Tumor DNA was screened for mutational analysis by PCR/SSCP and sequencing. DNA-ploidy and SPF were performed by flow cytometric analyses. Thirty-six patients (44%) had, at least, a mutation in the TP53 gene. Of them, 22% (8/36) had double mutations and 3% (1/36) had triple mutations. In total, 46 TP53 mutations were observed. The majority (41%) of these occur in exon 5 (19/46), while the mutations in exons 6, 7, and 8 were represented in 14, 7, and 6 patients, respectively (31% 15%, and 16%). Five LSCC patients (6%) showed a mutation in H-Ras gene. Sixty-three percent of the cases (51/81) were DNA aneuploidy, 14% of these (7/51) were multiclonal. Thirty-nine patients (48%) had an high SPF value. At Univariate analysis, the DNA aneuploidy, high SPF (> 15.1%), TP53 mutations and, in particular, the mutations that occur in exons 5 and 8 were significantly related to quicker disease relapse and short OS. At Multivariate analysis, the major significant predictors for both disease relapse and death were high SPF and any TP53 mutations. While histological grade G3 was an independent factor only for relapse. In conclusions, any TP53 mutations and high SPF are important biological indicators to predict the outcome of LSCC patients

    Laser Pressure Catapulting (LPC): Optimization LPC-System and Genotyping of Colorectal Carcinomas

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    Genotype analysis is becoming more and more useful in clinical practice, since specific mutations in tumors often correlate with prognosis and/or therapeutic response. Unfortunately, current molecular analytical techniques often require time-consuming and costly steps of analysis, thus making their routine clinical use difficult. Moreover, one of the most difficult problems arising during tumor research is that of their cell heterogeneity, which depends on their clear molecular heterogeneity. SSCP analysis discriminates by means of aberrant electrophoresis migration bands, mutated alleles which may represent as little as 15-20% of their total number. Nevertheless, in order to identify by sequencing the type of alteration revealed by this technique, only the mutated allele must be isolated. The advent of laser microdissection is a procedure which easily solves these problems of accuracy, costs, and time. The aims of this study were to perfect the system of laser pressure catapulting (LPC) laser microdissection for the assessment of the mutational status of p53 and k-ras genes in a consecutive series of 67 patients with colorectal carcinomas (CRC), in order to compare this technique with that involving hand-dissection and to demonstrate that since the LPC system guarantees more accurate biomolecular analyses, it should become part of clinical routine in this field. The LPC-system was perfected with the use of mineral oil and the LPC-membrane. To compare the techniques of hand- and LPC-microdissection, alcohol-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue from 67 cases of CRC were both hand- and laser-microdissected. In either case, dissected samples were analyzed by SSCP/sequencing and direct sequencing for k-ras and p53 gene mutations. LPC-microdissection made it possible to pick up mutations by direct sequencing or SSCP/sequencing, whereas hand-microdissection mutations were identified only by means of SSCP followed by sequencing; direct sequencing did not reveal any mutation. In the 67 patients examined by either method, 36% (24/67) showed p53 mutations, 32 of which identified. Seventy-eight percent (25/32) were found in the conserved areas of the gene, while 12% (4/32) were in the L2 loop, 50% (16/32) were in the L3 loop, and 12% (4/32) in the LSH motif of the protein. Moreover, of the 67 cases examined, 40% (27/67) showed mutations in k-ras, with a total of 29 mutations identified. Of these, 14 (48%) were found in codon 12 and 15 (52%) in codon 13. The modifications which we brought to the LPC system led to a vast improvement of the technique, making it an ideal substitution for hand-microdissection and guaranteeing a considerable number of advantages regarding facility, accuracy, time, and cost. Furthermore, the data obtained from the mutational analyses performed confirm that the LPC system is more efficient and rapid than hand-microdissection for acquiring useful information regarding molecular profile and can therefore be used with success in clinical routine

    Specific TP53 and/or Ki-ras mutations as independent predictors of clinical outcome in sporadic colorectal adenocarcinomas: results of a 5-year Gruppo Oncologico dell'Italia Meridionale (GOIM) prospective study.

