28 research outputs found
Embracing Nature-based Solutions to promote resilient marine and coastal ecosystems
The world is struggling to limit greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the human footprint on nature. We therefore urgently need to think about how to achieve more with actions to address mounting challenges for human health and wellbeing from biodiversity loss, climate change effects, and unsustainable economic and social development. Nature-based Solutions (NBS) have emerged as a systemic approach and an important component of the response to these challenges. In marine and coastal spaces, NBS can contribute to improved environmental health, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and a more sustainable blue economy, if implemented to a high standard. However, NBS have been largely studied for terrestrial – particularly urban – systems, with limited uptake thus far in marine and coastal areas, despite an abundance of opportunities. Here, we provide explanations for this lag and propose the following three research priorities to advance marine and coastal NBS: (1) Improve understanding of marine and coastal biodiversity-ecosystem services relationships to support NBS better designed for rebuilding system resilience and achieving desired ecological outcomes under climate change; (2) Provide scientific guidance on how and where to implement marine and coastal NBS and better coordinate strategies and projects to facilitate their design, effectiveness, and value through innovative synergistic actions; (3) Develop ways to enhance marine and coastal NBS communication, collaboration, ocean literacy and stewardship to raise awareness, co-create solutions with stakeholders, boost public and policy buy-in, and potentially drive a more sustained investment. Research effort in these three areas will help practitioners, policy-makers and society embrace NBS for managing marine and coastal ecosystems for tangible benefits to people and marine life.The authors would like to acknowledge the support for funding provided by the European Union. We would also like to thank the editor and reviewers for their valuable insight and comments.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Practitioner insights on challenges and options for advancing blue Nature-based Solutions
The dual environmental crises of climate change and biodiversity loss pose severe threats to human health and well-being. Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are promoted as an important component of the response to simultaneously address both crises. However, their uptake in policy and planning has been impeded by evidence gaps and barriers to implementation, particularly in marine and coastal systems. Here, we describe practitioner perspectives on perceived challenges to implementing NbS in marine and coastal ecosystems (blue NbS) and make recommendations to overcome the most significant. These consensus perspectives were obtained through an exploratory, qualitative workshop, attended by environmental policy and practice stakeholders representing government and non-profit organisations from across Northern Europe, that identified and prioritised perceived challenges for in-depth discussion. Key priority challenges were: (1) policy driver and appropriate legislation to support NbS; (2) funding mechanisms; and (3) stakeholder awareness, values, and engagement. Discussions highlighted that successful implementation will require addressing these through better collaboration, communication, longer-term funding of projects, and better integration of top-down and bottom-up approaches to management. The strength, and at the same time difficulty, of NbS is that they draw together diverse actors and approaches, but improved standards are needed for application if they are to realise their potential. Ultimately, reducing uncertainty in the definition and concept of NbS amongst stakeholders is needed to accelerate their deployment in complex marine social-ecological systems.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Assessment of indirect use values ​​of coral reefs and associated ecosystems in Mayotte
Les récifs coralliens de Mayotte (342 km2), ainsi que ses mangroves (8,46 km2) et ses herbiers (7,60 km2) procurent des services écosystémiques dont les plus importants sont la protection côtière, la séquestration de carbone, le traitement des eaux et la production de biomasse halieutique. La quantité et la qualité de ces services diminuent de manière régulière depuis plusieurs années et elles devraient continuer de la sorte si aucune mesure n’est prise pour contenir les pressions anthropiques. La couverture corallienne des récifs frangeants a ainsi diminué de 60 % en 15 ans et celle du récif barrière de 15 % en 8 ans, alors que les fronts pionniers de Sonneratia des mangroves ont régressé de 13 % en 6 ans. La qualité écologique des masses d’eaux suggère quant à elle un état dégradé des herbiers. La valeur monétaire annuelle de l’ensemble de ces services est actuellement estimée à 151 millions d’euros. Si les écosystèmes étaient en parfait état écologique, elle s’élèverait alors à 188 millions d’euros. Cet article montre ainsi que la préservation des écosystèmes côtiers est primordiale d’un point de vue économique.Mayotte’s