6 research outputs found

    StackInTheFlow: StackOverflow Search Engine

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    Programmers increasing rely on an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), which offers capabilities for writing, debugging and testing code. Most developers, ranging from novices to pros, reference outside sources when developing, such as the popular Q&A site StackOverflow. In the 2016 StackOverflow Developer Survey it was observed that 78% of survey participants visited StackOverflow at least once a day, with 58% visiting multiple times a day. The purpose of the StackInTheFlow software development tool is to reduce the amount of time and interruption necessary to gather external information during development. This enables the developer to remain in-the-flow of solving software engineering problems. This tool not only provides standard information retrieval capabilities similar to popular search engines such as Google, but also a feature to auto-generate queries based on the developer’s current work context, extracted from within the IDE. The auto-query feature functions by first extracting features from the IDE, including snippets of source code such as import statements and the current cursor line, as well as, if available, compilation error messages. From these features candidate query terms are extracted. These candidate terms are then compared against a dictionary constructed from a dump of all StackOverflow articles. From this dictionary, various retrieval statistics for pre-retrieval query quality are computed for each term. The highest ranking terms are then chosen to form a query which is sent to the StackOverflow API and the relevant questions are returned and displayed to the developer.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/capstone/1172/thumbnail.jp

    Applying Hierarchical Tag-Topic Models to Stack Overflow

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    Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for programming questions. It has become one of the most widely used resources for programmers, with many programmers accessing the site multiple times per day. A threat to the continued success of Stack Overflow is the ability to efficiently search the site. Existing research suggests that the inability to find certain questions results inunanswered questions, long delays in answering questions, or questions which are unable to be found by future visitors to the site. Further research suggests that questions with poor tag quality are particularly vulnerable to these issues.In this thesis, two approaches are considered for improving tag quality and search efficiency: automatic tag recommendations for question authors, and organizing the existing set of tags in a hierarchy from general to specific for Stack Overflow readers. A hierarchical organization is proposed for it\u27s ability to assist exploratory searches of the site.L2H, a hierarchical tag topic model, is a particularly interesting solution to these approaches because it can address both approaches with the same model. L2H is evaluated in detail on several proposed evaluation criteria to gauge it\u27s fitness for addressing these search challenges on Stack Overflow

    Sash Control

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    Patent for a window sash control system. This mechanism allows the user to open a hard to reach window, such as one at the top of a stairwell, remotely via a series of ropes and pulleys

    A MIMO Radar Benchmarking Environment

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    Abstract-With the growing amount of research being devoted to the concept of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar, there has been a lack of a common simulation and benchmarking environment for determining the viability and cost-effectiveness of MIMO radar architectures and algorithms. To this end, GTRI has developed a MIMO Benchmark environment to serve this purpose, which is to be made publically available to researchers in order to compare the performance of MIMO techniques with those of more conventional phased array radar systems. This paper describes the problem that the MIMO Benchmark is intended to be used to assist in solving, in the form of a new challenge problem for the MIMO community, as well as providing a summary of the architecture of the MIMO Benchmark infrastructure