12 research outputs found

    The critique and the new : the melancholic semblance in Belchior?s Alucina??o.

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    O modo de encarar a nostalgia e o antagonismo projetado pelos artistas envolvidos no tropicalismo parecem ser as premissas principais em torno do ?lbum Alucina??o (1976), do cantor e compositor Belchior. A articula??o tem?tica e est?tica do disco imprime, al?m disso, uma esp?cie de reflex?o cr?tica interna sobre os movimentos contraculturais na m?sica popular brasileira dos anos 1970. Pretendemos, a partir disso, identificar aspectos de certa melancolia nessa produ??o, por meio dos aportes te?ricos sobre a cr?tica cultural.The ways of facing nostalgia and antagonism projected by artists involved in the Brazilian movement called tropicalismo seem to be the main premises which characterize the album Alucina??o (1976), from the singer and composer Belchior. The thematic and aesthetic articulation of the album also provides a sort of internal, critical reflection on the countercultural movements from Brazilian popular music of the 1970s. We sought to identify aspects of a particular melancholy in this work by using theoretical contributions on cultural criticism

    The criticism of the pingente intellectual narrator : Jo?o Ant?nio evokes Lima Barreto.

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    Pretendemos examinar as manifesta??es expostas pelo narrador intelectual pingente, a partir de textos liter?rios e jornal?sticos de Lima Barreto (1881-1922). O eco cr?tico de tal exame pode ser percebido na obra do escritor e jornalista Jo?o Ant?nio (1937-1996), especialmente em Calv?rio e porres do pingente Afonso Henriques de Lima Barreto (1977). Nosso percurso pretende articular tais textos por meio da descri??o, discuss?o e an?lise da cr?tica firmada como elemento decisivo para os prop?sitos desse narrador intelectual pingente, considerando os aspectos de media??o e de valores culturais no di?logo entre os dois autores. Para isso, utilizaremos referenciais te?ricos que possam nos dar pistas sobre a reflex?o da cr?tica como fen?meno intelectual, comunicacional e art?stico.We intend to assess manifestations addressed to? narrador intelectual pingente?, from literary and journalistic texts of Lima Barreto (1881-1922). The critical echo of such assessment can be seen in the work of the writer and journalist Jo?o Ant?nio (1937-1996), especially in Calv?rio and Porres do pingente Afonso Henriques de Lima Barreto (1977). We intend to articulated such texts by means of description, discussion and critical analysis established as a crucial element to the proposal of this ?narrador intelectual pingente?, considering the aspects of mediation and values in the dialog between the two authors. For this, we use theoretical references which can provide clues about the reflections on criticisms as an intellectual, communicational, artistic and mediatic phenomena

    Remembrance as a body of time : dialogues about communication and temporalities in Jo?o Guimar?es Rosa.

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    Aqui, abordamos a demanda comunicacional de culto ? velocidade/acelera??o do tempo e seu confronto com a ideia de demora/contempla??o. Exemplo desse embate entre pressa e vagar, o conto A Terceira Margem do Rio, de Jo?o Guimar?es Rosa, mostra-se uma metodologia de reflex?o. Por ele, acionamos a lembran?a (um cerne do conto) como a esteira de uma temporalidade ?nica (ou um rio que corre infinitamente), associamos outras figuras midi?ticas e travamos di?logos sobre comunica??o e temporalidades.This paper discusses the communicational demand for the cult of speed/acceleration of time and its confrontation with the idea of delay/contemplation. An example of this conflict between hurry and slowness, the short story A Terceira Margem do Rio, by Jo?o Guimar?es Rosa, represents a methodology for reflection. Through it, we trigger the remembrance (the core of the story) as a unique temporality (or a river that flows endlessly), we associate other media figures, and we engage in dialogues about communication and temporalities

    Between Lolita and Lana Del Rey : market fabrications of sexuality in the female body under the notions of gesture, presence and fading.

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    Neste artigo, trabalhamos a possibilidade de explora??o mercadol?gica do corpo da cantora estadunidense Lana Del Rey por meio da ret?rica da sexualidade. Verificamos tal manifesta??o a partir da an?lise da sexualidade em Lana durante sua apresenta??o em S?o Paulo, no Festival Planeta Terra, em 2013, com vistas a perspectivas metodol?gicas de gesto, presen?a e o que denominamos como esvanecimento entre Del Rey e a personagem Lolita, de Vladimir Nabokov, aura convocada pela artista em seu show. Enxergamos a discursividade em torno da sexualidade como pragm?tica mercantil que organiza os afetos dos sujeitos que com esse corpo se relacionam. Objeto de consumo de uma l?gica cultural do capitalismo tardio, esse corpo vend?vel n?o rompe, entretanto, com um car?ter representativo, sendo indicativo de disputas na cultura pop.In this article, we work the possibility of market exploration of the American singer Lana Del Rey?s body through the rhetoric of sexuality. We perceived this manifestation from the analysis of sexuality in Lana during her presentation in Sao Paulo, in Planeta Terra Festival, in 2013, in view of the methodological perspectives of gesture, presence and what we denominate as fading between Del Rey and Vladimir Nabokov?s Lolita character, an aura summoned by the artist in her show. We see the discursivity around sexuality as a mercantile pragmatics that organizes the subjects? affection to the body with which they relate. Consumption objects of a late capitalism cultural logic, this saleable body does not, however, break with a representative character, being indicative of disputes within pop culture

    Among the hallucinations of everyday life : time and latinidad in Belchior.