coral reefs (342 km2), mangroves (8, 46 km2) and seagrass beds (7,60 km2) provide important ecosystem services of which the most important are the coastal protection, carbon sequestration, water purification and fish biomass production. The quantity and quality of these services have been decreasing steadily for several years and should continue to do so if no action is taken to contain anthropogenic pressures. The coral cover of the fringing reefs and the barrier reef has thus declined respectively by 60 % in 15 years and 15 % in 8 years, while the pioneer front of Sonneratia for mangroves has declined by 13 % in 6 years. As for the water quality, it suggests a degraded state of seagrass beds. The estimated annual value of these services amounts to EUR 151 million. This value would then rise to EUR 188 million if the ecosystems were in pristine conditions. This article shows that the preservation of coastal ecosystems is essential from an economic point of view
Coastal protection assessment: a tradeoff between ecological, social, and economic issues
Marine coastal ecosystems are crucial to human populations in reducing disaster risk. Least Developed Countries are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, such as sea-level rise and storm surges. The Mauritanian coast, West Africa, ranks among the most vulnerable worldwide to sea-level rise, and coastal communities in the National Park of Banc d’Arguin (PNBA) are particularly at risk. Here, we assessed the service of coastal protection in PNBA by (1) mapping the coastal marine ecosystems with Sentinel-2 imagery and determining their spatial wave height attenuation rates; (2) assessing the vulnerability of villages and natural habitats to coastal hazard risk; and (3) assessing the applicability of coastal protection measures in the PNBA. We found that a total of 83% of the populated coastline presents a moderate to high risk of flooding and erosion, with Iwik and R’Gueiba being the most threatened villages in the PNBA. As for the ecological risk, two low-elevated islands, which support breeding colonies of birds, are particularly vulnerable to sea-level rise. However, in other areas, the rupture in the dune cord created new lagoons that present valuable ecological and economic interests like the Lagoon of Bellaat. Improving the comprehension of wave attenuation provided by coastal habitats, combined with identifying the vulnerability and applicability of coastal protection measures, is essential for achieving the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction goals. In the PNBA, relocation of identified villages at risk is probably the best cost-effective solution with the least disturbance to both breeding and wintering birds. Protection of coastal ecosystems will also ensure a continued provision of other ecosystem services, including food supply for sea dependent populations, and contribute to achieving the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals
Survey data of public awareness on climate change and the value of marine and coastal ecosystems
The long-term provision of ocean ecosystem services depends on healthy ecosystems and effective sustainable management. Understanding public opinion about marine and coastal ecosystems is important to guide decision-making and inform specific actions. However, available data on public perceptions on the interlinked effects of climate change, human impacts and the value and management of marine and coastal ecosystems are rare. This dataset presents raw data from an online, self-administered, public awareness survey conducted between November 2021 and February 2022 which yielded 709 responses from 42 countries. The survey was released in four languages (English, French, Spanish and Italian) and consisted of four main parts: (1) perceptions about climate change; (2) perceptions about the value of, and threats to, coasts, oceans and their wildlife, (3) perceptions about climate change response; and (4) socio-demographic information. Participation in the survey was voluntary and all respondents provided informed consent after reading a participant information form at the beginning of the survey. Responses were anonymous unless respondents chose to provide contact information. All identifying information has been removed from the dataset. The dataset can be used to conduct quantitative analyses, especially in the area of public perceptions of the interlinkages between climate change, human impacts and options for sustainable management in the context of marine and coastal ecosystems. The dataset is provided with this article, including a copy of the survey and participant information forms in all four languages, data and the corresponding codebook.This study received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement MaCoBioS (No 869710). The funders had no role in any part of the research process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
A conceptual framework to help choose appropriate blue nature-based solutions