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    BACKGROUND: Although Ki-ras and TP53 mutations have probably been the genetic abnormalities most exhaustively implicated and studied in colorectal cancer (CRC) progression, their significance in terms of disease relapse and overall survival has not yet clearly been established. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A prospective study was carried out on paired tumor and normal colon tissue samples from a consecutive series of 160 previously-untreated patients, undergoing resective surgery for primary operable sporadic CRC. Mutations within the TP53 (exons 5-8) and Ki-ras (exon 2) genes were detected by PCR-SSCP analyses following sequencing. RESULTS: Mutation analyses of exons 5 to 8 of the TP53 gene showed mutations in 43% (68/160) of the cases, while mutation analyses of exon 2 of the Ki-ras gene showed mutations in 46% (74/160) of the cases. Multivariate analyses showed that clinical outcome were strongly associated with the presence of specific TP53 mutations in L3 domain alone (only in DFS) or in combination with specific Ki-ras mutations at codon 13. CONCLUSION: Specific TP53 mutations in L3 domain alone (only in DFS) or in combination with specific Ki-ras mutations at codon 13 are associated with a worse prognosis in sporadic CRC

    BRCA1 genetic testing in 106 breast and ovarian cancer families from southern Italy (Sicily): a mutation analyses.

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the contribution of germline BRCA1 mutations in the incidence of hereditary and familial Breast Cancer (BC) and/or Ovarian Cancer (OC) in patients from Southern Italy (in the region of Sicily) and to identify a possible association between the higher frequency of BRCA1 mutations and a specific familial profile. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: A consecutive series of 650 patients with BC and/or OC diagnosed between 1999 and 2005 were recruited from the Southern Italian region of Sicily, after interview at the "Regional Reference Centre for the Characterization and Genetic Screening of Hereditary Tumors" at the University of Palermo. Genetic counselling allowed us to recruit a total of 106 unrelated families affected with breast and/or ovarian cancer screened for mutations occurring in the whole BRCA1 gene by automatic direct sequencing. RESULTS: Germline BRCA1 mutations were found in 17 of 106 (16%) Sicilian families. The HBOC profile had a major frequency (66%) of mutations (P < 0.01). A total of 28 sequence variants was identified. Seven of these were pathogenic, 5 unknown biological variant (UV) and 16 polymorphisms. We also identified a pathological mutation (4843delC) as a possible Sicilian founder mutation. CONCLUSIONS: The present study is the first BRCA1 disease-associated mutations analysis in Southern Italian families. The early age of onset of such tumors and the association with the HBOC familial profile could be two valid screening factors for the identification of BRCA1 mutation carriers. Finally, we identified a BRCA1 mutation with a possible founder effec

    TP53 and p16INK4A, but not H-KI-Ras, are involved in tumorigenesis and progression of pleomorphic adenomas.

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    The putative role of TP53 and p16INK4A tumor suppressor genes and Ras oncogenes in the development and progression of salivary gland neoplasias was studied in 28 cases of pleomorphic adenomas (PA), 4 cases of cystic adenocarcinomas, and 1 case of carcinoma ex-PA. Genetic and epigenetic alterations in the above genes were analyzed by Polymerase Chain Reaction/Single Strand Conformational Polymorphism (PCR/SSCP) and sequencing and by Methylation Specific-PCR (MS-PCR). Mutations in TP53 were found in 14% (4/28) of PAs and in 60% (3/5) of carcinomas. Mutations in H-Ras and K-Ras were identified in4%(1/28) and7% (2/28) of PAs, respectively. Only 20% (1/5) of carcinomas screened displayed mutations in K-Ras. p16INK4A promoter hypermethylation was found in 14% (4/28) of PAs and 100% (5/5) carcinomas. All genetic and epigenetic alterations were detected exclusively in the epithelial and transitional tumor components, and were absent in the mesenchymal parts. Our analysis suggests that TP53 mutations and p16INK4A promoter methylation, but not alterations in the H-Ras and K-Ras genes, might be involved in the malignant progression of PA into carcinoma. J. Cell. Physiol. 207: 654–659, 2006. 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Molecular detection of TP53, Ki-Ras and p16INK4A promoter methylation in plasma of patients with colorectal cancer and its association with prognosis. Results of a 3-year GOIM (Gruppo Oncologico dell'Italia Meridionale) prospective study.