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    Neste artigo, a partir de uma leitura contextualizada, analisamos as rela??es entre o tempo e as marcas de latinidade engendradas no ?lbum Alucina??o (1976), do cantor e compositor Belchior. O percurso metodol?gico ? constru?do a partir da articula??o de uma discuss?o sobre a cultura e o tempo social que se desdobra em tr?s eixos anal?ticos: o debate sobre a contracultura articulada ao contexto de produ??o do ?lbum; a reflex?o sobre as temporalidades sociais envoltas na obra e na dimens?o po?tica das can??es; e a emerg?ncia do prosaico como lugar de constitui??o da resist?ncia.In this paper we analyse, from a contextualized reading, the relations between time and traces of latinidad arranged in the album Alucina??o (1976), by the singer and composer Belchior. The methodological path is built from the articulation of a discussion about culture and social time that unfolds in three analytical axes: the debate about counterculture articulated to the context in which the album was produced; reflection on the social temporalities embedded in this work and in the poetic dimension of the songs; and the emergence of the prosaic as a place of constitution of resistance

    A cr铆tica do narrador intelectual pingente:

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    Pretendemos examinar as manifesta??es expostas pelo narrador intelectual pingente, a partir de textos liter?rios e jornal?sticos de Lima Barreto (1881-1922). O eco cr?tico de tal exame pode ser percebido na obra do escritor e jornalista Jo?o Ant?nio (1937-1996), especialmente em Calv?rio e porres do pingente Afonso Henriques de Lima Barreto (1977). Nosso percurso pretende articular tais textos por meio da descri??o, discuss?o e an?lise da cr?tica firmada como elemento decisivo para os prop?sitos desse narrador intelectual pingente, considerando os aspectos de media??o e de valores culturais no di?logo entre os dois autores. Para isso, utilizaremos referenciais te?ricos que possam nos dar pistas sobre a reflex?o da cr?tica como fen?meno intelectual, comunicacional e art?stico.We intend to assess manifestations addressed to? narrador intelectual pingente?, from literary and journalistic texts of Lima Barreto (1881-1922). The critical echo of such assessment can be seen in the work of the writer and journalist Jo?o Ant?nio (1937-1996), especially in Calv?rio and Porres do pingente Afonso Henriques de Lima Barreto (1977). We intend to articulated such texts by means of description, discussion and critical analysis established as a crucial element to the proposal of this ?narrador intelectual pingente?, considering the aspects of mediation and values in the dialog between the two authors. For this, we use theoretical references which can provide clues about the reflections on criticisms as an intellectual, communicational, artistic and mediatic phenomena

    Nostalgia and melancholy in Fortaleza, by the band Cidad?o Instigado : a closer look at the song in search of atmospheres.

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    No presente artigo, buscamos apresentar uma aproxima??o do disco Fortaleza, do grupo cearense de rock Cidad?o Instigado, a partir de um movimento de busca do Stimmung, conceito trabalhado por Gumbrecht (2014). Tamb?m interconectamos os conceitos de nostalgia e melancolia, sob a perspectiva de Walter Benjamin, na dire??o de uma opera??o de recusa do tempo presente e um certo tipo de volta n?o conservadora ao passado (BARBOSA, 2014). Desse modo, nos demoraremos no movimento pr?prio de abordagem do disco em busca das atmosferas e na investiga??o desse objeto particular na perspectiva de colher rastros que nele apontem para essa nostalgia melanc?lica.In this article, we seek to look closely at the album Fortaleza, by the rock group placed in Cear?, Cidad?o Instigado, based on a search movement for Stimmung, a concept developed by Gumbrecht (2014). We also interconnect the concepts of nostalgia and melancholy, from the perspective of Walter Benjamin, in the direction of an operation to refuse the present time, and of a certain type of non-conservative return to the past (BARBOSA, 2014). Thus, we will linger in the movement of approaching the album, in search of atmospheres, to investigate this particular object, by collecting traces which point to this melancholic nostalgia

    From media criticism to the reconstruction of speeches : journalistic mediation in Viomundo.

