31 research outputs found

    Dynamic expression of LIM cofactors in the developing mouse neural tube

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    The developmental regulation of LIM homeodomain transcription factors (LIM-HD) by the LIM domain-binding cofactors CLIM/Ldb/NLI and RLIM has been demonstrated. Whereas CLIM cofactors are thought to be required for at least some of the in vivo functions of LIM-HD proteins, the ubiquitin ligase RLIM functions as a negative regulator by its ability to target CLIM cofactors for proteasomal degradation. In this report, we have investigated and compared the protein expression of both factors in the developing mouse neural tube. We co-localize both proteins in many tissues and, although widely expressed, we detect high levels of both cofactors in specific neural tube regions, e.g., in the ventral neural tube, where motor neurons reside. The mostly ubiquitous distribution of RLIM- and CLIM-encoding mRNA differs from the more specific expression of both cofactors at the protein level, indicating post-transcriptional regulation. Furthermore, we show that both cofactors not only co-localize with each other but also with Isl and Lhx3 LIM-HD proteins in developing ventral neural tube neurons. Our results demonstrate the dynamic expression of cofactors participating in the regulation of LIM-HD proteins during the development of the neural tube in mice and suggest additional post-transcriptional regulation in the nuclear LIM-HD protein network

    The Reconstitution Dynamics of Cultivated Hematopoietic Stem Cells and Progenitors Is Independent of Age

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    Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) represents the only curative treatment option for numerous hematologic malignancies. While the influence of donor age and the composition of the graft have already been examined in clinical and preclinical studies, little information is available on the extent to which different hematological subpopulations contribute to the dynamics of the reconstitution process and on whether and how these contributions are altered with age. In a murine model of HSCT, we therefore simultaneously tracked different cultivated and transduced hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell (HSPC) populations using a multicolor-coded barcode system (BC32). We studied a series of age-matched and age-mismatched transplantations and compared the influence of age on the reconstitution dynamics. We show that reconstitution from these cultured and assembled grafts was substantially driven by hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and multipotent progenitors (MPPs) independent of age. The reconstitution patterns were polyclonal and stable in all age groups independently of the variability between individual animals, with higher output rates from MPPs than from HSCs. Our experiments suggest that the dynamics of reconstitution and the contribution of cultured and individually transduced HSPC subpopulations are largely independent of age. Our findings support ongoing efforts to expand the application of HSCT in older individuals as a promising strategy to combat hematological diseases, including gene therapy applications

    Clonal competition in BcrAbl-driven leukemia: how transplantations can accelerate clonal conversion

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    Background: Clonal competition in cancer describes the process in which the progeny of a cell clone supersedes or succumbs to other competing clones due to differences in their functional characteristics, mostly based on subsequently acquired mutations. Even though the patterns of those mutations are well explored in many tumors, the dynamical process of clonal selection is underexposed. Methods: We studied the dynamics of clonal competition in a BcrAbl-induced leukemia using a γ-retroviral vector library encoding the oncogene in conjunction with genetic barcodes. To this end, we studied the growth dynamics of transduced cells on the clonal level both in vitro and in vivo in transplanted mice. Results: While we detected moderate changes in clonal abundancies in vitro, we observed monoclonal leukemias in 6/30 mice after transplantation, which intriguingly were caused by only two different BcrAbl clones. To analyze the success of these clones, we applied a mathematical model of hematopoietic tissue maintenance, which indicated that a differential engraftment capacity of these two dominant clones provides a possible explanation of our observations. These findings were further supported by additional transplantation experiments and increased BcrAbl transcript levels in both clones. Conclusion: Our findings show that clonal competition is not an absolute process based on mutations, but highly dependent on selection mechanisms in a given environmental context

