63 research outputs found

    Simian virus 40 in humans

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    Simian virus 40 (SV40) is a monkey virus that was administered to human populations by contaminated vaccines which were produced in SV40 naturally infected monkey cells

    Intravaginal infection in mice with two subtypes of Herpes simplex virus

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    Female mice of the C3H, C3Hf and Swiss albino lines were inoculated intravaginally with subtypes 1 and 2 of Herpes simplex virus (HSV 1 and HSV 2). Both subtypes were reisolated from the vagina but death only followed HSV 2 inoculation. Virus was reisolated from the brain and not from other internal organs of intravaginally inoculated mice. Swiss mice proved more susceptible than C3H and C3Hf mice. In mice which survived the intravaginal and intracerebral inoculation of HSV 1 and HSV 2, an intramuscular inoculation of nor adrenaline was not followed by reactivation of herpetic infection. In vitro, both subtypes did bind to brain suspensions of C3Hf mice but only HSV 2 was isolated from brains of the intravaginally inoculated mice

    Experimental oncogenicity by human papovaviruses and possible correlations with human tumors.

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    none3---noneBarbanti-Brodano G.; Corallini A.; Grossi M.P.BARBANTI BRODANO, Giuseppe; Corallini, Alfredo; Grossi, Maria Pi

    BREVETTO INTERNAZIONALE "Indirect E.L.I.S.A. for the identification in human serum and other fluids of antibodies against simian virus 40 (SV40) by specific synthetic peptides from early viral region, encoding the oncoprotein large T antigen"

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    The present invention refers to the identification of new specific synthetic peptides of SV40 early region, which encodes the large T antigen (Tag), to reveal in the human serum and other fluids the presence of antibodies against the oncogenic Polyomavirus SV40, and their use employing the immunologic thecnique named indirect E.L.I.S.A (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay)

    Test ELISA indiretto per l’identificazione nel siero e in altri fluidi umani di anticorpi contro il virus SV40 mediante l’uso di peptidi sintetici specifici della sua regione precoce, codificante per l’oncoproteina antigene T grande

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    Brevetto di invenzione industriale dal titolo: Test ELISA indiretto per l’identificazione nel siero e in altri fluidi umani di anticorpi contro il virus SV40 mediante l’uso di peptidi sintetici specifici della sua regione precoce, codificante per l’oncoproteina antigene T grande. Riassunto: Il virus tumorale della scimmia SV40 è risultato associato a specifici tumori umani. Sequenze di SV40 sono state rivelate anche in campioni di sangue di individui sani. Tali dati nell’insieme indicano che il virus SV40 è diffuso nella popolazione umana. Inoltre, SV40 potrebbe esercitare la sua attività trasformante e agire come co-fattore nell’insorgenza/progressione di specifiche neoplasie. La presente invenzione consente, mediante specifici peptidi sintetici impiegati in saggi E.L.I.S.A. indiretti, di svelare la presenza di anticorpi umorali contro SV40 nel siero e altri fluidi umani. Abbiamo selezionato due diversi peptidi sintetici chiamati peptide A e peptide D. Tali peptidi sono corrispondenti ad epitopi immunogenici all’oncoproteina del virus SV40 denominata antigene T grande (agT). Il peptide A è di 21 amminoacidi, , mentre il peptide D è di 24 amminoacidi. Nei saggi ELISA indiretti sono stati esaminati 1.837 campioni di siero appartenenti a bambini ed adolescenti, donatori di sangue, donne gravide, soggetti esposti ad amianto e pazienti affetti da diverse neoplasie quali osteosarcomi, mesoteliomi, tumori cerebrali, linfomi non-Hodgkin (LNH), tumore naso faringeo indifferenziato (UNPC), e carcinoma mammario. I nostri risultati sierologici suggeriscono che SV40 circola nella popolazione umana. Infatti, la prevalenza di anticorpi sierici verso SV40 è mediamente del 18% considerando tutte le fasce di età degli individui sani analizzati, compresa tra 0 e 90 anni. La percentuale di sieri positivi per SV40 nei pazienti oncologici affetti da mesotelioma, glioma, LNH e osteosarcoma varia dal 32% al 57%. Queste prevalenze sono statisticamente significative rispetto ai gruppi di controllo. Le prevalenze riscontrate nelle donne gravide, nei soggetti ex-esposti all’amianto, nei soggetti affetti da UNPC e da carcinoma mammario, sono risultate simili a quelle del gruppo di controllo dei normali. I nostri dati mostrano un’associazione tra SV40 e specifici tumori umani. I nostri saggi ELISA indiretti con gli specifici peptidi sintetici di SV40 permettono di rivelare gli anticorpi umorali contro l’oncoproteina agT del virus tumorale SV40

