1,109 research outputs found

    The Role of Transformative Learning In Study abroad Experiences. Unpublished honors thesis

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    This thesis project investigates why studying abroad molds better students and is beneficial for their preparation for the workforce. Real-world experiences challenge a student’s values, assumptions, and determination, requiring them to be open-minded and independent. This project focuses specifically on how transformative learning is a valuable way to learn through experience, assessment, and reflection. The book I produced is a manifestation of the theory of transformative learning in the way that the reader must interact with a map in order to read the book

    Adsorption of copper (II) by peanut hulls in a fixed-bed, continuous flow column

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    Heavy metal pollution is an important concern due to its adverse health and environmental effects. Biosorption is a way to remove heavy metals from aqueous systems with the use of biomaterials. There are many different types of biosorbents, such as algae, fungus, bacteria and lignocellulosic materials (wood, saw dust, peat, wheat bran, nut shells, etc.). Several studies have used peanut shells (hulls) as a heavy metal adsorption material. For instance, peanut hulls are an effective biomass for the removal of copper (II) from aqueous systems. However, these studies utilized equilibrium (batch) methods to quantify metal adsorption. These results are not comparable to an industrial setting, which utilizes a non-equilibrium flow system.The biosorption of copper(II) on unmodified and modified, high density, ground peanut hulls was investigated using equilibrium studies, kinetics studies, and dynamic adsorption studies. Adsorption models were applied to determine the adsorption capacity at equilibrium. A pseudo-second order rate law was applied to the kinetics data to determine the rate constant of adsorption. Dynamic sorption models were applied to the continuous flow studies to fit the experimental breakthrough curves.It was determined that the alkaline peroxide modified, high density hulls had the highest adsorption capacity, the fastest rate of adsorption, and latest breakthrough point. The alkaline modified hulls' adsorption capacity and breakthrough point are decreased from the alkaline peroxide modified hulls but perform better than the unmodified hulls. However, an improvement in the rate of adsorption was not seen in comparison to the unmodified hulls. The unmodified hulls had the lowest adsorption capacity and earliest breakthrough point. The best fitting model for the equilibrium data for all types of hulls was the Redlich-Peterson model. However, the Langmuir model was the most useful as it yielded results with physically meaningful parameters as well as the best estimation of the adsorption capacity. The four parameter Clark model was the best fitting dynamic adsorption model for each type of hulls, followed by the three parameter Clark, and finally the Thomas model. Although the four parameter Clark model resulted in the best fit, the model's parameters are empirical and are not physically meaningful. The Thomas model was the poorest fitting model tested.Although the four parameter Clark model successfully fit the breakthrough data for each type of hull, the empirical nature of the model is not useful for comparing to the equilibrium and kinetics data. However, the more physically meaningful Thomas model does not successfully relate the equilibrium and kinetics parameters to the dynamic flow behavior of the copper(II) /peanut hull adsorption system. There is a need for additional models to be tested and/or developed for these types of systems, as the models tested in this project were developed for other types of systems and applied to the biosorption of heavy metals with poor fit and predictive power

    Synthesis of Ag:SiO2:Ag Core:spacer:shell nanoparticles via the hydrogen reduction method and the characterization of their optical properties

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    Plasmonic nanostructures are of considerable interest due to their unique mechanism for light interaction and the considerable number of applications that result from, or are enhanced by, these interactions. Extensive work has been reported on the synthesis, modeling, and utilization of various morphologies of plasmonic structures. As such, there is an increasing need to better define the optical properties of these materials to better understand and refine current theories in order to adapt to future applications. Herein the synthesis of Ag:SiO2:Ag core:spacer:shell (CSS) nanoparticles of varying geometries is reported. CSS synthesis utilizes an adaptation of the hydrogen reduction method and results in highly crystalline particles free of surface-modifying groups. This is advantageous as any molecule on the surface of the particle will influence the plasmonic properties. Extinction efficiencies of the composite CSS particles as well as the effect of varying shell and spacer thicknesses on the relative ratio of the scattering and absorptive plasmon relaxation modes are reported. Likewise, the relationship between CSS particle geometry and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) enhancement factor is explored

    Examination of morphological and habitat variation within Stenanthium gramineum (Eastern Featherbells, Melanthiaceae)

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    Stenanthium gramineum (Ker. Gawler) Morong (Melanthiaceae) has historically been an understudied species. This species is generally considered to consist of two varieties: var. gramineum, a habitat generalist, occurring on grassy balds, rock outcrops, and in dry and mesic woodlands, and var. robustum, a habitat specialist, occurring in mountain bogs and wet meadows. A third variety, var. micranthum is not formally recognized, but was described on the basis of its small stature and unique granitic dome habitat. However, many taxonomists do not recognize any of the varieties, suggesting that they are indistinct and sympatric. The purpose of this study was to determine if the three varieties of Stenanthium gramineum should be recognized as distinct entities, and at what taxonomic rank each should be recognized. I performed morphological and ecological analyses of the three varieties of S. gramineum, including taking macro and micro morphological measurements from the field and from herbarium specimens, as well as measuring ecological characters of the field sites I visited. I then ran univariate and multivariate statistical analyses on the data collected to aid in clarifying the taxonomy of S. gramineum varieties. Results suggest that var. robustum should be elevated to species level, based on morphological separation, while var. micranthum should be recognized as a taxon discrete from the typical var. gramineum. The findings in this study emphasize the need for conservation of all varieties, as anthropogenically caused changes threaten their habitats. This is especially critical in the case of var. robustum, a mountain bog specialist of the Appalachians

    The Utility of CNS Vital Signs as an Indicator of Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

