63 research outputs found

    Volunteer Growth in America: A Review of Trends Since 1974

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    Throughout the history of the United States, Americans have valued an ethic of service. As Alexis de Tocqueville wrote over a century and a half ago, this ethic of service prompts [Americans] to assist one another and inclines them willingly to sacrifice a portion of their time and property to the welfare of the state. Today, the ethic remains strong as Americans of all ages donate their time to schools, churches, hospitals, and other local nonprofits in an effort to improve their communities. Every day, people across the country mentor students, beautify neighborhoods, help older Americans to live independently, restore homes after disasters, and much more

    Quick Tips: Establishing Intergenerational Service-Learning Programs

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    Consider what type of intergenerational project is most appropriat

    Tribal Directors Manual

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    The Tribal Director Manual was developed to serve as a resource for the Tribal Learn and Serve Grantees. The Tribal Directors Manual is divided into the following chapters


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    Purpose: This guide has been developed to provide grantee organizations with a condensed overview of the financial management requirements of a Corporation for National and Community Service grant and to describe some common deficiencies that were identified under the former Commission on National and Community Service grants in complying with standard requirements. The guide will not supersede any of the requirements that will be established by the terms and conditions of a grant or the standard federal requirements that apply to all grants to states. It is intended solely as a reference guide for potential grantees. This guide discusses only financial management requirements and contains no guidance on meeting program requirements

    Corporation for National and Community Service: Strategic Plan 2006-2010

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    Through the programs of the Corporation for National and Community Service (the Corporation), Americans are investing their time, energy, and talent to improve the lives of others and strengthen their communities. In the process, they are building a more engaged society and becoming leaders in civic life

    Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service

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    The Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service is all about promoting Dr. King\u27s vision of building broad and diverse coalitions, breaking down barriers, and making our communities the best they can be. It is much more than just a day

    National Service: A Resource for Faith-Based and Community Groups

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    The Corporation for National and Community Service provides opportunities for Americans of all ages and backgrounds to serve their communities and country, primarily through its Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, and Learn and Serve America programs.Together with the USA Freedom Corps, the Corporation is working to build a culture of citizenship, service, and responsibility in America.Through access to human capital, grant funding, training and technical assistance, and other resources, we can help increase your organization’s capacity to deliver innovative solutions for communities. All of us have something to share that can make our communities and our nation stronger. We hope this booklet gives you a better understanding of how the Corporation works with faith-based and secular community organizations and how we can help you accomplish your goals

    Youth Helping America - Building Active Citizens: The Role of Social Institutions in Teen Volunteering

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    At a time when many are worried that the United States is experiencing a general decline in civic and political engagement, volunteering appears particularly strong among today’s young people. While volunteering is just one form of community involvement, research has shown that it is often connected to other forms of engagement, and, among youth, volunteering plays a valuable role in shaping how youth learn to interact with their community and develop the skills, values, and sense of empowerment necessary to become active citizens

    Issue Brief: Youth Helping America: The Role of Social Institutions in Teen Volunteering

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    The Corporation for National and Community Service, in collaboration with the U.S. Census Bureau and the nonprofit coalition Independent Sector, in early 2005 conducted the first major federal survey if volunteering by teenagers in more than a decade. The survey collected information on the volunteering habits if youth between the ages if 12 and 18. A new Corporation study based on the survey, titled Youth Helping America, looks at the state if youth volunteering and the connections between youth volunteering and the primary social institutions to which teenagers are exposed family, religious congregations, and schools

    Report of the Evaluation Task Force

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    The mission of the Corporation for National Service is: To engage Americans of all ages and backgrounds in community-based service. This service will address the nation\u27s educational, public safety, human and environmental needs in order to achieve direct and demonstrable results. In fulfilling its mission, the Corporation will foster civic responsibility, strengthen the ties that bind us together as a people and provide educational opportunity for those who make a substantial commitment to service