    The Actin Binding Protein Plastin-3 Is Involved in the Pathogenesis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    Leukemia-initiating cells reside within the bone marrow in specialized niches where they undergo complex interactions with their surrounding stromal cells. We have identified the actin-binding protein Plastin-3 (PLS3) as potential player within the leukemic bone marrow niche and investigated its functional role in acute myeloid leukemia. High expression of PLS3 was associated with a poor overall and event-free survival for AML patients. These findings were supported by functional in vitro and in vivo experiments. AML cells with a PLS3 knockdown showed significantly reduced colony numbers in vitro while the PLS3 overexpression variants resulted in significantly enhanced colony numbers compared to their respective controls. Furthermore, the survival of NSG mice transplanted with the PLS3 knockdown cells showed a significantly prolonged survival in comparison to mice transplanted with the control AML cells. Further studies should focus on the underlying leukemia-promoting mechanisms and investigate PLS3 as therapeutic target

    Radiation rescue: mesenchymal stromal cells protect from lethal irradiation.

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    BACKGROUND: Successful treatment of acute radiation syndromes relies on immediate supportive care. In patients with limited hematopoietic recovery potential, hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplantation is the only curative treatment option. Because of time consuming donor search and uncertain outcome we propose MSC treatment as an alternative treatment for severely radiation-affected individuals. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Mouse mesenchymal stromal cells (mMSCs) were expanded from bone marrow, retrovirally labeled with eGFP (bulk cultures) and cloned. Bulk and five selected clonal mMSCs populations were characterized in vitro for their multilineage differentiation potential and phenotype showing no contamination with hematopoietic cells. Lethally irradiated recipients were i.v. transplanted with bulk or clonal mMSCs. We found a long-term survival of recipients with fast hematopoietic recovery after the transplantation of MSCs exclusively without support by HSCs. Quantitative PCR based chimerism analysis detected eGFP-positive donor cells in peripheral blood immediately after injection and in lungs within 24 hours. However, no donor cells in any investigated tissue remained long-term. Despite the rapidly disappearing donor cells, microarray and quantitative RT-PCR gene expression analysis in the bone marrow of MSC-transplanted animals displayed enhanced regenerative features characterized by (i) decreased proinflammatory, ECM formation and adhesion properties and (ii) boosted anti-inflammation, detoxification, cell cycle and anti-oxidative stress control as compared to HSC-transplanted animals. CONCLUSIONS: Our data revealed that systemically administered MSCs provoke a protective mechanism counteracting the inflammatory events and also supporting detoxification and stress management after radiation exposure. Further our results suggest that MSCs, their release of trophic factors and their HSC-niche modulating activity rescue endogenous hematopoiesis thereby serving as fast and effective first-line treatment to combat radiation-induced hematopoietic failure

    Indication of Horizontal DNA Gene Transfer by Extracellular Vesicles

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    <div><p>The biological relevance of extracellular vesicles (EV) in intercellular communication has been well established. Thus far, proteins and RNA were described as main cargo. Here, we show that EV released from human bone marrow derived mesenchymal stromal cells (BM-hMSC) also carry high-molecular DNA in addition. Extensive EV characterization revealed this DNA mainly associated with the outer EV membrane and to a smaller degree also inside the EV. Our EV purification protocol secured that DNA is not derived from apoptotic or necrotic cells. To analyze the relevance of EV-associated DNA we lentivirally transduced <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i>-DNA (<i>A</i>.<i>t</i>.-DNA) as indicator into BM-hMSC and generated EV. Using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) techniques we detected high copy numbers of <i>A</i>.<i>t</i>.-DNA in EV. In recipient hMSC incubated with tagged EV for two weeks we identified <i>A</i>.<i>t</i>.-DNA transferred to recipient cells. Investigation of recipient cell DNA using quantitative PCR and verification of PCR-products by sequencing suggested stable integration of <i>A</i>.<i>t</i>.-DNA. In conclusion, for the first time our proof-of-principle experiments point to horizontal DNA transfer into recipient cells via EV. Based on our results we assume that eukaryotic cells are able to exchange genetic information in form of DNA extending the known cargo of EV by genomic DNA. This mechanism might be of relevance in cancer but also during cell evolution and development.</p></div