21 research outputs found

    The effect of cutting on the proportions of white clover in mixtures

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    In two experiments with ryegrass/white clover mixtures, the proportion of clover was measured before and after cuts which removed 8-75% of above-ground biomass. Cutting was found to reduce the proportion of clover leaf area in the crop in both experiments, sometimes by as much as two-thirds, and the proportion of clover dry weight, by up to half, in one of them. That is, the harvested material contained a greater proportion of clover than did the sward before the cut. This disproportionate removal of clover was due to clover having a greater proportion of its leaf near the top of the canopy than grass. It showed that preferential removal of clover occurs as a result of the purely passive selection by a mower, not only as a result of grazing by animals which may be capable of active as well as passive selection. Despite the disadvantage to clover of losing more of its leaf area than grass, and in some cases more of its dry weight also, when the mixture was cut, the clover content of the sward did not decrease during the growing season as a whole. This was because, where no nitrogen fertilizer was applied, clover had a greater relative growth rate (RGR) than its companion grass during the growth periods between cuts and this increased its percentage of the mixture. Even where nitrogen was applied, clover equalled the RGR of grass and maintained its proportion of the crop, except in one instance