Biodiversity loss and climate change have severely impacted ecosystems and livelihoods worldwide, compromising access to food and water, increasing disaster risk, and affecting human health globally. Nature-based Solutions (NbS) have gained interest in addressing these global societal challenges. Although much effort has been directed to NbS in urban and terrestrial environments, the implementation of NbS in marine and coastal environments (blue NbS) lags. The lack of a framework to guide decision-makers and practitioners through the initial planning stages appears to be one of the main obstacles to the slow implementation of blue NbS. To address this, we propose an integrated conceptual framework, built from expert knowledge, to inform the selection of the most appropriate blue NbS based on desired intervention objectives and social-ecological context. Our conceptual framework follows a four incremental steps structure: Step 1 aims to identify the societal challenge(s) to address; Step 2 highlights ecosystem services and the underlying biodiversity and ecological functions that could contribute to confronting the societal challenge(s); Step 3 identify the specific environmental context the intervention needs to be set within (e.g. the spatial scale the intervention will operate within, the ecosystem's vulnerability to stressors, and its ecological condition); and Step 4 provides a selection of potential blue NbS interventions that would help address the targeted societal challenge(s) considering the context defined through Step 3. Designed to maintain, enhance, recover, rehabilitate, or create ecosystem services by supporting biodiversity, the blue NbS intervention portfolio includes marine protection (i.e., fully, highly, lightly, and minimally protected areas), restorative activities (i.e., active, passive, and partial restoration; rehabilitation of ecological function and ecosystem creation), and other management measures (i.e., implementation and enforcement of regulation). Ultimately, our conceptual framework guides decision-makers toward a versatile portfolio of interventions that cater to the specific needs of each ecosystem rather than imposing a rigid, one-size-fits-all model. In the future, this framework needs to integrate socio-economic considerations more comprehensively and be kept up-to-date by including the latest scientific information.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Embracing Nature-based Solutions to promote resilient marine and coastal ecosystems
The world is struggling to limit greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the human footprint on nature. We therefore urgently need to think about how to achieve more with actions to address mounting challenges for human health and wellbeing from biodiversity loss, climate change effects, and unsustainable economic and social development. Nature-based Solutions (NBS) have emerged as a systemic approach and an important component of the response to these challenges. In marine and coastal spaces, NBS can contribute to improved environmental health, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and a more sustainable blue economy, if implemented to a high standard. However, NBS have been largely studied for terrestrial – particularly urban – systems, with limited uptake thus far in marine and coastal areas, despite an abundance of opportunities. Here, we provide explanations for this lag and propose the following three research priorities to advance marine and coastal NBS: (1) Improve understanding of marine and coastal biodiversity-ecosystem services relationships to support NBS better designed for rebuilding system resilience and achieving desired ecological outcomes under climate change; (2) Provide scientific guidance on how and where to implement marine and coastal NBS and better coordinate strategies and projects to facilitate their design, effectiveness, and value through innovative synergistic actions; (3) Develop ways to enhance marine and coastal NBS communication, collaboration, ocean literacy and stewardship to raise awareness, co-create solutions with stakeholders, boost public and policy buy-in, and potentially drive a more sustained investment. Research effort in these three areas will help practitioners, policy-makers and society embrace NBS for managing marine and coastal ecosystems for tangible benefits to people and marine life.The study received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement MaCoBioS (contract no 869710), FutureMARES (contract no 869300) and REST-COAST (contract no 101037097).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Effects of climate change on marine coastal ecosystems - A review to guide research and management
22 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, supplementary data https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2023.110394.