42 research outputs found

    Two separate mechanisms are involved in membrane permeabilization during lipid oxidation

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    Lipid oxidation is a universal degradative process of cell membrane lipids that is induced by oxidative stress and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) in multiple pathophysiological situations. It has been shown that certain oxidized lipids alter membrane properties, leading to a loss of membrane function. Alteration of membrane properties is thought to depend on the initial membrane lipid composition, such as the number of acyl chain unsaturations. However, it is unclear how oxidative damage is related to biophysical properties of membranes. We therefore set out to quantify lipid oxidation through various analytical methods and determine key biophysical membrane parameters using model membranes containing lipids with different degrees of lipid unsaturation. As source for RONS, we used cold plasma, which is currently developed as treatment for infections and cancer. Our data revealed complex lipid oxidation that can lead to two main permeabilization mechanisms. The first one appears upon direct contact of membranes with RONS and depends on the formation of truncated oxidized phospholipids. These lipids seem to be partly released from the bilayer, implying that they are likely to interact with other membranes and potentially act as signaling molecules. This mechanism is independent of lipid unsaturation, does not rely on large variations in lipid packing, and is most probably mediated via short-living RONS. The second mechanism takes over after longer incubation periods and probably depends on the continued formation of lipid oxygen adducts such as lipid hydroperoxides or ketones. This mechanism depends on lipid unsaturation and involves large variations in lipid packing. This study indicates that polyunsaturated lipids, which are present in mammalian membranes rather than in bacteria, do not sensitize membranes to instant permeabilization by RONS but could promote long-term damage.</p

    Two separate mechanisms are involved in membrane permeabilization during lipid oxidation

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    Lipid oxidation is a universal degradative process of cell membrane lipids that is induced by oxidative stress and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) in multiple pathophysiological situations. It has been shown that certain oxidized lipids alter membrane properties, leading to a loss of membrane function. Alteration of membrane properties is thought to depend on the initial membrane lipid composition, such as the number of acyl chain unsaturations. However, it is unclear how oxidative damage is related to biophysical properties of membranes. We therefore set out to quantify lipid oxidation through various analytical methods and determine key biophysical membrane parameters using model membranes containing lipids with different degrees of lipid unsaturation. As source for RONS, we used cold plasma, which is currently developed as treatment for infections and cancer. Our data revealed complex lipid oxidation that can lead to two main permeabilization mechanisms. The first one appears upon direct contact of membranes with RONS and depends on the formation of truncated oxidized phospholipids. These lipids seem to be partly released from the bilayer, implying that they are likely to interact with other membranes and potentially act as signaling molecules. This mechanism is independent of lipid unsaturation, does not rely on large variations in lipid packing, and is most probably mediated via short-living RONS. The second mechanism takes over after longer incubation periods and probably depends on the continued formation of lipid oxygen adducts such as lipid hydroperoxides or ketones. This mechanism depends on lipid unsaturation and involves large variations in lipid packing. This study indicates that polyunsaturated lipids, which are present in mammalian membranes rather than in bacteria, do not sensitize membranes to instant permeabilization by RONS but could promote long-term damage

    Single-source precursor synthesis of colloidal CaS and SrS nanocrystals

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    Colloidal CaS and SrS nanocrystals were prepared by thermal decomposition of calcium- and strontiumdiisopropyldithiocarbamate complexes in oleylamine. The diameter of the nanocrystals was 8-10 nm with a narrow size distribution, showing that this single source precursor method gives access to monodisperse nanocrystals of small size. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Molecular and solid state structure of 4,4 '-bis(tetrahydrothiopyranyl)

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    <p>Single crystal X-ray diffraction reveals that 4,4'-bis(tetrahydrothiopyranyl) crystallizes in an equatorial-equatorial geometry with a gauche conformation along the central carbon-carbon bond. B3LYP/6-311G** and MP2/6-311G** calculations show that the antiperiplanar conformation is higher in energy than the gauche one because of sulfur induced stretching and widening of the cyclohexane-like rings. Calculations at various levels of theory suggest that in the antiperiplanar region the twisting coordinate of 4,4'-bis(tetrahydrothiopyranyl) exhibits a very shallow double-well potential. The gauche molecular structure of 4,4'-bis(tetrahydrothiopyranyl) thwarts efficient packing of its molecules in the solid state. Crown Copyright 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.</p>

    Organometallic benzylidene anilines : donor-acceptor features in NCN-pincer Pt(II) complexes with a 4-(E)-[(4-R-phenyl)imino]methyl substituent

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    A series of organometallic 4,4'-substituted benzylidene aniline complexes 4-ClPt-3,5-(CH2NMe2)(2)C6H2CH=NC6H4R'-4', abbreviated as PtCl[NCN(CH=NC6H4R'-4']-4], with R' = NMe2, Me, H, Cl, CN (1-5, respectively), was synthesized via a Schiff-base condensation reaction involving reaction of PtCl[NCN(CH=O)-4] (7) with the appropriate 4-R'-substituted aniline derivative (6a-e) in toluene. The resulting arylplatinum(n) products were obtained in 75-88% yield. Notably, product 2 was also obtained in 68% yield from a reaction in the solid state by grinding solid 7 with aniline 6b. The structures of 2, 4, and 5 in the solid state (single crystal X-ray diffraction) showed a non-planar geometry, in particular for compound 5. The electronic interaction between the donor benzylidene fragment PtCl(NCN-CH) and the para-R' aniline substituent through the azomethine bridge was studied with NMR and UV/Vis spectroscopy. Linear correlations were found between the azomethine H-1, the Pt-195 NMR and various C-13 NMR chemical shifts, and the substituent parameters sigma(F) and sigma(R) of R' at the aniline site. In common with organic benzylidene anilines, the azomethine H-1 NMR chemical shift showed anomalous substituent behavior. The Pt-195 NMR chemical shift of the platinum center can be used as a probe for the electronic properties of the delocalized pi-system of the benzylidene aniline framework, to which it is connected. The dual substituent parameter treatment of the azomethine C-13 NMR shift gave important insight into the unique behaviour of the Pt-pincer group as a substituent. Inductively, it is a very strong electron-withdrawing group, whereas mesomerically it behaves like a very strong electron donating group