382 research outputs found
Dynamics of on-line Hebbian learning with structurally unrealizable restricted training sets
We present an exact solution for the dynamics of on-line Hebbian learning in
neural networks, with restricted and unrealizable training sets. In contrast to
other studies on learning with restricted training sets, unrealizability is
here caused by structural mismatch, rather than data noise: the teacher machine
is a perceptron with a reversed wedge-type transfer function, while the student
machine is a perceptron with a sigmoidal transfer function. We calculate the
glassy dynamics of the macroscopic performance measures, training error and
generalization error, and the (non-Gaussian) student field distribution. Our
results, which find excellent confirmation in numerical simulations, provide a
new benchmark test for general formalisms with which to study unrealizable
learning processes with restricted training sets.Comment: 7 pages including 3 figures, using IOP latex2e preprint class fil
Multiplpe Choice Minority Game With Different Publicly Known Histories
In the standard Minority Game, players use historical minority choices as the
sole public information to pick one out of the two alternatives. However,
publishing historical minority choices is not the only way to present global
system information to players when more than two alternatives are available.
Thus, it is instructive to study the dynamics and cooperative behaviors of this
extended game as a function of the global information provided. We numerically
find that although the system dynamics depends on the kind of public
information given to the players, the degree of cooperation follows the same
trend as that of the standard Minority Game. We also explain most of our
findings by the crowd-anticrowd theory.Comment: Extensively revised, to appear in New J Phys, 7 pages with 4 figure
Feed-Forward Chains of Recurrent Attractor Neural Networks Near Saturation
We perform a stationary state replica analysis for a layered network of Ising
spin neurons, with recurrent Hebbian interactions within each layer, in
combination with strictly feed-forward Hebbian interactions between successive
layers. This model interpolates between the fully recurrent and symmetric
attractor network studied by Amit el al, and the strictly feed-forward
attractor network studied by Domany et al. Due to the absence of detailed
balance, it is as yet solvable only in the zero temperature limit. The built-in
competition between two qualitatively different modes of operation,
feed-forward (ergodic within layers) versus recurrent (non- ergodic within
layers), is found to induce interesting phase transitions.Comment: 14 pages LaTex with 4 postscript figures submitted to J. Phys.
Closure of Macroscopic Laws in Disordered Spin Systems: A Toy Model
We use a linear system of Langevin spins with disordered interactions as an
exactly solvable toy model to investigate a procedure, recently proposed by
Coolen and Sherrington, for closing the hierarchy of macroscopic order
parameter equations in disordered spin systems. The closure procedure, based on
the removal of microscopic memory effects, is shown to reproduce the correct
equations for short times and in equilibrium. For intermediate time-scales the
procedure does not lead to the exact equations, yet for homogeneous initial
conditions succeeds at capturing the main characteristics of the flow in the
order parameter plane. The procedure fails in terms of the long-term temporal
dependence of the order parameters. For low energy inhomogeneous initial
conditions and near criticality (where zero modes appear) deviations in
temporal behaviour are most apparent. For homogeneous initial conditions the
impact of microscopic memory effects on the evolution of macroscopic order
parameters in disordered spin systems appears to be mainly an overall slowing
down.Comment: 14 pages, LateX, OUTP-94-24
Dynamical Solution of the On-Line Minority Game
We solve the dynamics of the on-line minority game, with general types of
decision noise, using generating functional techniques a la De Dominicis and
the temporal regularization procedure of Bedeaux et al. The result is a
macroscopic dynamical theory in the form of closed equations for correlation-
and response functions defined via an effective continuous-time single-trader
process, which are exact in both the ergodic and in the non-ergodic regime of
the minority game. Our solution also explains why, although one cannot formally
truncate the Kramers-Moyal expansion of the process after the Fokker-Planck
term, upon doing so one still finds the correct solution, that the previously
proposed diffusion matrices for the Fokker-Planck term are incomplete, and how
previously proposed approximations of the market volatility can be traced back
to ergodicity assumptions.Comment: 25 pages LaTeX, no figure
Statistical mechanics and stability of a model eco-system
We study a model ecosystem by means of dynamical techniques from disordered
systems theory. The model describes a set of species subject to competitive
interactions through a background of resources, which they feed upon.
Additionally direct competitive or co-operative interaction between species may
occur through a random coupling matrix. We compute the order parameters of the
system in a fixed point regime, and identify the onset of instability and
compute the phase diagram. We focus on the effects of variability of resources,
direct interaction between species, co-operation pressure and dilution on the
stability and the diversity of the ecosystem. It is shown that resources can be
exploited optimally only in absence of co-operation pressure or direct
interaction between species.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures; text of paper modified, discussion extended,
references adde
Spin models on random graphs with controlled topologies beyond degree constraints
We study Ising spin models on finitely connected random interaction graphs
which are drawn from an ensemble in which not only the degree distribution
can be chosen arbitrarily, but which allows for further fine-tuning of
the topology via preferential attachment of edges on the basis of an arbitrary
function Q(k,k') of the degrees of the vertices involved. We solve these models
using finite connectivity equilibrium replica theory, within the replica
symmetric ansatz. In our ensemble of graphs, phase diagrams of the spin system
are found to depend no longer only on the chosen degree distribution, but also
on the choice made for Q(k,k'). The increased ability to control interaction
topology in solvable models beyond prescribing only the degree distribution of
the interaction graph enables a more accurate modeling of real-world
interacting particle systems by spin systems on suitably defined random graphs.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, submitted to J Phys
Dynamical replica theoretic analysis of CDMA detection dynamics
We investigate the detection dynamics of the Gibbs sampler for code-division
multiple access (CDMA) multiuser detection. Our approach is based upon
dynamical replica theory which allows an analytic approximation to the
dynamics. We use this tool to investigate the basins of attraction when phase
coexistence occurs and examine its efficacy via comparison with Monte Carlo
simulations.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure
Application of two-parameter dynamical replica theory to retrieval dynamics of associative memory with non-monotonic neurons
The two-parameter dynamical replica theory (2-DRT) is applied to investigate
retrieval properties of non-monotonic associative memory, a model which lacks
thermodynamic potential functions. 2-DRT reproduces dynamical properties of the
model quite well, including the capacity and basin of attraction.
Superretrieval state is also discussed in the framework of 2-DRT. The local
stability condition of the superretrieval state is given, which provides a
better estimate of the region in which superretrieval is observed
experimentally than the self-consistent signal-to-noise analysis (SCSNA) does.Comment: 16 pages, 19 postscript figure
Generating Functional Analysis of the Dynamics of the Batch Minority Game with Random External Information
We study the dynamics of the batch minority game, with random external
information, using generating functional techniques a la De Dominicis. The
relevant control parameter in this model is the ratio of the
number of possible values for the external information over the number
of trading agents. In the limit we calculate the location
of the phase transition (signaling the onset of anomalous response),
and solve the statics for exactly. The temporal correlations
in global market fluctuations turn out not to decay to zero for infinitely
widely separated times. For the stationary state is shown to
be non-unique. For we analyse our equations in leading order in
, and find asymptotic solutions with diverging volatility
\sigma=\order(\alpha^{-{1/2}}) (as regularly observed in simulations), but
also asymptotic solutions with vanishing volatility
\sigma=\order(\alpha^{{1/2}}). The former, however, are shown to emerge only
if the agents' initial strategy valuations are below a specific critical value.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, uses Revtex. Replaced an old version of
volatility graph that. Rephrased and updated some reference
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