35 research outputs found

    Lateral groove geometry for planar UV written evanescent devices - new flexibility new devices

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    Conventional evanescent optical devices have made use of etched windows to allow access of an optical field to a material of interest. Such devices are a route to accurate refractive index sensors and to realising modulators, however, the geometry of etching the cladding to give the fluid access to a pre-defined core waveguide mode is limiting. In this work, we present an alternative approach in which a groove is cut using a polishing saw blade to give a vertical, high optical quality trench. Optical waveguides are then UV written to allow evanescent lateral access of the mode to a fluid placed in the trench. This seemingly subtle change in geometry provides greatly increased flexibility to tailor the interaction between the optical mode and the surrounding material, by, for example, changing the mode size and the allowing couplers or tapers to be used

    New geometry for planar UV written refractive index sensors

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    We shall present some of our recent results from our work on UV written planar waveguide refractive index sensors. Refractive index of an analyte is measured through the perturbation of an optical mode, interrogation of the modal index is achieved via the reflected spectra from a Bragg grating defined in the same process as the channel waveguide. Here we introduce a new geometry which embraces the benefits of planar technology to realise new integrated devices. The geometry allows several different sensors to be defined on the same substrate each offering complementary information. Such information may include index as a function of penetration depth for surface binding analytes, interrogation wavelength for dispersion analysis, enhanced sensitivity in specific index ranges and temperature compensation. We shall also outline the inherent fabrication advantages and device feature benefits, including a reduction in return loss, spectral artefacts and a suggested reduction in stress induced birefringence. The silica sensing surface opposed to gold used in SPR devices opens new avenues to exploit surface binding. With a marked reduction in complexity and cost these devices may have significant impact in future sensor markets

    Gouy phase compensation in quasi-phase matching

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    In any focussed nonlinear interaction the focus induced phase shift, known as the Gouy phase shift, provides an imperfection in phase matching for any linearly invariant material. However, using an appropriately designed quasi-phase matched structure it is theoretically possible to compensate for the deleterious effects of the Gouy phase shift, allowing a symmetric frequency response and tighter optimal focussing than in a uniform material

    Flat-top temperature tuning response in periodically-poled nonlinear crystals

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    Second harmonic generation via periodically-poled nonlinear materials offers an efficient means of generating high-quality visible light that would be otherwise unattainable with traditional laser sources. While this technology has the potential for implementation in many mass-industrial applications, temperature stability requirements of 0.1 deg.C can make packaging with a pump source problematic. Using our high fidelity poling technique we have achieved precise placement of poled domains in Lithium Niobate based on the resulting mathematical models. These initial devices provide more than 4 deg.C flat-top temperature stability, albeit with a corresponding loss in operational efficiency. Our aim is to implement improved designs in magnesium-doped Lithium Niobate for packaging with near-room temperature diode-based pump sources, as could be applied towards RGB TV and projector applications

    Green-pumped, picosecond MgO:PPLN optical parametric oscillator

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    We investigate the performance of a magnesium-oxide-doped periodically poled lithium niobate crystal (MgO:PPLN) in an optical parametric oscillator (OPO) synchronously-pumped by 530nm, 20ps, 230MHz pulses with an average power of up to 2W from a frequency-doubled, gain-switched laser diode seed and a multi-stage Yb:fiber amplifier system. The OPO produces ~165mW (signal, 845nm) and ~107mW (idler, 1421nm) of average power for ~1W of pump power and can be tuned from ~800nm to 900nm (signal) and 1.28µm to 1.54µm (idler). Observations of photo-refraction and green-induced infrared absorption (GRIIRA) in different operational regimes of the MgO:PPLN OPO are described and the role of peak intensity and average power are investigated, both with the aim to find the optimal operating regime for pulsed systems

    100 GHz electrically tunable planar Bragg grating via nematic liquid crystal overlay towards reconfigurable WDM networks

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    Novel liquid crystal-based integrated optical devices with >140GHz electrical tuning are presented for application towards reconfigurable wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) networks. Initial results with Bragg wavelength tuning covering five 25GHz WDM channel spacing have been achieved with 170V (peak-to-peak) sinusoidal voltages applied across electro-patterned ITO-covered glass electrodes placed 60µm apart. These prototype devices were fabricated using direct UV grating writing, with an evanescent field coupling into a liquid crystal overlay through an etched window. Electrically controlled liquid crystal birefringence modifies the waveguide effective index, resulting in Bragg wavelength shift. Merck 18523 nematic liquid crystals are used, exhibiting compatible refractive index values to that of silica (no=1.44, ne=1.49 at lambda=1550nm). Homeotropic alignment of the liquid crystal is provided by application of a surfactant layer.The inherent refractive index sensitivity of our etched direct-UV-written structures allows observation of previously unreported liquid crystal surface-behaviour, such as multi-threshold points during variation of the applied field. Continued optimisation based on evanescent field penetration, electrode layout, and surface interaction will allow implementation towards a variety of novel liquid crystal applications and devices. For example, a cascaded architecture of these integrated liquid crystal devices operating at different Bragg wavelengths would pave the way towards true colorless add/drop modules for dense optical networks

    Direct-UV writing of channel waveguides in a bulk photosensitive tin doped sodium silicate glass

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    Strong channel waveguides have been fabricated in a photosensitive bulk tin-doped sodium silicate glass by direct writing technique. The estimated maximum index variation and propagation loss were 1.5 x 10-3 and below 1.3 dB/cm, respectively

    Novel active waveguide devices in direct-bonded structures

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    Available from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:DXN054780 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo

    Improved SHG phase matching response for focused Gaussian beams in Gouy compensated quasi-phase-matched structures

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    Nonlinear interactions such as second harmonic generation (SHG) [1] and sum and difference frequency generation are routinely used for the generation of laser wavelengths. With high power lasers it is necessary to use bulk crystals and tight beam focusing to achieve the maximum conversion efficiency. The use of Quasiphase-matched (QPM) materials such as PPLN and PPKTP are now routinely reported; however, as we will show in this paper, a simple linear QPM crystal does not fully optimize the conversion response. We will report theoretical and experimental results showing that by careful control of the crystal design it is possible to fully compensate for the phase errors associated with the focusing induced Gouy shift

    268nm Period Bragg gratings and integrated circuits produced by direct UV writing

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    We demonstrate 268nm period planar Bragg gratings and Mach-Zehnder interferometers fabricated by direct UV-writing. Grating reflectivities of ~30dB and FWHM of ~0.16nm were measured at operational wavelengths around 800nm