-- Data availability: Data will be made available on requestThere is growing concern over climate models that project significant changes in the oceans, with consequences on marine biodiversity and human well-being. However, marine and coastal ecosystems respond differently to climate change-related stressors depending on the ecosystem, species composition and interactions, geomorphologic settings, and spatial distribution, but also on the presence of local stressors interacting cumulatively with climate change-related pressures. Our paper provides a comprehensive review of the current literature about the effects of climate-related pressures on marine and coastal ecosystems and how local stressors affect their resilience. Our work focuses on key marine and coastal ecosystems from three ecoregions: the Caribbean Sea (coral reefs, mangrove forests, seagrass beds), the Mediterranean Sea (the coral Cladocora caespitosa, maërl beds and seagrass beds) and the North-East Atlantic, which include kelp forests, maërl beds, salt marshes and seagrass beds. This review highlights the need for a more comprehensive, multi-species, and multi-stressors approach to predict better changes at the ecosystem and seascape levels of marine and coastal ecosystems. Nevertheless, there is enough evidence to argue that addressing locally key manageable stressors common to multiple ecosystems, such as nutrient enrichment, coastal development, hydrologic disturbances, anchoring or sedimentation, will reduce the identified adverse effects of climate change. This knowledge is critical for practical conservation actions and coastal and marine spatial management at the ecoregion scale and beyondThe study received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement no. 869710 (EU-MaCoBioS - https://macobios.eu/).With the institutional support of the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2019-000928-S)Peer reviewe
The adaptive capacities of seabirds to face environmental variability : the role of heterogeneity within populations
La dynamique d’une population résulte de la combinaison de plusieurs traits d’histoire de vie qui sont façonnés par l’histoire évolutive de cette population. L’altération d’un de ces traits par des contraintes environnementales peut donc avoir des effets sur la persistance de la population. Les ajustements individuels de certains traits phénotypiques pourraient permettre à cette population de répondre rapidement à ces contraintes sans la nécessité immédiate d’adaptations génétiques. Durant cette thèse, la variabilité de certains traits a été identifiée chez 3 espèces sentinelles des écosystèmes polaires. Ces résultats permettent de mieux comprendre les associations entre ces traits et les pressions évolutives qui en sont à l’origine, ainsi que l’importance de traits tels que la personnalité dans la part inexpliquée de la variabilité de la valeur sélective des individus. A terme, nous pourrions ainsi mieux évaluer la capacité d’adaptation des populations face aux changements globaux.Population dynamics is driven by several life history traits shaped by the evolutionary history of the population. The alteration of one of these traits by environmental constraints may thus have effects on the population persistence. Individual adjustments of some phenotypic traits could then enable this population to rapidly respond to these constraints without the immediate necessity of genetic adaptations. During this PhD project, we identified variability in some of these traits in 3 sentinel species of polar ecosystems. These results allowed us to better understand the associations between these traits and the evolutionary pressures underlying these associations, as well as the importance of traits such as personality in the amount of variability in individuals’ fitness that remains unexplained. In the long term, we should then be able to better gauge the adaptive capacity of populations to face global changes
The adaptive capacities of seabirds to face environmental variability : the role of heterogeneity within populations
La dynamique d’une population résulte de la combinaison de plusieurs traits d’histoire de vie qui sont façonnés par l’histoire évolutive de cette population. L’altération d’un de ces traits par des contraintes environnementales peut donc avoir des effets sur la persistance de la population. Les ajustements individuels de certains traits phénotypiques pourraient permettre à cette population de répondre rapidement à ces contraintes sans la nécessité immédiate d’adaptations génétiques. Durant cette thèse, la variabilité de certains traits a été identifiée chez 3 espèces sentinelles des écosystèmes polaires. Ces résultats permettent de mieux comprendre les associations entre ces traits et les pressions évolutives qui en sont à l’origine, ainsi que l’importance de traits tels que la personnalité dans la part inexpliquée de la variabilité de la valeur sélective des individus. A terme, nous pourrions ainsi mieux évaluer la capacité d’adaptation des populations face aux changements globaux.Population dynamics is driven by several life history traits shaped by the evolutionary history of the population. The alteration of one of these traits by environmental constraints may thus have effects on the population persistence. Individual adjustments of some phenotypic traits could then enable this population to rapidly respond to these constraints without the immediate necessity of genetic adaptations. During this PhD project, we identified variability in some of these traits in 3 sentinel species of polar ecosystems. These results allowed us to better understand the associations between these traits and the evolutionary pressures underlying these associations, as well as the importance of traits such as personality in the amount of variability in individuals’ fitness that remains unexplained. In the long term, we should then be able to better gauge the adaptive capacity of populations to face global changes