1,456 research outputs found

    Anomalous Pseudoscalar-Photon Vertex In and Out of Equilibrium

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    The anomalous pseudoscalar-photon vertex is studied in real time in and out of equilibrium in a constituent quark model. The goal is to understand the in-medium modifications of this vertex, exploring the possibility of enhanced isospin breaking by electromagnetic effects as well as the formation of neutral pion condensates in a rapid chiral phase transition in peripheral, ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. In equilibrium the effective vertex is afflicted by infrared and collinear singularities that require hard thermal loop (HTL) and width corrections of the quark propagator. The resummed effective equilibrium vertex vanishes near the chiral transition in the chiral limit. In a strongly out of equilibrium chiral phase transition we find that the chiral condensate drastically modifies the quark propagators and the effective vertex. The ensuing dynamics for the neutral pion results in a potential enhancement of isospin breaking and the formation of π0\pi^0 condensates. While the anomaly equation and the axial Ward identity are not modified by the medium in or out of equilibrium, the effective real-time pseudoscalar-photon vertex is sensitive to low energy physics.Comment: Revised version to appear in Phys. Rev. D. 42 pages, 4 figures, uses Revte

    Compact boson stars in K field theories

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    We study a scalar field theory with a non-standard kinetic term minimally coupled to gravity. We establish the existence of compact boson stars, that is, static solutions with compact support of the full system with self-gravitation taken into account. Concretely, there exist two types of solutions, namely compact balls on the one hand, and compact shells on the other hand. The compact balls have a naked singularity at the center. The inner boundary of the compact shells is singular, as well, but it is, at the same time, a Killing horizon. These singular, compact shells therefore resemble black holes.Comment: Latex, 45 pages, 25 figures, some references and comments adde

    Closed-Time Path Integral Formalism and Medium Effects of Non-Equilibrium QCD Matter

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    We apply the closed-time path integral formalism to study the medium effects of non-equilibrium gluon matter. We derive the medium modified resummed gluon propagator to the one loop level in non-equilibrium in the covariant gauge. The gluon propagator we derive can be used to remove the infrared divergences in the secondary parton collisions to study thermalization of minijet parton plasma at RHIC and LHC.Comment: Final version, To appear in Physical Review D, Minor modification, reference adde

    Infrared Behaviour of The Gluon Propagator in Non-Equilibrium Situations

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    The infrared behaviour of the medium modified gluon propagator in non-equilibrium situations is studied in the covariant gauge using the Schwinger-Keldysh closed-time path formalism. It is shown that the magnetic screening mass is non-zero at the one loop level whenever the initial gluon distribution function is non isotropic with the assumption that the distribution function of the gluon is not divergent at zero transverse momentum. For isotropic gluon distribution functions, such as those describing local equilibrium, the magnetic mass at one loop level is zero which is consistent with finite temperature field theory results. Assuming that a reasonable initial gluon distribution function can be obtained from a perturbative QCD calculation of minijets, we determine these out of equilibrium values for the initial magnetic and Debye screening masses at energy densities appropriate to RHIC and LHC. We also compare the magnetic masses obtained here with those obtained using finite temperature lattice QCD methods at similar temperatures at RHIC and LHC.Comment: 21 pages latex, 4 figures, final version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    How does the electromagnetic field couple to gravity, in particular to metric, nonmetricity, torsion, and curvature?

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    The coupling of the electromagnetic field to gravity is an age-old problem. Presently, there is a resurgence of interest in it, mainly for two reasons: (i) Experimental investigations are under way with ever increasing precision, be it in the laboratory or by observing outer space. (ii) One desires to test out alternatives to Einstein's gravitational theory, in particular those of a gauge-theoretical nature, like Einstein-Cartan theory or metric-affine gravity. A clean discussion requires a reflection on the foundations of electrodynamics. If one bases electrodynamics on the conservation laws of electric charge and magnetic flux, one finds Maxwell's equations expressed in terms of the excitation H=(D,H) and the field strength F=(E,B) without any intervention of the metric or the linear connection of spacetime. In other words, there is still no coupling to gravity. Only the constitutive law H= functional(F) mediates such a coupling. We discuss the different ways of how metric, nonmetricity, torsion, and curvature can come into play here. Along the way, we touch on non-local laws (Mashhoon), non-linear ones (Born-Infeld, Heisenberg-Euler, Plebanski), linear ones, including the Abelian axion (Ni), and find a method for deriving the metric from linear electrodynamics (Toupin, Schoenberg). Finally, we discuss possible non-minimal coupling schemes.Comment: Latex2e, 26 pages. Contribution to "Testing Relativistic Gravity in Space: Gyroscopes, Clocks, Interferometers ...", Proceedings of the 220th Heraeus-Seminar, 22 - 27 August 1999 in Bad Honnef, C. Laemmerzahl et al. (eds.). Springer, Berlin (2000) to be published (Revised version uses Springer Latex macros; Sec. 6 substantially rewritten; appendices removed; the list of references updated

    Spectral and transport properties of doped Mott-Hubbard systems with incommensurate magnetic order

