144 research outputs found

    On optimality of kernels for approximate Bayesian computation using sequential Monte Carlo

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    Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) has gained popularity over the past few years for the analysis of complex models arising in population genetics, epidemiology and system biology. Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) approaches have become work-horses in ABC. Here we discuss how to construct the perturbation kernels that are required in ABC SMC approaches, in order to construct a sequence of distributions that start out from a suitably defined prior and converge towards the unknown posterior. We derive optimality criteria for different kernels, which are based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence between a distribution and the distribution of the perturbed particles. We will show that for many complicated posterior distributions, locally adapted kernels tend to show the best performance. We find that the added moderate cost of adapting kernel functions is easily regained in terms of the higher acceptance rate. We demonstrate the computational efficiency gains in a range of toy examples which illustrate some of the challenges faced in real-world applications of ABC, before turning to two demanding parameter inference problems in molecular biology, which highlight the huge increases in efficiency that can be gained from choice of optimal kernels. We conclude with a general discussion of the rational choice of perturbation kernels in ABC SMC settings

    New highlights of resveratrol: a review of properties against ocular diseases

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    Eye diseases are currently a major public health concern due to the growing number of cases resulting from both an aging of populations and exogenous factors linked to our lifestyles. Thus, many treatments including surgical pharmacological approaches have emerged, and special attention has been paid to prevention, where diet plays a preponderant role. Recently, potential antioxidants such as resveratrol have received much attention as potential tools against various ocular diseases. In this review, we focus on the mechanisms of resveratrol against ocular diseases, in particular age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataract, diabetic retinopathy, and vitreoretinopathy. We analyze, in relation to the different steps of each disease, the resveratrol properties at multiple levels, such as cellular and molecular signaling as well as physiological effects. We show and discuss the relationship to reactive oxygen species, the regulation of inflammatory process, and how resveratrol can prevent ocular diseases through a potential epigenetic action by the activation of sirtuin-1. Lastly, various new forms of resveratrol delivery are emerging at the same time as some clinical trials are raising more questions about the future of resveratrol as a potential tool for prevention or in therapeutic strategies against ocular diseases. More preclinical studies are required to provide further insights into RSV’s potential adjuvant activity.Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France | Ref. ANR-11-LABX-002