    Oncogenic transformation by BK virus and association with human tumors

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    none5BK virus (BKV), a human polyomavirus closely related to JC virus and Simian Virus 40, is ubiquitous in human populations worldwide. After primary infection, BKV establishes a lifelong latent infection in many organs. BKV transforms rodent cells to the neoplastic phenotype and is highly oncogenic in rodents. This review considers the oncogenic potential of BKV in humans and its possible involvement in human tumors. BKV sequences and T antigen (Tag) are detected in several types of human neoplasms, although the viral load is generally low, with less than one copy of the viral genome per cell. The possible causative role of BKV in human oncogenesis rests on the ability of BKV Tag to inactivate the functions of tumor suppressor proteins p53 and pRB family as well as on its ability to induce chromosomal aberrations in human cells. A 'hit and run' mechanism and secretion of paracrine growth factors by BKV Tag-positive cells, recruiting into proliferation neighboring and distant cells, are discussed as possible BKV pathogenic elements in human oncogenesis.openTOGNON M; CORALLINI A.; MARTINI F; NEGRINI M; BARBANTI-BRODANO GTognon, Mauro; Corallini, Alfredo; Martini, Fernanda; Negrini, Massimo; BARBANTI BRODANO, G

    Re: Lack of serologic evidence for prevalent simian virus 40 infection in humans

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    reserved5no---mixedBARBANTI-BRODANO G; CORALLINI A; ACCOLLA RS; F. MARTINI; TOGNON MBARBANTI BRODANO, Giuseppe; Corallini, Alfredo; Accolla, Rs; Martini, Fernanda; Tognon, Maur

    BK virus DNA in Kaposi's sarcoma

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    none5---noneBARBANTI-BRODANO G.; PAGNANI M.; VIADANA P.; BETH-GIRALDO G.; CORALLINI A.BARBANTI BRODANO, Giuseppe; Pagnani, M.; Viadana, P.; BETH GIRALDO, G.; Corallini, Alfred

    Synthesis of sialoclusters appended to calix[4]arene platforms via multiple azide-alkyne cycloaddition. New ihhibitors of hemagglutination and cytopathic effect mediated by BK and influenza A viruses

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    Tetra- and octavalent sialoside clusters were prepared in good yields exploiting for the first time the multiple copper-catalyzed cycloaddition of a propargyl thiosialoside with calix[4]arene polyazides. The cycloadducts featured the hydrolytically stable carbon-sulfur bond at the anomeric position and the 1,4-disubstituted triazole ring as the spacer between the sialic acid moieties and the platform. It was demonstrated that these unnatural motifs did not hamper the desired biological activity of the sialoclusters. In fact, the latter were able to inhibit, at submillimolar concentrations, the hemagglutination and the viral infectivity mediated both by BK and influenza A viruse

    Synthesis of sialoclusters appended to calix[4]arene platforms via multiple azide-alkyne cycloaddition. New inhibitors of hemagglutination and cytopathic effect mediated by BK and influenza A viruses

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    Tetra- and octavalent sialoside clusters were prepared in good yields exploiting for the first time the multiple copper-catalyzed cycloaddition of a propargyl thiosialoside with calix[4]arene polyazides. The cycloadducts featured the hydrolytically stable carbon-sulfur bond at the anomeric position and the 1,4-disubstituted triazole ring as the spacer between the sialic acid moieties and the platform. It was demonstrated that these unnatural motifs did not hamper the desired biological activity of the sialoclusters. In fact, they were able to inhibit, at submillimolar concentrations, the hemagglutination and the viral infectivity mediated both by BK and influenza A viruses
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