8 research outputs found

    Comparative Aspects of the Temporal Characteristics of the Production of Various Plastic Products

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    Plastic has a special place in the manufacture of various products. Production of plastic products consists of several stages. Each stage has its own time characteristics. Thus, the duration of the production of plastic parts depends on the individual stages. A comparative analysis of the time aspects of the formation of various plastic products showed that the duration of the molding process is affected by the holding time under pressure, the time of pauses

    Connection of Renewable Energy Sources to the Regional Power Systems. A Short Analyze

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    Among the basic problems that are involved in the decision to implement an energy project with Renewable Energy Sources(RES) are the identification of resources and the assessment of their regional potential, the possibilities of connecting to the existing electricity network in the area, the efficiency of conversion of natural RES in electricity, sources of financing and the possibilities of expanding the regional energy system based on RES. Then there are problems of endowing with modern RES-based power plants, the quality of the electricity supplied in the grid, the reliability of the connection schemes and the continuity of the power supply while reducing the energy losses on the grids. All these problems can pose risks to prevent the construction of a RES power plant or the good functioning of RES connected to the regional power system. In the paper, these aspects are analyzed by the authors in accordance with the renewable energy resources and the existing RES on the territory of the Bihor Count

    Pre-processing of Images as a Source of Additional Information for Image of the Natural Polymer Composites

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    Image processing is one of the methods of analyzing and obtaining new information. Image processing methods can be applied to any image. Image processing is used in various fields of research. Among the stages of image processing, the stage of image pre-processing is important. This stage allows increasing the efficiency of the analysis of the original image. We considered the use of pre-processing for the analysis of natural polymer composites image. In this paper, we describe the possibilities of automatic processing of natural polymer composites image

    Computer-Aided Manufacturing of 3D Workpieces

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    Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) assumes to use dedicated software for controlling machine tools and similar devices in the process of workpieces manufacturing. CAM is, in fact, an application technology that uses computer software and machinery to simplify and automate manufacturing processes. CAM is the inheritor of computer-aided engineering (CAE) and is often used conjunctively with computer-aided design (CAD). Advanced CAM solutions are forthcoming and have a large coverage, from discrete systems to multi-CAD 3D domain. CAM does not supersede the necessity of human factor intervention, as production engineers, programmers or operators, but intercedes the knowledge of experimented manufacturing engineers by using performant devices, while enhancing the competences of new professionals by having access to latest modern equipment. CAM runs along with CNC machines. The purpose of CAM-CNC system is to reduce as much as possible the intervention of human factor, thus reducing human error. The present paper follows to highlight the advantages of CAM-CNC system on a 3D workpiece manufacturing

    Issues of Semi-automatic Air Processing using a DCS System

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    It’s well known that trends worldwide are towards automation. We look for having automatic, or worst case semi-automatic, processes, systems, machines, with the purpose to produce a finished good in the shortest time. Consider we have a semi-automatic system used to obtain air separation. The entire system is ‘supervised’ by a so called DCS (Distributed Control System) with the role to command several vanes with different functions. Human factor interferes with DCS only for digital data input. The system converts digital information in analogical signals in order to control pressure or flow. The issues of interest addressed in the present paper concern losses and gains brought by automation for this particular case of study

    Team Viewer Technology for Remote Control of a Computer

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    Team Viewer software is used to remote control our PC. We can use this remote control technology to desktop sharing, online conferences and for file transfer between computers. Basically, using this software, you can ask for help a friend, or professional software to solve problems from a distance, without it having to be physically go to each client / friend in part. After installed and configured Team Viewer application, is complete, we can remote control the computer

    Educational Approach to Information Transmission Channels of Data from Two Different Viewpoints: Combinatorial and Probabilistic

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    For future engineers is important to know how to make the transfer of information, data and tasks between different systems and thus we can say that the problem of communication is as important as the determination of the amount of information. Elements of information theory and communications are useful to all students of the electrical engineering specializations who must be able to collect, store, process and interpret information of any kind. In order to determine the amount of information we can use a mathematical tool based on elements of probability theory and algebra