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    BACKGROUND:Despite the improvement in detection and surgical therapy in the last years, the outcome of patients affected by colorectal carcinoma (CRC) remains limited by metastatic relapse. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of free tumor DNA in the plasma of CRC patients in order to understand its possible prognostic role. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Ki-Ras, TP53 mutations and p16(INK4A) methylation status were prospectively evaluated in tumor tissues and plasma of 66 CRC patients. RESULTS: In 50 of the 66 primitive tumor cases (76%) at least one significant alteration was identified in Ki-Ras and/or TP53 and/or p16(INK4A) genes. Eighteen of the 50 patients presented the same alteration both in the plasma and in the tumor tissue. At univariate analysis, Ki-Ras mutations proved to be significantly related to quicker relapse (P <0.01), whereas only a trend towards statistical significance (P = 0.083) was observed for the TP53 mutations CONCLUSIONS: Detection of Ki-Ras and TP53 mutation in plasma should be significantly related to disease recurrence. These data suggest that patients with a high risk of recurrence can be identified by means of the analysis of tumor-derived plasma DNA with the use of fairly non-invasive techniques

    Significance of P16INK4A hypermethylation gene in primary head/neck and colorectal tumors: it is a specific tissue event? Results of a 3-year GOIM (Gruppo Oncologico dell'Italia Meridionale) prospective study

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    BACKGROUND: Methylation of the p16 promoter is one of the most frequent mechanisms of gene inactivation; its incidence is extremely variable according to the type of tumor involved. Our purpose was to analyze the hypermethylation of the p16 promoter in laryngeal squamous cell carcinomas (LSCC), salivary gland (SG) tumors and in colorectal cancer (CRC), to detect any possible association with the clinicopathological features and to determine the prognostic significance of the p16 gene in the tumors analyzed. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The hypermethylation of the p16 promoter was prospectively analyzed, by MSP, in a consecutive series of 64 locally advanced LSCC patients, in a consecutive series of 33 SG tumor patients and in a consecutive series of 66 sporadic CRC patients. RESULTS: Hypermethylation was observed in 9% of the LSCC cases, in all cases of SG cancer and in 21% of the CRC cases. No significant association was observed between p16 hypermethylation and clinicopathological variables in all the tissue samples analyzed. Moreover at univariate analysis p16 mutations were not independently related at disease relapse and death in LSCC and CRC. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study suggest that the lack of p16 function could happen in advanced stage of SG tumors

    Detection and quantification of mammaglobin in the blood of breast cancer patients: can it be useful as a potential clinical marker? Preliminary results of a GOIM (Gruppo Oncologico dell'Italia Meridionale) prospective study.

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    BACKGROUND: Mammaglobin is expressed mainly in mammary tissue, overexpressed in breast cancer (BC) and rarely in other tissue. The aim of this study was to assess the sensitivity and specificity of transcript MGB1 detection and to evaluate the role of MGB1 as potential clinical marker for the detection of disseminated cancer cells in the blood of BC patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A consecutive series of 23 BC tissues, 36 peripheral blood BC samples and 35 healthy peripheral blood samples was prospectively recruited to investigate MGB1 expression by means of a quantitative Real Time RT-PCR assay. RESULTS: MGB1 overexpression in tissue samples of BC patients is significantly associated only with high level of Ki67 (P <0.05). None of the samples from peripheral blood of 35 healthy female individuals were positive for MGB1 transcript. In contrast MGB1 mRNA expression was detected in three of 36 (8%) peripheral blood of BC patients. CONCLUSIONS: Our preliminary results demonstrate that the detection of MGB1 transcript in peripheral blood of BC patients was specific but with low sensitivity. MGB1 overexpression by itself or in combination with Ki67 might be considered an index of BC progression
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