59 research outputs found

    Erfassung von Aufmerksamkeitsleistungen mit der TAP – eine Normierungsstudie für 7-10-jährige Kinder

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit diente dazu, die bisher vorliegenden Normwerte für die Testbatterie zur Aufmerksamkeitsprüfung (TAP) zu erweitern und dadurch die Diagnostik und Therapiekontrolle bei Kindern mit einer Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/ Hyperaktivitätsstörung zu verbessern. Dazu wurden die Ergebnisse von 165 Kindern aus den Untertests Arbeitsgedächtnis I & II, Geteilte Aufmerkamkeit - visuell / -auditiv und –auditiv-visuell und Flexibilität – Wechsel, nonverbal herangezogen. Hinsichtlich Unterschiede zwischen einzelnen Gruppen (Alter, Geschlecht) lassen sich folgende Ergebnisse zusammenfassend darstellen: Grundsätzlich wurden nur wenige Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Geschlechtern gefunden. In einzelnen Untertests reagierten Jungen schneller als Mädchen, wobei Mädchen weniger Fehlreaktionen zeigten. Diese Leistungsunterschiede zwischen Jungen und Mädchen waren jedoch nicht konsistent in allen Subtests nachweisbar. Mit dem Alter wurden die Leistungen bezüglich der Tempo- und Qualitätsmaße kontinuierlich besser, wobei der Fortschritt zwischen 9. und 10. Lebensjahr nicht mehr signifikant ist. Es kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass in den verwendeten Tests ab dem Alter von 9 Jahren ein Leistungsplateau erreicht wurde. Die Normierung wurde getrennt für die verschiedenen Altersklassen (7, 8 und 9 & 10 Jahre) durchgeführt und ergab nach Alter dezidierte Prozentrangskalen für die oben genannten Untertests

    DNA methylation-based classification of sinonasal tumors

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    The diagnosis of sinonasal tumors is challenging due to a heterogeneous spectrum of various differential diagnoses as well as poorly defined, disputed entities such as sinonasal undifferentiated carcinomas (SNUCs). In this study, we apply a machine learning algorithm based on DNA methylation patterns to classify sinonasal tumors with clinical-grade reliability. We further show that sinonasal tumors with SNUC morphology are not as undifferentiated as their current terminology suggests but rather reassigned to four distinct molecular classes defined by epigenetic, mutational and proteomic profiles. This includes two classes with neuroendocrine differentiation, characterized by IDH2 or SMARCA4/ARID1A mutations with an overall favorable clinical course, one class composed of highly aggressive SMARCB1-deficient carcinomas and another class with tumors that represent potentially previously misclassified adenoid cystic carcinomas. Our findings can aid in improving the diagnostic classification of sinonasal tumors and could help to change the current perception of SNUCs

    DNA methylation-based classification of sinonasal tumors

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    The diagnosis of sinonasal tumors is challenging due to a heterogeneous spectrum of various differential diagnoses as well as poorly defined, disputed entities such as sinonasal undifferentiated carcinomas (SNUCs). In this study, we apply a machine learning algorithm based on DNA methylation patterns to classify sinonasal tumors with clinical-grade reliability. We further show that sinonasal tumors with SNUC morphology are not as undifferentiated as their current terminology suggests but rather reassigned to four distinct molecular classes defined by epigenetic, mutational and proteomic profiles. This includes two classes with neuroendocrine differentiation, characterized by IDH2 or SMARCA4/ARID1A mutations with an overall favorable clinical course, one class composed of highly aggressive SMARCB1-deficient carcinomas and another class with tumors that represent potentially previously misclassified adenoid cystic carcinomas. Our findings can aid in improving the diagnostic classification of sinonasal tumors and could help to change the current perception of SNUCs

    A Heating Plan for Valsted

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    Biologging is suspect to cause corneal opacity in two populations of wild living Northern Bald Ibises (Geronticus eremita)

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    Abstract Background In this paper, we present evidence that biologging is strongly correlated with eye irritation, with sometimes severely impairing effects. A migratory population of the Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita, NBI) is reintroduced in Europe, in course of a LIFE + project. Since 2014, all individuals have been equipped with GPS-devices. Remote monitoring allows the implementation of focussed measures against major mortality causes. Methods Initially all birds carried battery-powered devices, fixed on the lower back of the birds. Since 2016 an increasing amount of birds has been equipped with solar-powered devices, fixed on the upper back, the more sun-exposed position. In 2016, we observed opacity in the cornea of one eye (unilateral corneal opacity; UCO) during a regular health monitoring for the first time. Results By 2018, a total of 25 birds were affected by UCO, with varying intensity up to blindness. Clinical examination of the birds revealed no clear cause for the symptoms. However, only birds carrying a device on the upper back were affected (2017 up to 70% of this group). In contrast, none of the birds carrying devices on the lower back ever showed UCO symptoms. This unexpected relationship between tagging and UCO was discovered in 2017. After we took countermeasures by removing the device or repositioning it on the lower back, we observed an immediate reduction of the incidence rate without any new cases reported since January 2019. NBI roost with their head on the back, one eye closely placed to the device if it was positioned on the upper back. Thus, we conclude that the most parsimonious explanation for the symptomatology is either a repetitive slight temperature rise in the corneal tissue due to electromagnetic radiation by the GSM module of the device or a repetitive slight mechanical irritation of the corneal surface. Concrete evidence is missing so far. Meanwhile, cases of UCO were found in another NBI population. Conclusion Our observations indicate that further research in the fast-growing field of biologging is urgently needed. The findings question the positioning of devices on the upper back in birds roosting with the head on the back
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