5 research outputs found
Untersuchungen zum Einsatz eines CAD-Systems für den Konstruktionsbereich der Zentralabteilung allgemeine Technologie der Kernforschungsanlage Jülich
There is an extensive range of CAD systems in the marketplace which have been developed by various institutions for different types of applications and for di fferent products, in some cases linked to specific hardware. Apart from such obvious features like prices, rates of sale and computer performance, other criteria such as documentation, ease of adaption and expansion, which are, as a rule, difficult to judge and quantify, play a decisive role. As an optimal CAD system does not exist in respect of every type of application the intended usage must be taken seriously into consideration when selecting a CAD system. On the basis of fundamental investigations of the suitability of CAD for the department for mechanical construction of ZAT at the KFA Jülich, the requirements and special needs of the construction process in the ZAT have been examined. In a short survey of the available CAD-systems a pre choice an the basis of some definitive musts has been made. The performance profile of the remaining systems has been thouroughly investigated and compared with the requirements of the ZAT. Thus the necessary decisions can be made an the basis of documented assessments. The study was completed in October 1982
Überblick über die neueren Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet des Wasserstoff-und Tritiumverhaltens in Hochtemperaturreaktoren
This report comprises the contributions of members of the "Institut für Reaktor-Entwicklung" (IRE) to the "Und Seminar on Hydrogen and Tritium Behaviour in High Temperature Reactors", which was held March 8, 1978, at KFA Jülich. At the beginning the problem is introduced and the investigations at IRE related to this area are presented in their context. Then follow the individual papers on the subjects mentioned. At first the experiences with the operation of the experimental facility AUWARM and the newest results in the current testing program are discussed. Therafter the model investigations with hydrogen and deuterium on the problem of hydrogen- and tritium permeation are reported and a computer program for balancing tritium in pebble-bed-HTRs is described. Last notleast the studies on the behaviour of tritium in matrix graphite and the experiments on primary coolant purification by titanium gettering are shortly communicated. The results given in this report are preliminary informations on the actual status of the current investigations
Einsatz und Entwicklung der Datenverarbeitung im Bereich der Konstruktion
The report presented here gives an overall picture of the current situation with regard to use of the computer in the construction field and discusses those problems which appear during practical application in industry
Destillationsanlage zur Anreicherung von Tritium in metallischem Lithium
Zur Schließung des Äußeren Brennstoffkreislaufes bei Fusionsreaktoren muß das aus Lithium erbrütete Tritium vom Lithium abgetrennt werden. Eine Möglichkeit des Abtrennens ist die Hochtemperaturdestillation mit anschließendem Permeationsschritt. In dem vorliegenden Bericht wird der Aufbau einer Hochtemperaturdestillationsanlage beschrieben, wobei zunächst anstelle von Tritium Deuterium zum Einsatz kommt
Fertigung und Test der Metallfaltbälge des TEXTOR-Vakuumgefäßes
The vacuum vessel of the TEXTOR - fusion - experiment is an all-welded metal torus consisting of eight rigid sections interconnected by eight metal bellows. The diameter of the bellows is 1300 mm. In operation the temperatures of these bellows are within the range of 300°-500° C. The heating of the vacuum vessel causes displacements of the bellows of 7 mm (axial) and 1,5 mm (lateral) respectivily.Design, manufacturing and especially quality tests and acceptance tests of the metal bellows are described in this report