17 research outputs found

    Preotul Augustin Pop - model de Mărturisitor în contemporaneitate

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    The exhortation of the Holy Apostle Paul in the Epistle to the Hebrews is providential: „Remember your elders, who spoke the word of God to you; look carefully at how they ended their lives and followed their faith” (Hebrews 13: 7) to highlight the personality and confessional profile of Archpriest Augustin Pop. The descendant of several families of priests, on paternal and maternal line, Father Augustin Pop is originally from the parts of Zalău (Bozna place), Sălaj County in the family of the Orthodox priest Ioan and Maria Pop. Despite the difficult childhood he had, after graduating from the Hungarian-language Pedagogical School in Cluj-Napoca, being called by God to the priesthood, he took his steps in 1922 to the Theological Academy in Sibiu, where he was guided by strong faith in God and by the teachers here, he begins his mission in the Lord’s vineyard, later bringing honor to his family, the Orthodox Church and our Romanian Nation

    Satul românesc bârgăoan în perioada horthistă 1940-19441

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    This stuty has two fundamental aims. First of all, I tryed to emphasize the profound sensitivity of the Transylvanians to the significance of the Romanian village in the history of the Romanian people, as seen for example by poets and writers such as George Coșbuc, Octavian Goga, Lucian Blaga, and Liviu Rebreanu. Secondly, the study presents the hard period, through which the Romanians from the Northern Transylvania, namely the Bârgău Valley, passed. In this exposition I will highlight elements about country life in the Romanian village of Bârgău between tradition and survival, as well as the atrocities that the peasants and the intellectuals of the Bârgău Valley had to endure during the period of Horthist regime. Also in this regard I will describe the massacre that took place in the town of Prundu Bîrgăului on the night of October 10, 1944. Regarding the Romanian village of Bârgău I will briefly emphasize the personality of the confessional priest Augustin Pop, who, according to the say "œman sanctifies the place", was a blessing for the people from the village of Bârgău Mijlocenii Bârgăului, but also for those from the neighboring villages

    Between the Visible and the Invisible: Art Collecting in the Interwar City of Timişoara, Romania

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    The current study deals with art collectors in Timişoara during the interwar period, documenting the Museum of Banat’s acquisitions policy between the 1950s and the 1960s, during the period of dissolution of the collections assembled between the two World Wars and the dispersal of cultural goods of artistic value created by artists within the Moritz and Bianka Schönberger’s family circle: painters Oskar Szuhanek, Albert Varga, Albert Krausz, sculptors Géza Rubletzky, Ferdinand Gallas and graphic artists Julius Podlipny, Nándor Kóra Korber

    FP8 Formats for Deep Learning

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    FP8 is a natural progression for accelerating deep learning training inference beyond the 16-bit formats common in modern processors. In this paper we propose an 8-bit floating point (FP8) binary interchange format consisting of two encodings - E4M3 (4-bit exponent and 3-bit mantissa) and E5M2 (5-bit exponent and 2-bit mantissa). While E5M2 follows IEEE 754 conventions for representatio of special values, E4M3's dynamic range is extended by not representing infinities and having only one mantissa bit-pattern for NaNs. We demonstrate the efficacy of the FP8 format on a variety of image and language tasks, effectively matching the result quality achieved by 16-bit training sessions. Our study covers the main modern neural network architectures - CNNs, RNNs, and Transformer-based models, leaving all the hyperparameters unchanged from the 16-bit baseline training sessions. Our training experiments include large, up to 175B parameter, language models. We also examine FP8 post-training-quantization of language models trained using 16-bit formats that resisted fixed point int8 quantization

    Microscaling Data Formats for Deep Learning

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    Narrow bit-width data formats are key to reducing the computational and storage costs of modern deep learning applications. This paper evaluates Microscaling (MX) data formats that combine a per-block scaling factor with narrow floating-point and integer types for individual elements. MX formats balance the competing needs of hardware efficiency, model accuracy, and user friction. Empirical results on over two dozen benchmarks demonstrate practicality of MX data formats as a drop-in replacement for baseline FP32 for AI inference and training with low user friction. We also show the first instance of training generative language models at sub-8-bit weights, activations, and gradients with minimal accuracy loss and no modifications to the training recipe

    SBL- The Structural Biology Language

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    Determination of biological macromolecular structures using distributed memory MIMD systems

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    X-ray crystallography is the major tool for the structure determination of proteins and viruses, and the Molecular Replacement is one of the most important methods used for this purpose in Structural Biology. The determination of the 3-dimensional atomic structure of biological macromolecules requires a huge amount of computing resources. Until recently, processing of experimental data, phase determination, and model building were being done by a series of complicated sequential programs. Chapter 1 of this thesis is an introduction to the physical problem. In chapter 2, we discuss algorithms and programs for electron density averaging as part of the Molecular Replacement Method, that were implemented on distributed memory MIMD systems. Electron density averaging is the most computationally intensive step needed for phase refinement and extension in the computation of the 3-D structure of macromolecules like proteins and viruses. The determination of a single structure may require thousands of hours of CPU time for traditional supercomputers. The approach discussed herein leads to a reduction by two orders of magnitude of the computing time. The programs that have been implemented are used for more than two years by the Structural Biology Group at Purdue University, and run on the Intel iPSC/860, the Intel Touchstone Delta, and the Intel Paragon systems. A Shared Virtual Memory based on interrupt driven messages was implemented, in order to solve most efficiently the data access problem. Different data management techniques for mapping a large data space onto the memory hierarchy of a distributed memory MIMD system are also discussed in chapter 2, and experimental results for Structural Biology computations using the Molecular Replacement Method are presented. An X-Window, Motif based, object-oriented User Interface was developed to support execution of the Structural Biology programs, as part of a Problem Solving Environment, and is discussed in chapter 3. A Problem Specification Language, SBL (Structural Biology Language) was designed and implemented to support the execution of complex sequences of Structural Biology programs on distributed memory MIMD systems, insuring automatic check-pointing and restart mechanisms. This makes the object of chapter 4. The present thesis is not only of academic interest. Two objectives were pursued: first, to uncover interesting problems from the computer science point of view, and second, to provide the biologists and crystallographers with a workable environment, allowing them to reach the goal of determining biological macromolecular structures. Both these goals have been achieved--several journal or conference papers, as well as technical reports were published as a result of the work presented herein, and, on the other side, biologists are currently using the implemented programs in their studies