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    Three to five percent of adults are believed to suffer from Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), though the validity of this prevalence is uncertain. One potential tool for identifying ADHD is neurocognitive testing. The Central Nervous System Vital Signs (CNSVS) is a brief battery of computerized neurocognitive tests with putative value assessing ADHD. Using a community-derived sample of adults (18 to 85 years), this study examines whether the CNSVS differentiates individuals with clinically elevated ADHD symptoms from those with elevated depression or anxiety, and others with non-elevated scores. Scores on the CNSVS were compared to self report measures of ADHD, depression, and anxiety. The CNSVS did not differentiate between ADHD, depression, anxiety, and control groups. An exploratory analysis showed a trend level difference between groups when restricting the age of participants to 40 years or younger, ? = .767, F (3, 256) = 1.295, p = .086; however, the ADHD-U group fared better than peers in comparison groups on two outcome variables. The findings are consistent with prior research suggesting that measures of neurocognitive deficits in ADHD groups inconsistently provide diagnostic certainty, and indicate that the CNSVS battery does not differentiate ADHD from other groups in an adult community sample

    Occupational therapy for people with psychotic conditions in community settings: a pilot randomized controlled trial

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    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the effectiveness of a long established intervention, occupational therapy for people with psychotic conditions, and to inform future research designs. DESIGN: A pilot randomized controlled trial. SETTING: Two community mental health teams in a UK city. PARTICIPANTS: Forty-four adults with schizophrenia or other psychotic conditions, and functional problems. INTERVENTIONS: Twelve months of individualized occupational therapy in community settings, as an adjunct to usual care and compared to treatment as usual. A two to one randomization ratio was used in favour of occupational therapy. OUTCOME MEASURES: Social Functioning Scale, Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms and employment. RESULTS: Both groups' scores on Social Functioning Scale and Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms showed significant improvement over 12 months. The Social Functioning Scale overall mean difference for occupational therapy was 2.33, P=0.020 and for treatment as usual was 6.17, P=0.023. The Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms total mean difference for occupational therapy was -16.25, P<0.001 and for treatment as usual was -17.36, P= 0.011. There were no differences between the two groups on any of the outcome measures. After 12 months the occupational therapy group showed clinically significant improvements that were not apparent in the control group. These were in four subscales of the Social Functioning Scale: relationships, independence performance, independence competence and recreation. Out of 30 people receiving occupational therapy those with a clinical level of negative symptoms reduced from 18 (64%) to 13 (46%), P=0.055. CONCLUSION: This pilot study suggested that individualized occupatio

    Privacy Mining from IoT-based Smart Homes

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    Recently, a wide range of smart devices are deployed in a variety of environments to improve the quality of human life. One of the important IoT-based applications is smart homes for healthcare, especially for elders. IoT-based smart homes enable elders' health to be properly monitored and taken care of. However, elders' privacy might be disclosed from smart homes due to non-fully protected network communication or other reasons. To demonstrate how serious this issue is, we introduce in this paper a Privacy Mining Approach (PMA) to mine privacy from smart homes by conducting a series of deductions and analyses on sensor datasets generated by smart homes. The experimental results demonstrate that PMA is able to deduce a global sensor topology for a smart home and disclose elders' privacy in terms of their house layouts.Comment: This paper, which has 11 pages and 7 figures, has been accepted BWCCA 2018 on 13th August 201

    The development of children’s autobiographical and deliberate memory through mother-child reminiscing

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    Children’s use of strategic techniques for remembering and the effectiveness of these deliberate strategies both improve across elementary school. However, developmental scientists are still in the early stages of exploring the course of development within individual children as well as the social processes that may influence this development. In a parallel literature, research on children’s autobiographical memory has documented variations in children’s memory skills as a function of parental elaborative style during shared conversations about the past, or mother-child reminiscing. This linkage suggests that perhaps something about this reminiscing context may also be important for the development of strategic memory skills. The current study allows for the examination of associations between children’s deliberate memory and autobiographical memory as well as how both types of memory may be scaffolded by mother-child reminiscing. Using data from the first cohort of an ongoing study about children’s memory, correlational analyses were conducted between kindergarten children’s autobiographical memory and their deliberate strategy use and recall. Hierarchical linear regression models were used to predict these child outcomes from parents’ observed elaborative reminiscing style. Results supported the connection between children’s deliberate strategy use and recall as well as the association between parents’ elaborative style and children’s autobiographical memory. Interestingly, parents’ elaborative style did not predict children’s spontaneous strategy use, but rather their use of an organizational strategy after explicit training, suggesting that parents’ style is related to children’s ability to take advantage of instruction in a specific memory strategy. These findings provide valuable insight into the socialization of cognition, but also raise important questions about the role of parental processes in specific aspects of children’s memory development

    Relationship of visually evoked responses to patterning of stimuli and nature of perceptual discrimination, as a function of degree of dark adaptation

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    The present study investigated the effects of stimulus- element size, dark-adaptation level, and the interaction of these variables on cortical evoked potentials and perceptual responses. Specifically, the study sought to define any systematic changes or relationships among these response measures as a function of the independent variables. Five subjects’ (Ss') cortical responses from three electrode placements, Oz, Oi, and O2, were recorded. By means of a haploscope, S could view with each eye separately a like display of a blank or checkerboard (checks subtending 20 or 60 min of arc) stimulus transparency. The right and left eye were presented the stimulus alternately by illumination of the display with back flashes. During the experimental session, the right, experimental eye (E eye) became dark adapted, while the left, control eye (C eye) was maintained at a constant level of adaptation. Evoked cortical responses and perceptual measures of absolute threshold and brightness-/or sharpness-match discriminations at prescribed regular intervals during each 15.0-minute session were obtained
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