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    We present spectral and optical properties of the Hubbard model on a two-dimensional square lattice using a generalization of dynamical mean-field theory to magnetic states in finite dimension. The self-energy includes the effect of spin fluctuations and screening of the Coulomb interaction due to particle-particle scattering. At half-filling the quasiparticles reduce the width of the Mott-Hubbard `gap' and have dispersions and spectral weights that agree remarkably well with quantum Monte Carlo and exact diagonalization calculations. Away from half-filling we consider incommensurate magnetic order with a varying local spin direction, and derive the photoemission and optical spectra. The incommensurate magnetic order leads to a pseudogap which opens at the Fermi energy and coexists with a large Mott-Hubbard gap. The quasiparticle states survive in the doped systems, but their dispersion is modified with the doping and a rigid band picture does not apply. Spectral weight in the optical conductivity is transferred to lower energies and the Drude weight increases linearly with increasing doping. We show that incommensurate magnetic order leads also to mid-gap states in the optical spectra and to decreased scattering rates in the transport processes, in qualitative agreement with the experimental observations in doped systems. The gradual disappearence of the spiral magnetic order and the vanishing pseudogap with increasing temperature is found to be responsible for the linear resistivity. We discuss the possible reasons why these results may only partially explain the features observed in the optical spectra of high temperature superconductors.Comment: 22 pages, 18 figure

    The position of graptolites within Lower Palaeozoic planktic ecosystems.

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    An integrated approach has been used to assess the palaeoecology of graptolites both as a discrete group and also as a part of the biota present within Ordovician and Silurian planktic realms. Study of the functional morphology of graptolites and comparisons with recent ecological analogues demonstrates that graptolites most probably filled a variety of niches as primary consumers, with modes of life related to the colony morphotype. Graptolite coloniality was extremely ordered, lacking any close morphological analogues in Recent faunas. To obtain maximum functional efficiency, graptolites would have needed varying degrees of coordinated automobility. A change in lifestyle related to ontogenetic changes was prevalent within many graptolite groups. Differing lifestyle was reflected by differing reproductive strategies, with synrhabdosomes most likely being a method for rapid asexual reproduction. Direct evidence in the form of graptolithophage 'coprolitic' bodies, as well as indirect evidence in the form of probable defensive adaptations, indicate that graptolites comprised a food item for a variety of predators. Graptolites were also hosts to a variety of parasitic organisms and provided an important nutrient source for scavenging organisms

    Spin-Charge Separation in the tJt-J Model: Magnetic and Transport Anomalies

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    A real spin-charge separation scheme is found based on a saddle-point state of the tJt-J model. In the one-dimensional (1D) case, such a saddle-point reproduces the correct asymptotic correlations at the strong-coupling fixed-point of the model. In the two-dimensional (2D) case, the transverse gauge field confining spinon and holon is shown to be gapped at {\em finite doping} so that a spin-charge deconfinement is obtained for its first time in 2D. The gap in the gauge fluctuation disappears at half-filling limit, where a long-range antiferromagnetic order is recovered at zero temperature and spinons become confined. The most interesting features of spin dynamics and transport are exhibited at finite doping where exotic {\em residual} couplings between spin and charge degrees of freedom lead to systematic anomalies with regard to a Fermi-liquid system. In spin dynamics, a commensurate antiferromagnetic fluctuation with a small, doping-dependent energy scale is found, which is characterized in momentum space by a Gaussian peak at (π/a\pi/a, π/a \pi/a) with a doping-dependent width (δ\propto \sqrt{\delta}, δ\delta is the doping concentration). This commensurate magnetic fluctuation contributes a non-Korringa behavior for the NMR spin-lattice relaxation rate. There also exits a characteristic temperature scale below which a pseudogap behavior appears in the spin dynamics. Furthermore, an incommensurate magnetic fluctuation is also obtained at a {\em finite} energy regime. In transport, a strong short-range phase interference leads to an effective holon Lagrangian which can give rise to a series of interesting phenomena including linear-TT resistivity and T2T^2 Hall-angle. We discuss the striking similarities of these theoretical features with those found in the high-TcT_c cuprates and give aComment: 70 pages, RevTex, hard copies of 7 figures available upon request; minor revisions in the text and references have been made; To be published in July 1 issue of Phys. Rev. B52, (1995

    Performance of the ATLAS forward proton Time-of-Flight detector in Run 2

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    We present performance studies of the Time-of-Flight (ToF) subdetector of the ATLAS Forward Proton (AFP) detector at the LHC. Efficiencies and resolutions are measured using high-statistics data samples collected at low and moderate pile-up in 2017, the first year when the detectors were installed on both sides of the interaction region. While low efficiencies are observed, of the order of a few percent, the resolutions of the two ToF detectors measured individually are 21 ps and 28 ps, yielding an expected resolution of the longitudinal position of the interaction, z vtx, in the central ATLAS detector of 5.3 ± 0.6 mm. This is in agreement with the observed width of the distribution of the difference between z vtx, measured independently by the central ATLAS tracker and by the ToF detector, of 6.0 ± 2.0 mm

    The ATLAS trigger system for LHC Run 3 and trigger performance in 2022

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    The ATLAS trigger system is a crucial component of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. It is responsible for selecting events in line with the ATLAS physics programme. This paper presents an overview of the changes to the trigger and data acquisition system during the second long shutdown of the LHC, and shows the performance of the trigger system and its components in the proton-proton collisions during the 2022 commissioning period as well as its expected performance in proton-proton and heavy-ion collisions for the remainder of the third LHC data-taking period (2022–2025)