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    O presente artigo aborda a rela??o existente entre a narrativa de m?dias hegem?nicas e suas pr?ticas e a media??o proposta pelo site/blog Viomundo em cima destas a??es e dos acontecimentos noticiosos. O objetivo ? perceber como Viomundo se comporta diante desse cen?rio de tens?o, abordando textos publicados no ano de 2014. A metodologia utilizada, de car?ter interdisciplinar, embasa-se nos referenciais te?ricos da comunica??o e possibilita a compreens?o acerca da media??o cultural jornal?stica presente no objeto de estudo. Assim, ? poss?vel entender que o site/blog se configura como um contraponto ? m?dia hegem?nica, transitando entre a cr?tica e a reconstru??o dos discursos veiculados, a fim de legitimar seu acontecimento noticioso.This article discusses the relationship between the narrative of hegemonic media and its practices and the mediation proposed by the Viomundo website/blog on these actions and the news. The objective is to understand how Viomundo behaves in the face of this tension scenario, using texts published in the year 2014. The methodology used, of an interdisciplinary nature, is based on the theoretical references of the communication and allows the understanding about the mediation present in the object of study. Thus, it is possible to understand that the website/blog is configured as a counterpoint to the hegemonic media, passing by the criticism and by the reconstruction of the speeches, in order to legitimize its news

    Da tens?o ao sublime : potencialidades est?ticas da can??o ?Mulher do fim do mundo?, de Elza Soares.

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    Este trabalho busca apreender o esp?rito da can??o ?Mulher do fim do mundo? e seu v?nculo com a renova??o est?tica das imagens de artistas negras na m?sica popular brasileira. A hip?tese ? de que a can??o interpretada por Elza Soares alimenta ? e ? alimentada por ? um movimento que busca substituir estigmas sociais constru?dos desde a escravid?o por imagens que, de fato, representem a diversidade de identidades que podem ser assumidas por essas mulheres. Essa pot?ncia transformadora, anunciada pela can??o em an?lise, aponta tr?s manifesta??es est?ticas que extrapolam o universo da can??o popular e ensejam mudan?as na maneira como as minorias s?o encaradas no espa?o p?blico brasileiro, a saber, a reivindica??o do gesto da altivez, a cr?tica ? pot?ncia de morte e a reflex?o subjetiva do horror.The purpose of this paper is to capture the spirit of the song ?Mulher do fim do mundo? and its relation with the aesthetic renewal of images made by black female artists in Brazilian popular music. The hypothesis is that the song interpreted by Elza Soares feeds ? and is fed by ? a movement that seeks to replace social stigmas built since the period of slavery by images that effectively represent the diversity of identities that can be embraced by these women. This transformative potential predicted by the song under analysis reveals three aesthetic manifestations that go beyond the universe of the popular song and aspire for changes in the way minorities are viewed in the Brazilian public space, which are the claiming of the gesture of pride, the criticism of the death potential and the subjective reflection of horror

    Whose is Gomes Freire square? : symbolic disputes in the ?Jardim? space, and their representations in the press of Mariana-MG.

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    Principal espa?o p?blico de Mariana-MG, a pra?a Gomes Freire ? mais conhecida como Jardim ? ? frequentada por diferentes grupos sociais. Essa sociabilidade n?o se d? de forma totalmente harm?nica, o que gera disputas simb?licas. A partir do entendimento de que deve ser preservado no Jardim seu car?ter plural de conviv?ncia ? mesmo na chave da tensionalidade ? este artigo pretende investigar as representa??es sobre a pra?a atrav?s da m?dia local, mais precisamente pelo jornal Ponto Final, j? que a imprensa ? um dos principais agentes construtores dos sentidos urbanos. As an?lises mostram que, apesar da variada gama de uso, o jornal prefere dar destaques aos supostos aspectos negativos do Jardim. Dessa forma, ? poss?vel afirmar que as pautas jornal?sticas batem com as ideias de higieniza??o, controle e vig?lia, vis?o que pode interessar a determinados grupos e que coloca em risco o car?ter estritamente p?blico da pra?a.As the main public space of Mariana-MG, Gomes Freire Square - widely known as ?Jardim? - is frequented by different social groups. This sociability does not happen in a totally harmonious way, so that it generates symbolic disputes. From the understanding that the plural nature of coexistence must be preserved in ?Jardim? - even considering the key of tension - this article intends to investigate the representations about that square by means of the local media, and more precisely through the newspaper Ponto Final, since the press is one of the main agents for the construction of urban meanings. The analysis shows that, in spite of a varied range of use, the newspaper prefers to highlight the supposed negative aspects of ?Jardim?. In this way, it is possible to affirm that the journalistic guidelines coincide with the ideas of hygiene, control and surveillance, a view that may interest certain groups, and which jeopardizes the strictly public character of that square